I have been approved for $6,000 from Bank, i need to give them 3 months of payments first $750 and they will issue the check to me. once I receive the check $6,000 should i attend an auction, or should i rent to own a home, any ideas from successful real estate investors out there, i would like to be careful on how i use the money.
With only 6k to play with, I would stay away from any type of buy and hold situation at this point. You’re probably not going to get anything at auction for 6k. You might, but even if you do - now you have no more money left over to fix it up to rent out. I’m saying this coming from the side of you’re probably getting a 6k signature loan from the bank and wouldn’t get regular financing on a property. If you could get control of a home and then wholesale it, that might be the way to go. In a rental situation, you’re responsible for nearly every problem that comes up so even if you scored a cheap property - you would still need money for repairs/maintenance, insurance, etc.
i think you don’t know what your talking about
just kidding,
John, Justin is giving you solid advice. You’re wading into a cash intensive field of land mines. So what you can control a property for six thousand including closing costs? What’s the cost to exit this deal?
Learn lease/option assignments, if cash is going to be a chronic problem at the get-go. There have been several recommendations for this type of re merchandising, but I’ve got two that I stand by… Todd Toback or Ron Legrand. You can find Legrands stuff of on ebay. Todd’s stuff is not. Todd is one of the most active lease/option marketers (deals not courses) in Southern California …a hard market to break into. He’s enormously helpful and unbelievably creative.
The reason I mention this at all is because both of these people teach how to start with very little money.
You could just keep your money in the bank and find a partner. If you know your market well enough, you should be able to persuade somebody to front the cash and leverage your expertise in return for 50% of the profits. If you don’t know your market that well, of course, you’ll have to settle for using your own money as best you can.
Have fun!
I followed your advice, Todd toback web sight is informative but is he just another real estate guru, i submitted my info i just have to wait for one of his cds in the mail. i think his entire package sells for $759.00
JAVI these ads that you see on the left side of the page, that advertise Bank Loans have you personally used any of these banks or know someone who has.
His website is not as informative as he is… :biggrin
I think you’ll like the CD.
I’ve got the package you’re talking about and I’ve learned so much new stuff from him. In fact he changed my opinion of lease/options and options. I considered them the red-headed step child of real estate investing…until he showed me what he’s doing and just blew me away.
I also have a DVD set of his live event (I don’t know if those are available anymore, since they were included in some other offer of his).
I’ve found Todd to be a serious investor go-getter first, before he’s a course marketer. He keeps updating us on his latest activities and frankly, he’s one of the guys that does these Frankenstein deals that I’m just now beginning to market for myself…that I can’t write about in public, if I want any more help…
Meantime, Todd is NOT your average lease/options ‘guru.’ If he was, I would tell you.
On the banking deals listed on this forum, I have no idea. Haven’t heard anything bad, and this is a small community… if they were scam artists…everybody would know by now, I’m pretty sure. :biggrin
Check them out. What’s to lose?
Either way, let us know what you discover with Todd, Ron, or the lenders advertising on this forum. We want to know… :beer