wholeselling houses for profit

I was involved in an illegal flip and the seller got back in the house and completely vandalized it which made it unhabitable by anyone. I reported the vandalism and filed a police report and insurance claim. However the insurance co is stating that the house looks under cinstruction and are not trying to cover the damages which leaves me deeper in the hole. No room to sell since the seller stripped it of all the equity and no money to afford to fix it out of my pocket. I have not been behind on the payments but I cannot keep this up considering I am staying with family and this will soon run out. Any advise? PLease - I posted the info for short sale purposes with no response. The caveat is that I do not want a late or a foreclosure on my report if this is th eonly stipulation warrnated by a short sale. Please offer any advice or assistance…

Thanking you in advance.


The bank has no motivation to do a short sale unless you’re behind. Also, if the property is in that condition, I’d call an investor in your area and see if they’re interested in buying subject to.