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Looks like fun…too bad it’s in the Peoples’ Republic…
How much worse can MA be than CT?
Ok, not to try to draw politics into the REI forums, but since the question came up… :
This isn’t fake, it isn’t something I made up, these are acutal videos. To keep the thread focused on it’s intention, PM or email me with your hate-spew.
I have a feeling some MORON is going to bid that house way the hell to high and screw himself over bigtime.
That is one grand looking property! Bet it will be a beauty rehabbed.
Uhhhh…let’s see: Kennedy (multiple), Kerry, Franks - need I go on?
It’s not called “Taxachusetts” for nothing!
And before the reat start - I’m from there!
If it`s in a good area for investments , go for it one never knows. :