What Blogs do you follow?

I’ve learned a lot from these forums, but I have also learned just as much from reading other investors’ blogs (like tampastephs). I use google reader to keep track of them all and I’m about up to 35 or so. How many blogs do you keep track of? Also if it’s not against the rules, list some of your favorites.

Sorry if I posted this in the wrong forum (might belong to chit chat), but I figured it could help other newbie investors just getting started.

I like tampsteph also, but I just starting to follow the flipman( on his youtube channel.) He’s real simple with what he says. Anybody else ?

Between working full time, buying/improving properties, and keeping up on here, all I have time for is reading Propertymanager’s blog. I don’t know how you keep up with 35 of them.

Google reader makes it easy. It’s like my morning news paper.

I have some down time at work on some days. I have a few favorites which I keep up on most of the time and as for the others I read when I have time.


are the ones I like the best.

If you’re following 35 blogs, you’re not an investor, you’re a bookworm.

You’ve got a point and one that I can’t argue with.

Only REI Club. I tried a Landlord site, but it was hard for me to navigate.

If anyone ever hears of a FURNISHED rental blog site, let me know please.


Sounds like you’ve found another niche you can fill Furnished. What are you going to name your site?

As it is, I seem to spend way too much time here on this site. But I always learn something. Sometimes I just learn what I am doing wrong. Ouch. But that’s better than staying ignorant.

I am talking about the real estate blogs. Most Random Ramblings got too opinionated, one-sided and rabid for me. Like a bunch of baying dogs.

I don’t think there is enough interest for my niche as a blog. At least I haven’t found it here. Maybe later.
