Don’t go asking questions of the great dictator(or you’re a racist :rolleyes).Plus none of the supporters ever give you an answer(surprise,surprise).I’ve asked why does it have to tax us for four years before any benifits are available for those taxes?Or why does’nt the benifits start right away if it’s the real fix.I can go on for days like this.The point is is a communist takeover,if not why is Oblahma still trying to pitch it to america after it’s passed??
Fact is they are trying to hynotize america with racial tension before the November election,and it’s a beatin,dead,worn out horse that won’t work.But I’m glad the idiots are using it as usual,when you can’t win the arguement==play the race card.THE CARD HAS EXPIRED DUMBOCRATS,REALLY EXPIRED.
If we’re talking about racists, which group voted 96% in favor of Obama? Blacks. CLEARLY RACIST? In my opinion, this IS modern day slavery. Much of Black America is still enslaved - to the socialist machine that hooked them on and controls their entitlements. The very same socialist machine that has destroyed their families; hooked their kids on drugs; and put their young men in prison. Why isn’t anyone marching to free the people enslaved by the socialists? This slavery isn’t limited to Black America. The socialists have also been successful in enslaving an entire portion of White Americans with entitlements also.
Which President accused a police department on TV of being “STUPID” because a black friend of his was arrested, without knowing the facts? None other than The Socialist in Chief! Racist? YOU BET!
As I’ve said many times before, REAL RACISM in America is all but gone. The only ones trying to keep it alive are the SOCIALISTS! There’s money and power in creating “equality” where it already exists. Ironically, Black America is not equal. They have the highest percentage of broken homes. They have the highest percentage of men in prison. They have higher unemployment than white Americans. Yep, it’s racism alright - at the hands of the socialists (FOR DECADES).
Why is there anger? Who knows. Nobody knows what is in the bill. I know it includes all sorts of college benefits. What does that have to do with health care?
It includes all sorts of special perks for a few states to pay for the vote in favor. It includes all sorts of new taxes that are as of yet unidentified.
It does not include any way to control health care costs. It does make it the law that I have to puirchase aproduct from a private company without putting any controls on how much they can charge me.
Without knowing what is in 2400 pages of bill, it looks to me an awful lot like a very badly designed bill. But hey, maybe when I see what the dems wouldn’t permit anyone to see in their 2400 pages maybe I will like all of it. Of course, I am a bit worried that the reason they wouldn’t let anybody read the bill (including the people who voted for it) was that they knew it would draw protest.
It’s law now. I’m already hearing a few people explain how they have seen loopholes so they can work around it.
I worked my way through college and since college have averaged about 70 hr weeks building and working in my businesses. As a result, I have done fairly well. and can afford health care for my family.
A friend of mine who grew up in the same community and had the same background as me, even went to the same college, had a different approach. He wanted to party at college. Smoke weed, have a good time. He loves fishing and rock climbing. For years he worked only as much as he needed to in order to pay for a fun lifestyle. ( I like fishing and climbing, too, but have rarely done them since college). He is now married and has a kid, and has a very liberal veiwpoint on life. Of course health care for his family has been a struggle for him, but not enough of one yet to change his lifestyle much.
I pay quite a bit of taxes anymore as my business has grown, he basically doesn’t pay taxes. He loves the idea of FREE healthcare, I have anger over it. I AM PAYING MY MONEY THAT I MADE THROUGH HARD WORK AND MAKING SACRIFICES THAT HE DIDN"T WANT TO MAKE IN ORDER FOR HIM TO HAVE THE THINGS THAT I HAVE. That ticks me off. Why doesn’t he just take it from me at gunpoint. Then I could at least defend myself.
Another point that angers me is just the amount of spending that is happening period. Someone has to start saying NO.
Do you even know how much a Trillion dollars is. This can help you visualize.
If you stack 100 dollar bills to make a million dollars, It will reach about 3 ft. ( I haven’t measured it, just was told this in an example. )
If that is true, then do the math for a billion.
3 ft X 1000 = 3000 ft or over 1/2 a mile.
A trillion then is 1/2 a mile X 1000, or 500 miles.
12 trillion ( the national debt, not even counting social security ) is 6000 miles long of 100s stacked. ( not laying end to end, but stacked ) I believe that means it would run coast to coast and back. Think about that next time you drive somewhere.
We have to pay that money back sometime, and pretty soon we are not even going to be able to afford the interest. As investors, we should understand the dangers of a debt overhang like this., Many of you get cheap houses because people have lived their personal lives like this. I fear that is where we are heading as a nation. And it will be my kids that have to pay dearly for our problems.
