About 3 years ago, myself and a few other wack jobs here started warning people about the upcoming IMPLOSION of our Dream World Real Estate market…These warnings were met with almost unanimous
LAUGHTER, RIDICULE, SHOCK, AWE, and more than one offer to “step outside.” (My personal favorite!)
It made me SLEEP LIKE A BABY at night!!!
The mere FACT that so MANY people (the HERD) completely DENIED what was looking them dead in the eye convinced me that we would indeed see a collapse of property values in this country. And we did…
IT HAPPENED…It’s STILL happening…Right on schedule!!!
BUT we all know that…TELL US something we DON’T know Jake…Don’t waste my time with stuff I’m living through.
Ahhh YES…How times have CHANGED???
What…What’s changed???
SENTIMENT…My friends…S E N T I M E N T…The most IMPORTANT indicator in the HISTORY of the WORLD…and it has CHANGED…BIG TIME!!!
There are so many CHICKEN LITTLE’s here now…I can’t step outside without an umbrella…I LOVE THAT!!! It can only mean ONE THING…THE HERD…ONCE AGAIN…ON CUE…IS ABOUT TO BE W R O N G!!!
If you simply READ these forums…SENTIMENT is LOUD and CLEAR!!!
IT’S S C R E A M I N G!!!
And I’VE NEVER SLEPT BETTER!!! :banana :bouncemulti :elephant
Almost without EXCEPTION…When EVERYONE thinks things will get WORSE, it usually signals the start of a MAJOR turning point in history.
I believe we are at EXACTLY this point now.
The PLANET…Not CHINA…Not the USA…Not India…
Is about to embark on an economic explosion that will make the Industrial Revolution seem like a small period of economic growth.
Countries that 10 years ago had never seen a CELL PHONE are increasing their standard of living at rates NEVER BEFORE SEEN…
China, India, Brasil…BILLIONS and BILLLIONS of PEOPLE…and WHAT do these people want???
They WANT…All the CRAP AMERICA is great at PRODUCING…I’m not talking about things of VALUE…We got out of that business years ago…I’m talking about CRAP…JUNK…GARBAGE…LITERALLY…
What happens when you take a population off SUBSISTANCE FARMING and place them in FACTORIES for 12 hours a day???
They no longer have TIME to grow their own healthy food…So they BUY McDonalds HAMBURGERS, Kentucky Fried Chicken, They drink COKE out of VENDING machines at the FACTORY…They don’t have TIME to make their own clothes so they shop at WALMART!!!
Just think of the BILLIONS of people on planet Earth…All getting FAT, Getting diabetis, High blood pressure, CANCER…Sure they’ll all LIVE longer…Hooked up to OXYGEN, taking a dozen pills they never needed 2 decades ago…But they’ll get what they WANT…
Get ready folks…The NEXT BOOM is coming…It’s GLOBAL this time…The USA is gonna show EVERYONE how WE did it!!!
I’m not joking for a SECOND here…The GROWTH over the next 20+ years will make your brain hurt…WE spent the last 75 years in this country learning how to FEED our people CHEAPLY and QUICKLY with MINIMUAL NUTRITION and EFFORT…THAT is where the next BOOM will be. The USA is going to FEED the PLANET…Sure, everyone will be FAT and UNHEALTHY…But screw them…No one here is MAKING them eat BIG MACS right??? We’re just PROVIDING THEM…C H E A P!!! OK…OK…We’ll put a nutrition label on the food (in small print) that basically says eating a cigarette butt is probablty better for them. But who reads that crap anyway…
Think of the POSSIBILITES…CREDIT can be extended to factory employees…They can go into DEBT to buy cheaply built homes…(maybe the CHINESE won’t be allergic to their OWN dry wall like those stupid Americans in Florida)
Like I always say…
You play the hand you’re DEALT…It might not be the hand you WANTED or the hand you LIKE…But you play what you HAVE.
Legendary Investor Jim Rogers said it best…
In the next 20 years the FARMERS will be driving the Ferrari’s instead of the Wall St. guys…
100% right Jim…100%