Week to week lease eviction, is there a faster way?

I know this may be a silly question considering that it is really up to the courts…

I have a building with 8 tenants on week to week leases, currently 3 tenants are behind two weeks and have been given eviction notices already. I went to the courthouse to start the eviction process and the court date gets set 33 days from that date which means I wont be able to get new tenants for almost 2 months.

Thinking it’s time to gut this property and sell…

I assume there isn’t a better way?

What state are you in?


I had a four unit building and aquired the tenents in the sale .It took about 6 months but I cleand house and rerented everything on my turms.What a difference.I will never rent weekly . All youll ever get is transient bums looking fo a place to hide.

show them the court papers and offer them $100.00 to leave within 24 hours. some times this works.