American people are such a joke...

True story…

Walked upon a group (about 5 or 6 of them) of 30-50 yr old guys while going to the store. Overheard them talking about how “armegedon” is coming and how people are going to be starving in the streets. How people will be shooting other people for a simple bag of pretzels. They all agreed its coming SOON, and theres NOTHING as an individual that you can do about it because everybodys going to be unemployed/starving/on the street. The REVOLUTION is coming!!!

I walk up and join the conversation and say

“If you all really feel this way. I got some good advice. Hears an idea. Go home, sell every couch, extra vehicle, and un-needed item you have. SELL EVERYTHING, and… walk into this store behind you right now, and buy LOTS of cans of food and water. If you ALL REALLY feel this way, then DO IT. Be smart and position for the future hell that is coming!”

The response?

One of them says “Your going to be starving in the streets too! You better plan on getting RICH FAST because if your not, the average American person is going to be like a 3rd world country!” (He never too my advice by the way)

“Naw, I… uhh… uhhh… well… I dont want to talk about this. I dont want to fight. Conversations over.” And they all walk away.

Typical American Sheeple. They talk the talk, but when they learn of something they can actually do to help themselves, and take matters into their own hands, they dont want to step up. Typical. What a joke. Seriously… what a JOKE!

"If you all really feel this way. I got some good advice. Hears an idea. Go home, sell every couch, extra vehicle, and un-needed item you have. SELL EVERYTHING, and.... walk into this store behind you right now, and buy LOTS of cans of food and water. If you ALL REALLY feel this way, then DO IT. Be smart and position for the future hell that is coming!"

To prepare for the coming collapse, it isn’t necessary to sell everything (or even anything). Simply buy a few extra cans of food everytime you go to the store. Store the food in a cool place, preferably a basement. Cost to do this? NOTHING! It doesn’t cost anything, because you will be eating the food, whether the economy collapses or not. If the economy collapses as I’m predicting, the food will allow you to survive while others die. If the economy doesn’t collapse, then you won’t have to go to the grocery as often and you’ll have bought food while it was at a lower price today. It’s a win/win!

Cant do that Mike, thatll require preparation for something that is unpreparable!


Also, let there be no mistake, Im not grouping all Americans in the same category. Americans like Mike, who believe this is coming, but actually live by their word with actions, are not in the same category as these idiots.

America is full of these idiots. Big time rant, I know… but still.


Yes, I believe that it is going to be that bad. It got that bad in less than 3 days during Katrina! That’s why you need to also stock up on guns and ammo.


No, it’s not pointless to prepare, but you must also be prepared to defend what you have. When people are starving, they become desperate and will do ANYTHING to get food, including killing those that have food. The history channel had a very accurate portrayal of what would happen after a national catastrophe in a program called “After Armageddon”. Although the documentary is about the likely aftermath of a serious global pandemic, the scenario would apply to any disaster - including a serious economic collapse.

Seriously, THIS is what im hearing. However, you WILL NOT SEE any preperation or anything from these people.

People that understand what is likely to occur and yet fail to prepare will reap exactly what they have sown. The government is continuing to run radio commercials advising people to prepare - I heard one just the other day. I wonder why they would do that?

Well maybe it isn’t always a bad thing that the majority of Americans are stupid. Think of the opportunities to make money. If most were financially literate, it would be much harder. Not to steal rookie’s words, but I’ll never forget them. I’m a capitalist first. I have lots of Guns and ammo, but…well I’ll admit, I’m a southern boy who loves guns and shootin, and they are a “half-a#ss” investment to me. We have a stocked pantry, but I think there is more beer than canned food right now… Maybe I’ll be able to barter that for food? No, i’ll keep that on second thought. I have a bunch of silver eagles too. Not really because I think the world is going to end, but I think silver is WAY out of wack with gold right now. I like tangible investments anyways.

Sorry for the rambilin, I’ve had too many yuenglings, but focus on making money Hoosier, don’t worry about the idiots in this country, they are an asset to you!

I must be getting prepared. We just put 9 new fruit trees into the ground and I’m about to climb into my car to go and buy some more, plus some more deer proof fencing.

What I had in mind, though, was more like: food is getting so expensive. Fruit is getting outrageously expensive and the store bought fruit is often poor quality for that high price. I can certainly grow better fruit than I can buy.

I guess if the road warriors come to steal my food, I can always stand inside the orchard fence and throw rotten apples at them.

You seem to have a broader, more balanced view of the world than some of your fellow citizens.

What the heck is going on in OHIO? Aren’t you and propertymanager both from there? Who is feeding that population stories about the coming Armageddon?


Who is feeding that population stories about the coming Armageddon?

It’s not Armageddon FO - that is reserved for the bible end times. What IS coming is the mother of all financial collapses. What do you think is going to be the end of The chosen One’s trillions of dollars of new entitlement spending when combined with the previous several decades of over-spending? If you’re expecting a socialist paradise - you’re sadly mistaken! All it takes is a little common sense to understand that unprecedented problems are lurking in the near future.

What he said. And remember nobody was going around with gold. The only currency that worked was guns and ammo.

From someone who lived in MS through Katrina,the people you had to protect yourself from were the same who always get entitlements.Their minds are warped by the govt being the parent from cradle to grave.Anyone remember the idiots in New Orleans walking through water with stolen TV’s on their head,shooting at help helicopters.Yeah,come live in the deep south FURNISHED to see how well those entitlement programs are making really productive people. :rolleyes :rolleyes

ANd you wanna double down on these???The only "difference it will make is higher taxes/more unemployment for us.Oh and instead of caddilac escalades on the lawn of govt housing,it will be Bentleys. :shocked

Yeah,come live in the deep south FURNISHED to see how well those entitlement programs are making really productive people.

