Why the anger over the health care bill?

All these entitled people rush back into the workforce. Black folks rushing out the ghettos, white folk rushing out of the trailer parks, and mexican laborers doing the same. Where are all the jobs to absorb them?

You might say “work hard and make it happen”. There are only so many jobs open, many people are just horrible entrepreneurs(sp). What do they do then?

That’s why I said that you would have to phase out the entitlements over a year. As people re-entered the workforce and started actually making money, the GDP of the country would explode as people actually had REAL MONEY to spend.

Since there is no no minimum wage, you have millions working for anything their potential employer wants to pay. They're a dime a dozen so no job security. Ridiculous working hours at the mercy of the boss, just to keep a job.

You clearly don’t understand how the market works. People would COMPETE for jobs and businesses would COMPETE for employees. Wages would be set by the market (as it should always have been). The US would be able to compete with other countries again. Some people would be too lazy to work and would die or end up in one of my discount prisons.

The USA could actually become a great country again, instead of a debt-ridden declining society that is on the verge of collapse!

As Jesus said in Mark 14 paraphrased there will always be poor people. “The poor will always be with you”

So the solution is as it says in Leviticus 23 when the Bible says don’t glean the field. We have to leave some for the poor and strangers to get by on. In this modern day context that means that we have to take care of them. How do we do that today, that means that we can’t have all the money we make. We have to give some to the poor.

Good article RookieNYC!

The passage of the health care law shows that the US empire is declining because it illustrates the fact that people expect the state to take care of them, David Murrin, the co-founder of Emergent Asset Management hedge fund manager, told CNBC.

So true.

In their expansionary phase, empires force people to go out, seek risks and fend for themselves, Murrin said, reminding of the dismantling of the British empire after the war, when the National Health Service, which ensures universal health coverage in Britain, was created.

“This (empire decline) is actually a dead-set course that societies get into and it will happen very quickly I’m afraid,” he told “Squawk Box Europe.”

Yep, I give the country less than 2 years!

It looks like it is time to round up all the tea partiers and put them in jail as enemies of the state.


All that’s needed now is a spark. Osama’s a smoker. I’ll bet he’s got a match!

The patriots in this country will only be pushed by the socialists so far, then there WILL be a civil war. Just as Rookie’s article said, the rate of collapse could be astonishing.

One of the things to remember is that this bill was passed through unconventional and most likely unconstitutional methods. We’ll see what the courts do. Another thing to note is that this plan was touted as being able to provide better care to more people and reduce costs. Besides going against common sense, it goes against a long standing business principle. There is a saying: Quality, Service, Price - Pick Two . Meaning that a company cannot offer the highest quality product with outstanding service for the lowest price. Healthcare is no exception. I suspect that we will see quality and service decline with in increase in cost.


“Thou shall not steal”-- Is stealing from a stranger to give to another moral?

I think the verses you cite are meant to encourage individuals to be generous to the poor through their own charitable works and donations, not through confiscatory means.

If you feel guilty for being fortunate, donate as much of your own money as it takes to make you feel better. It works for me.


Who’s to say that Democrats aren’t throwing breaks at those offices just to smear republicans and silence them from speaking out against Obamacare? There is no need for violence right now. Besides, there will be a bloodless slaughter in November for Democrats. Bricks won’t get rid of the elitist bums but votes will. :bobble

On another note, I need to read the law to verify something. I heard as one of the funding sources for Obamacare will be a tax on rental income. I’ll try and find out if this is true or not. Our country is like the titanic. The IOU’s for Social Security are already being tapped NOW.

Here’s a concept Vader. How about our government stop spending money we don’t have on entitlements that have proven not to work and have only driven us more and more into debt every second. Then how about the government getting the blank out of the way of the private sector which happens to be the JOB CREATORS. Once the private sector is free to do what it does best,

REAL JOBS will be created
people will be hired
more and more people will be able to get off the government dole
the foreclosure rate will come down
and the housing market will stablize.
thus the economy will truly be on the path to recovery

I’m not even a community organizer turned president and I was able to come up with something as common sense as that. GEE WIZ!! :cool No pie in the sky “green jobs” needed.

