I live here on the coast and this is greatly effecting almost everything here.We are used to a catastrophe living in a hurricane area,but this is totallly different,it’s like five hurricanes with no end in sight.
It’s very hard to see the piss poor response from BP and the Federal govt.Our governor is soooo ticked at the total incompetence with BP and Obama administration.I personally don’t beleive anything either one is saying.From day one BP has lied about how much oil is gushing.And since the govt has let BP run the show,dumping a million gallons of the dispursment after telling them it was too toxic to use.You and I go to jail for not following an EPA order,yet BP still running the whole deal even down to not allowing private scientist or reporters in the zone.
Bush caught hell for being four days late to get to New Orleans(which is NOT where the storm hit).ANd nobody seems to bring up the fact that the idiot Governor and Mayor dropped the ball on their part.I just can’t beleive that these companies have the tech to drill and plumb the ocean floor,but have no solution for this??Do they not deal with a gusher of some sort when they drill or plumb it?
People are sooo terrified of the uncertain future of this here.A good leader would exhaust all avenues including the help from other oil companies instead of using it as a sell for cap and tax.I have a friend in south Lousiana that said everything just comes to a standstill when Obama comes down for yet another photo opt.
I’m afraid that this is one of those “opportunities you don’t want to waste” to this administration.Meanwhile the wildlife,sealife,and economy is dying.And some people(without naming any names)still are proud of this president and say he’s doing a great job??It’s a good thing you don’t live here is all I can say.Come visit,look me up and I can dunk your head in the oil infested water and ask if your mind has changed any.
It is a horrific, life-altering event.
But you can’t blame the President for it. Or for not stopping it.
BP did try to harness an oil volcano, and apparently without adequate safeguards. That dragon bit them.
I do know that scientists here from Los Alamos National Laboratory were dispatched for their special knowledge. They do a lot of high-level work with explosives here.
I heard that that well is spewing at 3,000 POUNDS PRESSURE PER SQUARE INCH! Imagine that. That is a force like that of explosives.
The oil companies and safety regulators are going to have to re-think all the safeguards. But right now no one, least of all the government, is sitting on their hands. The best scientists and engineers from many different disciplines are trying to figure out how to stop it and how to mitigate the damage. Just because we’re not hearing about it doesn’t mean that it’s not being frantically studied.
Our unquenching thirst for oil, and probably BP’s hubris, got us into this one.
There is a saying that “All Safety Regulations Are Written In Blood.”
This catastrophe is reminding me a lot of the volcanic devastation, loss of human, animal and plant life from when Mount St. Helens blew. But the economic effect appears to be much deeper. I am sorry for your loss, sellnbama. It is our loss, too.
Let’s get real here! President Osama, Al (I invented the internet) Gore, FO, and all the other environmentalist lefties are DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS SPILL! Were it not for their insanity, BP would be drilling in 300 feet of water, where a spill like this could be fixed relatively easily with divers. Instead, a few certifiable wackos have been able to dictate policy to the masses and have done EVERYTHING POSSIBLE to prevent common sense in our energy policy. There is NOTHING these wackos will accept for energy! NOTHING! Nuclear? Too dangerous (even though the socialists in France get most of their power from nuclear). Solar - no transmission lines through the desert (they might disturb some sand spider). Wind power? Not in Teddy’s sailing area! Coal - too dirty. Shale - not on your life!
In fact, the only thing the environmental wackos CAN agree on is that the public should be living in the stone age to “save the planet” while they are jetting around in Boeing Business Jets and living in a $9 Million Mansion - producing more pollutants than any 100 ordinary citizens combined. The only thing he got right in buying the house is the 9 bathrooms - when you’re as full of crap as that moron, you need at least 9 commodes!!!
Basically I agree with Mike on this one. But, this is NOT Obamas fault, but it is the whole entire left enviiorementalist groups fault (which Obama is a part of.)
If we were allowed to drill closer (boo hoo, we can see little dotts out there that are oil rigs), we wouldnt have to drill so far out that something like this would happen.
But anyway, this whole situation is very sad. I love the Gulf, we go there for vacation all the time. I was(am) considering moving to FL, but man… who knows what this could lead too.
Very sad and bad situation.
sellnbama and Mike,
I totally agree with both of you on this one…If it were Bush in office this would be %100 HIS fault and every liberal would be calling for his resignation…But its BO in office and its not his fault and he is doing all he can blah blah blah…total BS…This is like 4x larger than Valdez spill,possibly 5x larger…Do you liberals understand that?..Devastation…Makes Katrina look like a weekend getaway…
I think it is an amazing coincidence that an explosion caused this tragedy and it (very oddly) happened immediately after Obama announcement that off shore drilling was going to be expanded.
I am seriously suspicious that an environmental terrorist group caused the explosion, intending to prove that off shore drilling is unsafe. They have a long history of proving that they care nothing for human life and that they don’t think things through or consider consequences.
How many explosions like this one have ever happen? Especially right on the heels of an announcement that drilling will be expanded?
It’s a terrible tragedy for the Gulf.
BP is hemorrhaging money, so I am sure they are working as fast as they can to find a remedy. At this point, BP is paying for it all, and they certainly have more experience dealing with oil wells than the US military. It makes no sense for the US government to take over.
But who approved that bad pipeline design without any shut off valves? I’m not an engineer and even I know not to put in a pipe that can’t be turned off at the street.
I can’t see anyway to make Obama responsible for this one. I’m repelled by all his political speech making, taking advantage of it to promote himself. Ditto for Jindle (sp?), whom I’ve never cared much for. It would be nice if they actually did something instead of playing politics with it. Finger pointing does not provide any solutions.
I don’t blame Obama for the gusher.I do blame his lack of experience and leadership skills for the aftermath.