You don’t have to go to the deep south to see how the entitlement programs are working. Just come to my little corner of Ohio and look for the young black men. Hint: they’re hard to find unless you drive out to the local PRISON!!! The wacko lefties have destroyed an ENTIRE GENERATION of black america with their entitlements! It’s northing more than modern day slavery (without the work of course).

Okay, propertymanager, how SPECIFICALLY would you fix the problem of our growing underclass of young black men?


I’m appointing you President just now. Let’s hear it.


The problem with young Black males is not young Black males. The problem is that the welfare system has made fathers optional. 72% of Black people are born out of wedlock. That means that the women are rejecting the men as suitable husbands and opting to raise their kids as single mothers. Although there is this great praise for single mothers and they are revered like saints, they actually destroying the Black race by creating a matriarchic society. As Dr. Jawanza Kunjufu says Black mothers love their sons but raise their daughters. These single mothers teach their daughters how to deal with life as a woman but don’t teach their sons the things that will allow them to grow up as desirable husbands. A boy needs a properly raised man to raise him properly. Because he was not raised properly he can’t present himself as an adequate husband so he is only able to be a sperm donor and his kids are again raised by a single mother.

The Bible says wives must submit to their husbands as unto the lord. Now if you have a race that produces men that no woman with any cense at all would submit to then they become unmarriageable. That creates the Black males we see today.

What we need to do to fix the young Black male problem is end the welfare system requiring everyone to become productive which will increase the number of marriageable men. Turning the Black family back into a Patriarchal family and restoring Black men to useful members of their families. This would save the Black family. The Black family will save the Black male.

Okay, propertymanager, how SPECIFICALLY would you fix the problem of our growing underclass of young black men?

Well, it’s ironic that you don’t know how to fix the problem FO, since YOU and other socialists like you CAUSED IT!

Fortunately, I know EXACTLY how to fix the disaster that is the black family as well as fix our country at the same time. Unfortunately, I’m afraid being elected President wouldn’t allow me to fix things because we have a bunch of morons in Congress. However, if you made me dictator for a year, I could solve all our problems. Here’s what I would do:

  1. Take an axe to government spending. I would start by ELIMINATING the department of education, EPA, OSHA, DEA, BATFE, HUD, Commerce, Labor Department, and eliminate all money going to the arts. I’m sure that I would eliminate a LOT more departments and agencies - I’d just have to think longer than 10 seconds to decide which ones.

  2. I would phase out all entitlements (except social security and benefits to the SEVERLY DISABLED) over a 1 year period and I would eliminate social security for anyone that is under 50 today. At the end of the 1 year period, benefits would stop and anyone not working would be free to starve. This step is all that’s needed to fix the problem with the african american community and the poor white trash community (which is an even larger problem). People will work if their lives depend on it. What’s more, once they start working, they would get some self-respect back and start acting like productive citizens.

  3. I would immediately eliminate the minimum wage.

  4. I would bring all troops home from overseas and warn all countries that an attack on the USA will result in their immediate destruction with NUCLEAR WEAPONS.

  5. I would immediately and DRASTICALLY cut the amount we spend on prisoners. Minimal food, no recreation, no tv’s, no parole, no healthcare, etc. I would make prison the last place in the world a person wants to go.

  6. I would deport all the socialists and all contingency lawyers.

  7. I would declare war on drug dealers and MEAN IT!

  8. I would give Ahmanutjob in IRAN 10 days to stop his nuclear program and allow inspectors in. At the end of the 10 days, if he hadn’t complied, I’d send Iran back to the stone age.

  9. I would encourage the unlimited exploitation of our own natural resources including drilling for oil wherever it exists, exploiting our natural gas, exploiting nuclear power IN A BIG WAY, exploiting our COAL, etc.

I think that would be enough for my first morning in office. After that, I’d have lunch.

OOPS! I forgot something. After lunch, I would eliminate the Federal Reserve and put the big bankers, key members of the FED, Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, and members of the Congressional Black Caucus on trial for crimes against humanity for their contribution to the destruction of our economy and society. After a fair trial, they would all be tarred and feathered later the same afternoon.

Damn Mike, you forget the elimination of the IRS…

Damn Mike, you forget the elimination of the IRS...

You’re right! I would shut down the IRS and flog all the IRS agents on day 2!

Mike I agree with you on everything except #7. Ide END the drug war and legalize it all. (I understand your disagreement tho)

But aside from that, your 100% dead right. Thats the kind of change we need.

Again, what would you do to help with the problem of the young unemployed Black men?


Again, what would you do to help with the problem of the young unemployed Black men?

Again, here’s the answer! Unlike the Socialist in Chief, I have answers that would actually work!

  1. I would phase out all entitlements (except social security and benefits to the SEVERLY DISABLED) over a 1 year period and I would eliminate social security for anyone that is under 50 today. At the end of the 1 year period, benefits would stop and anyone not working would be free to starve. This step is all that’s needed to fix the problem with the african american community and the poor white trash community (which is an even larger problem). People will work if their lives depend on it. What’s more, once they start working, they would get some self-respect back and start acting like productive citizens.

Exactly right Prop.Young black men have been replaced as fathers and providers by big govt.This mentality revokes any responsiblity they should have(as the rest of us have to).It’s a sad indoctrination that democrats are trying to extend to the middle class with this healthcare bill.

That’s the real design behind the four year pre tax.Has anyone checked the legallity of being pre taxed for something that is unavailable for another four years???ANother one of my racist,teabagger,right winged extremist,redneck questions.Another one that probably won’t get answered,again!!

Come on November,please come on so we can actually ask questions and possibly get answers without being ignored by idiots with no answers.