For a long time, I have wanted to try real estate investing. But as a 21-year-old I still don’t have the money to get started - yet.
However, I have heard that it is possible to invest in real estate via a platform called Bulkestate (through their “Group Buying”).
I have already read the review which gives some insight into what the platform has to offer. However, I prefer to hear opinions from people in the real estate world before I start using the platform. Do you think the projects are solid? Why / why not?
How do we go further than this? You say you have no money, but you want to know if you should put your money in bulkhucksters, or not?
I would say that you need to get reviews from actual, investors in bulkhucksters. If they don’t offer reviews from actual investors, than you have your answer about investing in bulkhucksters.
Meantime, if you don’t have money/credit, check out the report I pm’d you. It’s an excerpt from Robert Allen’s classic book “No Down Payment Formulas.”
It explains 48 ways to invest without down payments (or without using your own money, and/or a couple of examples of how to do it without credit).
What I meant here was if I should do some of that with the little money I have. But thank you a lot for sending me the report. I’ll check it out right away!
Hello, Capitalism! Actually, I had the same problem as you and thought about property crowdfunding, as well as you. Can we share our experiences?
Among the reason, I can name high geographic diversification and high level of day to day organization. Anyway, I decided to check them and invested just 50 euros some time ago. Now everything is going ok, but I am still looking for alternatives.
Can you, please, describe your experience? Why do you think your company may be better? And have you ever invested in RealtyBundles and compared these platforms?
I never had a clue about bulkestate investments, and I’m glad I clicked this post. I’m new here, but I can definitely see myself being a frequent visitor. Thank you. But my only concern with Bulkstate is that there isn’t any auto investments.