When searching for leads...

…at the courthouse
Where would I actually start? What dept. should I go to?
What should I ask for.


Howdy Cell:

The listings are posted 21 days prior to the sale on a pegboard near the front entrance at our courthouse. I found it easier to get an on line service provider to buy the lists from. You may want to go to the records dept where deeds are recorded and ask where and when ti find the listings.

What exactly is an online service provider?

Howdy Cell:

There are companies in larger counties that track the foreclosure listings and either mail out lists or have a web site where the provide them on line. In Austin and Dallas one of the companies is flsonline.com if you want to see an example.

I’m in northern NJ and no one including the people at the court house knows where to direct me to an online service. I have been calling and searching everywhere. I even called our capital and spoke to people that work in the state house, no luck. Please any suggestions?

I’m in Ct and got the same response. I did learn that some towns publish records of delinquent taxpayers. Has anyone had any luck this way?