I’m looking for pro’s and con’s here…
what would be the advantage of dealing only in rentals and being strictly a landlord v/s being a person who obtaines properties (regardless of means) and lease/options them out?
Lets say I deal only in rental properties and I acquire 1 house a month, 12 a year. at the end of year 1 I’m clearing an average of 200/month rent on each property. So going into the 13 month assuming no vacancies, I’m getting $2400/month in cash flow. thats about 28k per year on gross…then comes, the vacancies, evictions, damages, repairs, utilities etc…The concencus on here seems to be that about 50% of your gross will get eat up one way or another. That being said, If I gross 28k then I’ll net 14k +/- and the end of year 2 assuming I dont aquire any new properties in year 2…
Now lets say I acquire the same 12 properties, and lease/option them out. Lets assume I get on average about 3k option fees per property and the same 200/month gross cash flow. So Now going into year 2 13 months out I’ve got the same $2400/month gross cash flow + $36,000.00 in option fees over the previous 12 months + when I sell these 12 properties as the options come due over the ensuing 12-24 months I gross lets say 5k-25k per property depending of course on appreciation, how much equity I had at purchase etc… and then of course, surely you’ll have some of the same problems w/ vacancies and problem tennants, but it would stand to reason that you can limit that due to the fact that you’re charging an option fee + 1st months rent to get in. The avg. bum renter isnt going to post up that kind of cash. Next, you have the equitable interest issue, but thats not a given, depending on how you structure the leases and options and wheather or not you use a land trust or not…etc…Then you could also reduce your liability by putting in the lease that TB is responsible for all maintenance. This would be easier for them to accept b/c they are moving in under the pretence that their going to buy the home v/s knowing that in 12 months their out of their. They’ll have a homeowners mentality more so then the renters mindset.
AS I see it, I couldnt see the advantage of only dealing in rental properties as opposed to lease/option them out.
what am I missing here?