which forms...

hey guys,
here’s another no brainer for you professionals out there.
when you’re just rehabbing properties and selling them, which real estate forms and contracts do you use? :deal

I believe most investors use the standard contracts provided by the local Board of Realtors. Most title companies also have some or you can get them from TREC at http://www.trec.state.tx.us/ . You can draw up your own too if these are too complicated. Something as simple as hand written on a piece of paper could work. I have closed deals where we did not even have a contract. I just typed up the deed and had it signed by the seller the same day. I did not give them money as they had no equity. I did do a title search before I spent too much time and energy on the deal. Hope some of this helps.

Thank you,

Ted P. Stokely Jr
11505 Sw Oaks
Austin, Texas 78737

512-301-9171 home
512-587-6177 mobile

Just what I was looking for. Thanks all of you guys. I was looking for the information about the form. It was a great help for me. Hope this will work for me. Thanks again.

I would never use a Realtor Form to purchase… They are way to wimpy… There are reason you need a great contract that is geared to what we do… Realtor Contracts seem to protect the Agents more then the Buyer and you as the buyer want an agreement that protects you.

Thank you Michael. I will keep in mind that.

Michael- my state has GREAT RE contracts and I’ve never seen a buyer or seller (newbie or pro) use any other contract than the ones that the state provides, and I’d be EXTREMELY leery of anyone who came to me with their own forms!

I guess that’s the difference between you begging someone to buy their house and them begging you…

Its all about CONTROL