Where do you find private investors who are willing to do 50/50 joint ventures?

It seems like every private source requires a business of at least 2 years to loan private money.

I have the deal, just need the funding for it. It’s been a lot harder than I thought it would be. When I had 300k I was looking all over for these kind of deals. Now that I have my money tied up in investments for the next 6 months that will net 60k, I have the opportunity to get into a better deal.

Where do you find private investors willing to do 50/50 joint ventures? The LLC I formed for this venture is only a month old. I’m looking for anywhere from 600k - 1mill. to do the 50/50 JC on. The ROI is phenomenal!

Please send email about the project. I may be able to help.

email sent, keith…