You are right. What I am really trying to say is that we need to provide for the poor. They are not expected to provide for themselves. It is really more analogous to tithing. But who is stealing?

Here's a concept Vader. How about our government stop spending money we don't have on entitlements that have proven not to work and have only driven us more and more into debt every second. Then how about the government getting the blank out of the way of the private sector which happens to be the JOB CREATORS. Once the private sector is free to do what it does best, REAL JOBS will be created, people will be hired, more and more people will be able to get off the government dole, and the foreclosure rate will come down and the housing market will stablize. I'm not even a community organizer turned president and I was able to come up with something as common sense as that. GEE WIZ!! :cool

What you say seems to make sense, but isn’t the free wheeling private sector what GOT US INTO THIS ECONOMIC MESS in the first place? If the gov got out of the way, the financial system would have collapsed, and EVERYONE would be complaining “why didn’t the government do anything?”. A financial collapse will be GLOBAL and have dire consequences, not sure people understand that.

The government continues to spend money and I think it is STUPID yes, I totally agree. We’re trillions of dollars in debt because of greed and free wheeling business and wars the gov insist on fighting. The policies of this country is leading to ruin. Ineptitude all around from dems and repubs.

But the health bill can help unemployed folks and those struggling in the economy now. Lets face it, as much as the repubs talk, they really NEVER INTENDED on doing ANY health care bill. Healthcare is an entitlement in almost all developed countries, why not here? The poor folks get free health care anyway so why not give it to working class people who are suffering hard times.

This site has gone totally toxic in my opinion.

Propertymanager, expandergut, and some others,
You have absolutely no idea of what life is like without health insurance. You don’t treat a CHRONIC disease condition by going to ER. And NO, not everyone can get health insurance. That’s WHY the bill passed. Weren’t you listening at all?!

You rant about Obama=Hitler, universal health care=socialism, the country is going to collapse!

You are all Chicken Littles running around screaming, “The sky is falling! The sky is falling!”

There is little dialogue anymore. There is no debate. Only rants.

I am scared for my country if you are a sample of the citizenry that opposes our current administration. You are toxic. You are deluded.

It’s like you have drunk some far-right Koolaid. You might as well end everything right here and now! The country is going to Hell because we have health care for all!

pm mike, You are reminding me more and more of PositiveOutlook. Reread your posts. You’ll see where I’m going with that.

I’m outa here for a while. You can rant at each other. Better get in that lifeboat quick! The ship of state is sinking! :bs


You have a very short memory FO at the absolutely toxic garbage that was said about the last administration. The verdict will be out soon enough. And although I am not nearly as vocal as Mike I believe he is correct in that history is repeating itself and it will NOT be a good ending. And could be the worst ending… if this country completely collapses economically. Then there won’t be healthcare, SS, medicaid, medicare, food stamps, disability or anything for anybody. Good riddens for awhile, you are the one drinking Kool-aid from the Obama faucet.

You’re right furnished, totally toxic. I keep waiting for the punchline, but these guys REALLY believe what they’re saying. Speaking of Hitler and the socialists, THEY are starting to remind me of the socialists. How they vilified the jews and painted portraits of them being sub human and how they claimed the Jews were ruining Germany and preventing “real” Germans from prospering. The Germans fed off the hysteria of lies and almost exterminated a race of people using it as an excuse to start a war for their 1000 year reich. Similar hysteria if you ask me, a bunch of half truths designed to anger people and get them to see demons that aren’t there. I think I’m out of here for a while too, this is just too much.

You just NAILED it VADER!!!

100% right…

It’s ALWAYS the one’s POINTING the FINGER at the other person that you have to REALLY WORRY about!


I'm outa here for a while. You can rant at each other. Better get in that lifeboat quick! The ship of state is sinking!


I suggest Denmark. I think you’ll be happier there.

