"What are your concerns with this property?"

Simple question right???

ASKING IT…Can get you to the closing table.

I buy all my property DIRECTLY from the owners…I NEVER buy “listed” properties.
By doing it this way my profits are larger, my audience pays attention, and I actually BUY a very high percentage of the properties I look at.

One trick I’ve learned over the years is this…

You NEVER know what might trigger an owner to SIGN on the dotted lined. Getting that signature from certain people can be VERY CHALLENGING…They’re scared, unsure, and MOST have NEVER sold a house before. So I always ASK…

What are your concerns with this property???

The response to that question never fails to amaze me. This years winners???

“I don’t have a place for my DOG when I move.”…This from a woman that was $6000 behind in property taxes, her car didn’t run, and she had NOTHING in her bank account!!!
So here’s WHY I ended up with her house…

  1. I FOUND her a rental that would allow her dog
  2. I offered her $2000 from the sale proceeds BEFORE the closing in order for her to get into an apartment. (I made out the check DIRECTLY to the new landlord FOR HER and my attorney had her sign an agreement of understanding that that money came out of HER proceeds)

ASKING that question led to a $90k profit in 2 weeks on that property.

The runner up for What are your concerns with this property???

From a woman with a BEAUTIFUL older home with INCREDIBLE woodwork and architectural details…

“I would just hate to see MY MOTHERS HOUSE ripped apart and poorly updated, it has so much character.”

The answer???

I understand EXACTLY what your worried about. I then took her room by room and pointed out all the little trim details that are IMPOSSIBLE to recreate today, and exactly HOW that trim was originally installed and WHY no one does it today. I also explained that I started out as a finish carpenter and that trim work like this was ART and should NEVER be altered. I then OFFERED to EMAIL her pictures of the restoration WEEKLY and would invite her back to the house when it was completed.

That did it…She signed then and there.


It can give you a DIRECTION…

Obviously this isn’t going to be an issue with MLS listed properties…But I don’t buy those so I deal with a completely different client.


Good advice.Alot of people just need to feel comfort again at such a critical time for them.I sent you a question a while back(or I thought I did).Let me know if it did’nt go through.

Check your inbox…Sorry for the delay.