And his stupid solutions of committees,meetings,photo opts,who cause it,etc.Everything but actually
calling on some other oil companies or salvage companies,etc,but that may just mean big govt can’t take any credit and blame evil private companies.Obviously BP cannot stop it and enough with letting
them keep going with this experiment.
I also find the timing of this explosion and sinking of a “unsinkable rig” very interesting.Let’s not forget
the track record of some of these “activists”.Was’nt Bill Ayers an “activist”?Just saying,something stinks.
Oh and I’ll stick to our state governor’s opinion who have expressed their frustration with the federal
govt’s handling of this mess ;rather than whatever the national media is hiding.Incompetent company
telling an incompetent administration how it is=a screwed gulf and a screwed economy for us ALL.
I seriously wonder how much money BP is actually losing. Somehow they have contributed 20 million dollars to Obama’s campaigns, and he bad-mouths them…there has to be something in store for them.
Why are farmers paid not to grow crops?
Poll: BP Oil Spill Response Rated Worse than Katrina
What a coincidence I just mentioned it in comparison…People are outraged over this and for good reason…Obama needs to step down
The very second a company suggested (and done)shooting garbage into a gushing pipe,it should’ve been a sign.Imagine one of your houses has a leaking pipe and the plumber says “shove a paper towel in it”.Don’t you send him away and get another plumber??
But that’s just us making a good business decision(or common sense).Neither of which this administration has.Sad, experimental ride we’re on.
I know it sounds overly simplistic, but I was talking to a buddy of mine and I said they should drop a long pipe ( keep welding the sections as you descend) down to the leaking pipe… Then have a few tankers waiting with gigantic engines to create a suction system (much like a sump pump). They can suck up the oil/water mix to fill the tankers. When the tankers get filled, fill up more. Keep doing that until the relief well prove effective or another solution shuts it down… It seems better than to just let the oil flow out…
That may work,well worth a try anyway.I thought of fastening a hose at the floor to it but make it only
a couple hundred feet long,with an open end(never trapping the pressure.Then continue that in links
all the way to the suface or to a manageable depth that can be easily connected to tankers.
Our suggestions or anyones are’nt welcomed with BP(nor or any
interviews,explanations,discriptions ,etc),since when does a company have this position??The EPA
told them weeks ago to stop using the dispursement,that it was too toxic(outlawed overseas).
But to hide how gigantic the gusher is,BP continues to this day using it.Who knows the effects of Millions of gallons of this stuff,they found it to be very harmful after a few thousand gallons overseas.If you or I tell the EPA to piss off and keep doing what they tell you not to,are’nt we shut down?
Lack of leadership is VERY obvious,and the WORLD is watching.SO God help us all if a real attack takes place.
Here’s an article that says that the ‘spill’/ ‘gusher’/‘leak’ reveals Oblama’s lack of executive experience:
Wait! What?!?
I thought Oblama’s lack of executive experience revealed Oblama’s lack of executive experience.
I heard that ACORN was organizing the clean up…
I hope that’s a joke.But who really knows with this insane administration,anything is possible.Whatta nightmare.
There are people right now working on variants of your scheme–the big pipe that goes down to the gusher and then sucking the stuff into tankers.
So it’s not a stupid idea at all. Maybe a low-tech mechanical solution will work.
BP should be forced into bankruptcy if their lack of safeguards caused the death and devastation. It’s no different than shutting down a coal mine that has ignored the safety rules.
This industrial accident may just go on and on until that tremendous pressure is relieved. It may be unstoppable.
Some companies have an incredible drive for profits at any cost. The worst example was the massacre at Bhopal. I still don’t think any CEO’s went to jail for those thousands of deaths. They should have been pilloried in International Courts.
FO, since YOU and your environmental wacko friends are directly responsible for this spill, I think that YOU should be pilloried in International Courts. If you can’t remember WHY you were responsible for the spill, please refer to my earlier post.
I hold the govt and it’s piss poor oversite just as responsible.Saying that BP’s greed is the cause is the same as the govt taking numerous kickbacks and fine$$ from big oil to “overlook” what caused this mess.
And just as the housing crisis where big govt stepped in to tell the banks to lower standards for lending,they obviously can’t clean up the mess they created here either.
There was a ridiculous amount of violations from BP as compared to the other oil companies.And yet big govt took their fine $$ money and looked the other way.If I get a speeding ticket everyday,they revoke my license.AT what point does the $$ overtake people’s lives?I think we are seeing the answer.Our nice "only looking out for you"govt is just as dirty on this one.
So I for one am not taking part of the bashing of BP only,it’s just as much the govt’s fault.ANd the absolutly ridiculous response is ALL the govt’s fault.We had 13 nations offering help and our big union president refused it.A GOOD leader would’ve thrown everything he could at this catastrophe.
Imagine just for one second if this had been George Bush,and then we found out he was the #1 recipient of $$ from the very company that caused this.I thinkk it’s time to pin the tail on the donkey,it does’nt take SHerlock to figure this one out.
I say BP sux for putting $$ over people’s lives,and this administration sux for being in bed with them.With the resources we had available it boggles the mind to see people laying over the side of a boat wiping oil off of marsh grass with paper towels.REALLY,is this our best???
And I remind you before you give a ridiculous excuse for this absolutly incompetent administration/BP,I live here.I’m not taking notes from the news on this subject.I see it first hand,and it’s really sickening,REALLY!
I see that so many people are terrified about this situation especially the business that have taking the hit from this situation. They better learn how to adapt to this and take it as a positive thing instead of crying constantly over it. They might need to learn how to invest in real estate. :biggrin
It is not the strongest that survive, but the ones that can quickly adapt to change.