You have absolutely no idea of what life is like without health insurance. You don't treat a CHRONIC disease condition by going to ER. And NO, not everyone can get health insurance. That's WHY the bill passed. Weren't you listening at all?!

You are right. I don’t have any idea what it’s like to be without healthcare BECAUSE I’M NOT A LAZY DEADBEAT! I actually work and make money so that I can have all the things I have (like healthcare). The TENS OF MILLIONS of people that are too lazy to work should have NOTHING! They have a RIGHT to PURSUE HAPPINESS, not a guarantee of freebies on my dime.

I am scared for my country if you are a sample of the citizenry that opposes our current administration.

You should be scared for your country - so am I (or what’s left of my country). The country is going to collapse and there will almost certainly be a war. As the article RookieNYC posted said, you might be surprised at the rate of the collapse.

Furthermore, do you see what’s happening? The socialists (representatives) are being threatened. People are shooting at the offices of the Republicans. It’s the first sign of a country that is coming apart (as I predicted).

The federal government via taxation, fines , etc.

If you have a problem with free market capitalism vader, why are you an investor in Real Estate? Something doesn’t add up here. You do know that we are trillions of dollars in debt because of SOCIAL ENTITLEMENT SPENDING right? So our country is suppose to be like a good little sheep and follow other countries when it comes to socialist health care? So I should want our healthcare system to be downgraded in quality and become rationed so more people can access it? Is that your logic? You’ve noticed the word that has been left out of the whole “affordable healthcare” debate vader? The word is “quality”. Read the stories about how canadian doctors left canada to come to the U.S to practice medicine, because it is more advanced and they actually get paid much better. The whole idea to wreck a high quality system that covers 90% of Americans just to make it second rate so the 10% are covered is beyond retarded in my book. As for the “economic collaspe” look up the community redevelopment act when you get a chance. Government had a bigger role in the housing bubble then many people even know. I wonder why Barney Franks keeps putting off investigations into the rol e Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae played in the subprime bubble?

Let me guess,this site has become toxic because people who dare not support Obama’s agenda are voicing their opinions thus providing a “diverse” point of view"? As for me not knowing what life is like without health insurance, do I give you a signed copy the on the book entitled “my life” furnishedowner? If didn’t,then you have no idea about my life and what I had and didn’t have. I have lived years without health insurance. I also knew that if I became sick, I couldn’t be turned away for treatment. As doctors leave the system and retire due to what is coming down the pike, there will be less and less doctors left to treat people in the timely manner as they are now. The Canadian government healthcare system has proven that out.

Canada’s doctor shortage to worsen without changes


Curing Canada’s doctor shortage
“The country has approximately 15,000 too few doctors, a figure roughly double the total number of students in all years of study at our 17 medical schools combined. At a doctor-patient ratio of just 2.3 per 1,000 population, we are 24th on the list of 28 industrialized countries. Approximately 1.5 million Canadians cannot find a family physician as a result.”

Doctor Shortage

“The ‘greedy doctors’ myth
After spending a decade in university, going $100,000 in debt and taking on life-or-death responsibility, doctors are wondering why they make the same salary as auto plant workers”

It’s really simple, don’t expect crab and shrimp with that free lunch. The incentive for doctors to spend over 10 years on medical training and taking on massive responsibilities and accruing massive debt to get his or her education just to make a salary that doesn’t come nowhere close to paying it off is A LOSE LOSE SCENARIO.

Many Canadians come to the U.S not only for treatment, because they can’t wait to be seen by the few doctors in Canada, but Canadians come to the U.S to become doctors due to it’s advanced training and the earning potential.
It is totally beyond naive to believe that our healthcare system is going to maintain the same level of advanced technology cutting edge healthcare along with maintaining the level of doctors to meet the current population under a government controlled, rationed system with that has caps on earning potential for doctors and surgeons.

This is a very simple question I should have asked from the very beginning

If Obamacare is going to be so great for us the “masses”, why is Obama and democrat members of congress exempting themselves from being apart of it eventhough they claim the rest of us need it? :rolleyes I would love to hear a logical explanation on this.