What title do you put on your business cards?

no - honesty is always your best policy…to an extent.

what i mean by that is - you want to get to know people BEFORE providing them with information that puts them in the driver seat of the relationship.

there’s NOTHING wrong with letting people know you’re new - it’s the people that know this that makes the difference.

you can easily be prey for scumbags as a new investor. the majority of people in this business, i think, just want to make money. if you can help them make money and do well for yourself - everyone wins and each person in the deal makes a new contact.

a good rep goes A LONG WAY toward success in this - and really - any business.

the whole “i buy houses…” “we buy houses any condition” etc… marketing technique is a proven winner. period.

Tom Smith
Acquisition Specialist

means nothing to me really. heck it might even intimidate some investors…if the card looks very professional - it might send a message that you’re “big time”…

A LOT of investors are guys and gals who are working class - who happen to be in a business that can help them realize ALOT OF CASH.

i’m not saying you have to fit in. i’m not saying that the terms are bad or that putting titles on cards is not good.

i’m just giving my opinion as honestly as i can. i hope i’m not offending you or coming across too strong. sorry if i am.

keep in touch.

Managing Partner. That way you’re not insinuating your the big boss but still have a voice in the decisions.

I’m leary of those who don’t have any title on a business card. Before I got into this, I thought they were all scam artists.

In addition, when you want to do serious business, you want to speak to the manager. I don’t care what industry (retail, banking, etc.) when you are serious, you always ask for the manager.

Having said that, the last one, Managing Parnter would be good, as well as Owner/Manager. People feel important when they deal with who they feel are the “higher ups” in companies, and tend to be more serious if they know you take your business serious. A lack of title screams “part time” to me.

no business card, advertisement or anything in this world will satisfy all the people all the time.

when it comes to investing in real estate in today’s world - for me - it doesn’t matter what it says on the card. to be quite honest - i don’t think i even look at it all that much unless i’ve conversed with the person and they seem to know what they’re talking about.

if i feel they’re not really what i’m looking for, the card goes in the garbage without a peak. and that’s with any business card.

awesome! hey what state are you in?

My new business card title:

I am not a Realtor


Dee, LOL thought you might like that :slight_smile: I figure if you proudly tell the world you’re a realtor, I might as well proudly tell it I’m not. Besides it might cut down on the number of sellers who ask “Are you a realtor?” NO! for the thousandth time!

Wouldn’t a professional title help towards financing or applying for loans?

i wasn’t a realtor and now i am and i actually love it.

i’ve made a whole mess of contacts and i’m only a realtor about…a month now.

to each his own.

the thing about real estate agents is that if you know what you’re doing, and conduct business like an investor…because you yourself are an investor - you’ll do so good.

but again, it’s up to the individual.

I think I’d want to say, “No, I’m not one of those REALTORS.”