You Know you have a problem when……
I was planting some zucchini squash seeds the other morning. When they sprouted up some were really vigorous with deep green colors, and some were not doing as well.
Soon the snails were sucking the life out of them, a few were accidentally destroyed by me trying to pull and chop weeds near them.
Then I remembered the previous year with the bugs and grasshoppers and having to spray and use fertilizer. Also I need to remember how the dog and kids trampled a few.
Then I remembered how last year it was just a percentage of the plants that were the heavy producers.
After a good amount of planning and work we had squash coming out of our ears, we started giving them to the neighbors.
Now what does this have to do with Real Estate you ask, well, in my twisted and maybe warped mindset I somehow correlate everything in my life with my new profession.
In Real Estate You have to do a lot of planning and work, planting seeds is like getting leads, you need a lot of leads to do a few deals, some deals are much better than others, some deals the snails and birds and insects get them. After some trial and error you learn how to grow these veggies, I mean do deals.
When You harvest a few deals everybody benefits, the friends and family, local retailers all get a piece of the pie.
Anyway, you know you have a problem when everything you do you somehow relate it to doing Real Estate.
Now I’m wondering if I’m becoming a Real Estate addict.
Like they say, “Cheer up things could be worse…I cheered up and sure enought they got worse.”
That’s an excellent tale! Reminds me of seeing metaphors for real estate investing in everything… sports, business, novels… there is no end to it all!
Happy investing folks!
inspiring metaphor!
What your stock broker doesn’t want you to see.
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