Stealing is illegal?
Wait a minute… im confused. People steal from me all the time (using the Government as their tool) with Social Security/Medicare.
How is what this guy did any different than what the Government does every day?
Robbing Peter to pay Paul is happening on all fronts. What makes me sad about this particular story is this man was obviously in so much pain and felt that he had to go to extremes to get relief. The truth is there are alot of natural cures that he also could have explored like diet and simple life style changes. But then again, I was not in his shoes.
This story is a contrived made up story by the Obamacare crowd. Just look at the man. If he really expected to get hired he would not go around looking like Charles Manson. He needs to buy a razor and get a haircut.
I don’t know if this story is made up or not. I do know that there are folks out there who have health conditions that can be cured thru simple lifestyle adjustments. I do resent having to foot the bill for people who are irresponsible about their well being.
OBAMACARE had about as much to do with this story as “I” did. :banghead :banghead :banghead
I see this EVERYDAY on the Fire Dept. There are GOOD, HARD WORKING people out there that spent LIFETIMES breaking their BALLS doing sh*t jobs and their BODIES have just said NO MORE. Once that happens and the MACHINE can’t EAT off them anymore ($$$$) they’re DONE.
You should ride with me some night Bluemoon and SEE the kind of RETIREMENT these people have!!
WWII and NAM vets eating CAT FOOD so they can buy their medications. They can’t work because at 80 no one can wring a days work out of them…Their bodies are just failing.
Yea…It’s the OBAMACARE crowds fault :flush
How is eating processed garbage like cat food and taking poisonous chemicals supposed to help heal anyone? The powers that be want us to think that we need chemicals to live and manage our health conditions.
I’ve seen people buy into all the HOLISTIC BULLSH-T…
And watched them DIE because they didn’t want “chemicals in their bodies”. They said they were “poisons.” So what kind of POISONS wouldn’t they take???
ANTIBIOTICS!!! :banghead :banghead :
But they had NO PROBLEM taking the ALL NATURAL HERBAL COLON CLEANSER they saw on TV!!!
How can eating wholesome food instead of processed and cleaning your colon kill you? I am sorry but I have to disagree FDJAKE. People do not die for lack of chemicals in their bodies, that does not make sense.
People DIE when they BELIEVE that using some “ALL NATURAL, HOLISTIC REMEDY” can take the place of…
and countless other MAN MADE CHEMICALS that save peoples lives EVERYDAY!!
Eating healthy is very important, no doubt about that…And I also agree with you that a LOT of people could be very healthy if they stopped eating CRAP and got off their butts and exercise a bit…Just don’t be foolish enough to think that putting CHEMICALS in your body is ALWAYS a bad thing…I’ve given people these chemicals while they’re HEARTS STOPPED BEATING and 2 weeks later they walk into my Fire house with their entire family to THANK US for saving their life…All we did was administer some very powerful chemicals at a very important time…But WITHOUT THEM…
End of story.
This post started because a man ROBBED A BANK so he would be sent to a PRISON HOSPITAL in the hope of receiving MEDICAL CARE!!!
Was that a SMART DECISION???
NO…It was not…
BUT…It shows how desperate the man had become…This was a LAW ABIDING CITIZEN up to that point.
If CRIMINALS…Remember that word…CONVICTED CRIMINALS are denied THEIR pain medication, the JAIL is violating the RIGHTS!!!
Where the HELL were this guys RIGHTS???
Am I the ONLY one that see’s the ABSURDITY in this???
The way to get health care in this country FAST…Is to commit a CRIME…Go to JAIL…
T H E N you have RIGHTS!!! :banghead :banghead :banghead
FDJAKE , I beg you please look up this documentary written by MDs. Its called Death by Medicine
The man who robbed the bank was obviously in pain but was not in imminent danger. Could he have found relief thru natural holistic approaches that are much more affective and no where as costly as allopathic medicine would cost? I believe so.
Many of the diseases out there today can be cured by diet and other life style changes. 15 years ago my doctors told me that I would need to go on dialysis within 2 years. They gave me medications that caused horrific side effects. I had very high blood pressure and started having heart palpitations, frequent bronchitis, sinusitus, acid reflux and the list goes on… I was in my 30s and could barely get out of bed. Doctors wanted to prescribe more meds to help manage the new side effects. I was on antibiotics (which means anti-life by the way) all the time. It was a vicious cycle and the cost of procedures meds, and having to see all those specialist took up so much of my time, resources and money. I switched to holistic medicine and it gave me my life back adn j
Thanks for that link I will read it! :beer :beer
Thanks FDJAKE for your many wize and thought provoking contributions ! :beer :beer