And the healthcare bill isn’t even a drop in the bucket of the new taxes that are headed your way. There’s a new Medicare tax on unearned income. The Bush Tax Cuts are getting ready to expire. Cap and tax is on the way. Someone’s going to be paying for all the new illegal (newly legal) aliens that will be coming to our country. A new VAT tax is very likely. And on and on and on!!!
The good news is that your kids are NOT going to be paying for these problems - the country is going to collapse LONG before that!
Here’s the video of Howard Dean admitting that the healthcare bill is a socialist redistribution of wealth!!!
Levy taxes for what purpose? Anything, or just for things that the Constitution spells out? I would argue just because #16 says they can levy taxes, thats only for Constitutional items, not unlimited powers.
Also, you might want to add that was an ammendment that goes against the original idea of the Constitution, limited Government with limited powers.
If politicians made a Amendment tommorow that said “Government has the power to seize all property if they see fit.” Would that be fine? I would argue even though there is a Amendment, its still “Unconstitutional” because it goes against what the Founders set up. The #16 Amendment is something a oppresive Government would like to have.
Im a firm believer the Constitution should ONLY be Ammended to extend rights(allow women to vote), not to take away rights(More power to tax). Which, in the Federalist Papers, in what the Founders intended.
Taxes to fund the government. Remember the only law of the land is not the constitution, it is laws passed by congress and even agency mandates. All that is legal. Because it costs what it costs to do what the government is doing you have to have taxes to pay for it. If you want lower taxes then the government needs to do fewer things. The constraint needs to be on government doing things that we should do for ourselves. The problem is that congress will pass laws that create things for the government to do that cost more and more. That is what they do in order to get elected…they have to bring home the bacon.
Taxes to fund the Government, yes, but we should only be funding items that our Constitution grants the Government to be actually allowed to do. Good to see you agree with me that they should be limited in things that we should be doing ourselfes, unfortunetly, that doesnt happen (as you said.) :banghead
The scary thing about all this is that when/if this country goes down, its taking ALL the other countries with it. The economy is entirely GLOBAL now and many developed countries are in the same situation we’re in.
Actually he’s not really that much of a bum. He is pretty mainstream. There are a lot of guys like him, and we are making it easier for them to not have incentive to be productive. This is bad for them! If he had some fear that he wouldn’t just get taken care of, he would eventually grow up. That would be great for him.
[[[[…If he had some fear that he wouldn’t just get taken care of, he would eventually grow up…]]]]
Uncle Sam has taken the place of Daddy in too many American households. Uncle Daddy is raising a bunch of whiny spoiled brats by indulging them too much and not teaching them how to take responsibility.
So what some of you folks are saying is that if we stop all benefits and entitlements people will be forced to do an honest days work and get a regular job or start a business to feed their families?
That’s a very unrealistic expectation. Other countries have done that, allowed their non-working citizens to suffer…they’re called third world countries. The door would be wide open for organized crime to flourish, there would be a LOT more poor people, dirt poor, like third world countries. Taking away benefits doesn’t automatically translate to making things better, the entitlements goes back into the commerce system anyway.
Even Mike collects section 8 checks right? So hate the entitlements and benefits all you want, but its one of the things that separate us from the extremes of the third world. Being real estate investors, what rents would we collect without food stamps, wic(sp), and others helping folks who can barely pay the rent off their walmart salary?
You should be careful what you wish for, you might NOT like it, even though now you swear you will.
So what some of you folks are saying is that if we stop all benefits and entitlements people will be forced to do an honest days work and get a regular job or start a business to feed their families?
Yes (or starve)
That's a very unrealistic expectation. Other countries have done that, allowed their non-working citizens to suffer....they're called third world countries. The door would be wide open for organized crime to flourish, there would be a LOT more poor people, dirt poor, like third world countries.
Anyone that chooses crime instead of work should be THROWN IN JAIL, without any amenities. As for people who are too lazy to work being “dirt poor” - YES, THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT I WANT. Lazy people SHOULD be dirt poor. If you’re too lazy to work, you should have NOTHING! It is NOT my responsibility to subsidize people who are too lazy to work.
Being real estate investors, what rents would we collect without food stamps, wic(sp), and others helping folks who can barely pay the rent off their walmart salary?
If you’re in the rental business, then you should know better than that!!! If we cut off the entitlements, maybe the tenants would spend their Walmart salary on the rent instead of their big screen tv’s, cell phones, cable tv, and high speed internet connections. And maybe, just maybe, they wouldn’t have that 5th illegitimate child if we weren’t incentivizing them to do so.