What do you guys think about Mobile Home Parks?

I have seen some mobile home parks that have good cashflow lately on some misc. sites.
What do you guys think of them? What percentage of gross profit do you think i should use for expenses?
What kind of questions should i ask when speaking about them? Zoning?
Is there special types of financing for them, or is it just like a commercial loan?

Thank you!

Mobile Home Parks are a great buy…

Get me the sellers package, current rent roll, # of pads, some pictures, and 2 years P&L statements and I’ll get you financed…

min loan amount $500k on mobile home parks

Heck thanks alot! Let me find one that i like the cashflow of… is the interest rates higher on mobile home parks?
If i find one and they dont have the income expenses for the last two years am i in trouble?

If i find one and they dont have the income expenses for the last two years am i in trouble? Yes.

is the interest rates higher on mobile home parks? No.

Wow! Gee, zowie! Nothing like a little gratuitous advertising, Lendinghand!
