where is the best place to post my ads for bird/wholesale finds

Hello rei members,
I just wanted to know where you believe is the best place to post for my birddoging and wholesaling finds. Are there some places that are better than others and what would be the best way to catch their attention? My reason for asking is alot of good properties are getting away from me without a good honest lender. Are there any sites on the internet that stand out more than others without putting myself in a class where no one wants to work with people at that site? I have found some places where people dont like birddogers and thats ashame when a honest one comes along, a bad apple will spoil the rest.Hope this all makes sense. Thanks for your advice.

I will say that Craigslist is one of the greatest places to post ads, and it’s free. If you use bandit signs, they work well too, if used in the right way. You might try “LeadTackle.com” → There, you can find buyers in your state(s), and post ads for properties.

I sidned up to birdog for “theneedforleads.com”, but no deals would close. i would find all kinds of properties to post on there, but nothing would happen.

Thank you for your reply, I will try it.

You know, its great to be able to have a place to go and ask any kind of question and always get the help you need.

Thanks REI Club wouldnt be without you!!
