What is Autoblogging? (basically)

Basically, the concept behind an autoblog is that it takes material from other sites when they’ve been updated, and automatically places it upon your site.

Before just taking content from other sites, there are copyright issues that should be taken into consideration. Overall, make sure the RSS feeds you are taking content from allow syndication in the first place.


1.) Bring in nice income (if done correctly) with possibly little effort after laying the groundwork.
2.) Will help you to promote other sites and/or blogs that you may have in your marketing arsenal.
3.) You can link yourself with all the different blogs that you setup. For example; link blog A to blog B, then blog B to C, then C to D, and this process can be done for as long as desired in a chain.
4.) The linking of various blogs will definitely help with SEO, although link building outside of the network will bring in most of the “link juice”.
5.) You can also use your autoblogs to feed to a main site, and this will definitely help tremendously in regards to SEO.


1.) In the beginning, time should be spent (a few hours) to setup these sites
2.) Approximately a day or two following the initial work should be dedicated to link building and promoting.

The numbers game for autoblogs is pretty simple. If you have about 100 of them setup, and each one makes $1 or $2 a day, then you can come to an approximation of about how autoblogs can produce a sustainable income in the course of time.

Thanks for the share big fella

This is a great idea!!! I am still a little unclear on how to go about setting the groundwork. I have to trump it up to the lack of my computer skills. Anyway, thanks for the post would definitely love to het some more pointers.


I like all the advantages here and it is this has to be done and implemented for better outcomes. I have not done auto blogging before but it is very advantageous.

Thanks for useful information, but here is my question:

Is Google Going to Let You Auto Blog in 2011?

This is a crazy question? The important thing here is will Google “Let” you Auto Blog??

First things first, Google doesn’t have a say so in this. If you build a Blog, does it matter if it operates on Auto? Content is what matters right?

So if we build blogs that are Value Added and run on Autopilot are we still Auto Blogging? No, we are Blogging on Auto. In 2011, you have to Blog on Autopilot instead of Auto Blogging. Why? Because if you do want your sites to Rank in Google, then you have ot learn how to work with Google.

Use the Only Blog Blueprint Guaranteed to Work! You can find great source on Blogging on AutoPilot to the Next Level by clicking the link in my first sig.

Hello friends…!
According to my opinion,Auto blogging is really helpful if you are not able to post daily on your blog…It helps to maintain the image of your blog in the eyes of search engine…!

I know some about it but not this much, thanks man.

I guess the posters here haven’t heard of things like Google’s Panda update and duplicate content.

Besides the fact it has nothing to do with real estate marketing, the is no way a spam auto blog is going to earn $1-2 a day.

Autobloggin is an internet marketing strategy that gives the search engines what they like which is “updated content.” If you find you niche with this method as well as a good bot or programer, you may be able to monetize this traffic to you market. Never used it with real estate though. :cool

Additional Info…

Plug-ins needed for Autoblogging:

  1. Platinum SEO Plug-in or All in one SEO
  2. Caffeinated Content, WP Robot or similar – best autoblogging plugins
  3. Google XML SiteMaps
  4. Ping Crawl
  5. Max Blogpress Ping Optimizer
  6. Auto Social Poster

You need all of these programs running at once just to autoblog? Any tutorials you recommend on this?

Autoblogging is a term to portray automated blogs and automated walking a blog. In other words, in lieu of the usual technique of writing the content yourself, or pasting articles from article sites by hand, you can actually automate the content and linking for your blogs. What it takes is the correct mindset, the correct technique and the correct tools.