Let’s say that I find a deal and get an offer accepted. Does the real estate agent help w/ the process of closing? I’ve never even bought a personal residence so I have no idea how it works?
RE Agent will present your offer. Once it is accepted, your agent will take care of getting the title work done, get the survey ordered, order inspection if needed, and set up closing with title company. A good agent might even take you to lunch…
Sounds great. That’s one of the things I was scared of…not knowing anything about the closing process.
providing you had buyer representation from an agent, or the seller’s agent is dual agency and willing to get paper work done they will assist in most of the paperwork. the loan portion is 100% your repsonsibility, although the agent may prod and remind it is your job to work with your lender and their appraiser. the title co. does the title work, survey and other things related to the closing, but it is not actually the real estate agent, they are the coordinator of sorts.