Weakest President in History?

cristopherW…NAILED IT!!! 100% hit it square on the head!

I’ll also point out that Chris is in the MORTGAGE BUSINESS…a business that in late 2008 & early 2009 STOPPED FUNCTIONING…

Let me repeat this for all the “CANNED FOOD HOARDERS” here with SHORT TERM MEMORY LOSS…

S T O P P E D F U N C T I O N I N G…F R O Z E N.

BANKS would not loan to OTHER BANKS…O V E R N I G H T. :shocked

As the credit markets FROZE…GM and CHRYSLER got SLAMMED by a financial system that literally STOPPED making CAR LOANS!!! Let’s not forget DUBYA’s little GIFT to his OIL BUDDIES in the form of “FREE MARKET” $150/barrel OIL!!! That REALLY put the finishing touches on a car industry already reeling from a housing BUST!!!
At that point what OPTIONS did this country have???

Credit markets completely FROZEN
Money market accounts being drawn down at such a rate that we were within HOURS of the entire banking system being SHUT DOWN.
LIBOR rates at records levels
A stock market in FREE FALL

I love all the NIT WITS out there that say…“Let them all FAIL and CEASE to exist!!!”


The same GENIUSES would now be SCREAMING that the
G O V E R M E N T didn’t do ENOUGH…That they should have LEARNED from the depression, that all those economic LESSONS were LOST and our entire economy should have NEVER been left to CRUMBLE.

GUARANTEED!!! That is EXACTLY what these boards would now be filled with.

Brockovich also stated FORD was going into BANKRUPTCY!!! Nice CALL!! :beer

Instead…We had MASSIVE Goverment intervention…Banks are LOANING MONEY again…Car sales are UP (and Ford is NOT bankrupt but actually MADE $2 BILLION dollars last year!!!)) Shipping companies profits are up 30+%…Homes mortgages are being made…CAR LOANS are being made…Unemployment numbers have DROPPED every single month since the Jan 09 high of 700,000.

But I’m just a CHEERLEADER…What do I know???

I have MULTIPLE OFFERS on 3 houses I have for sale…Financing for these properties is readily available IF your have GOOD credit…WOW…What a concept??? A FUNCTIONING ECONOMY based on LOANS provided to people who can actually REPAY THEM!!!

But I’m GLAD people here have such SHORT MEMORIES…It allows me to make MASSIVE amounts of money from investments like FORD…Where A N Y O N E that was capable of recalling the LAST 3 recessions could have put together a scenerio for a COMEBACK of at least ONE American Auto maker…Maybe the one that had a CEO who had taken BOEING from a post 911 $10/share GRAVE… to a 2007 $110/share stock???

But again…Why REMEMBER the FACTS???

The PROPAGANDA is so much more FUN!!!

I agree,the system is broken.Did you see the proposal by Art Laffer,Reagan’s top economic advisor?He said if everyone making above $30k paid 11% income tax(includes soc. sec,ect)that it would erase the debt very shortly and function much more effectivly.The 47% is a problem,but the numerous “loopholes” for top earners is just as much of the problem.You’re spot on right,everyone should pay their share,period.(Did you also see where G.E,who owns NBC,paid zero,sounds like Venezuela to me).

I don’t see this happening since the govt needs the 60,000 pages of confusion to use as a tool against anyone/anytime.But one can dream,can’t he? :cool

You know I respect you.But this demonizing of regular americans(mostly small bus. owners,like you) is getting really,REALLY old.Just let them use their 1st amendment right.I personally went to two last year,It was good people and I’m still 100% supportive of this free speech.I just think it’s been polarized enough that it’s not healthy,so I’m counting the days until November.

Thanks for all your advice and opinions ,I hope this does’nt put a wedge between us,just think it’s time to stop with that. :cool

There’s no wedge…Never has been, never will be…

BUT…I’M TIRED of all the BULLSH*T…

You can’t have it BOTH ways…Either you let it ALL GO in 2008 or you SAVE IT!!!

They chose to SAVE IT…That costs MONEY…and like EVERYTHING Americans continually B!TCH about…What history will show was a TRIUMPH for this country is NOW looked at as a FAILURE…

And here’s one for ya…I’m talking about B U S H…As much as I can;t stand the guy…He put his B@LLS on the block and made the call to prevent the utter COLLAPSE of our economy…

I give him CREDIT for making a BRUTALLY TOUGH CALL at a time when he had NO TIME to make it…

What KILLS me is all the TEA BAGGERS who blame Obama…They are CLUELESS…UTTERLY CLUELESS as to WHO did what, WHEN they did it, and WHY??

If you believe the IDEA behind the Tea Party…That’s GREAT…It’s also GREAT that you’re taking time out of your LIFE to support this cause…

But when POST after POST here is BASHING one side of REALITY…



It IS getting OLD…But what’s getting OLD is the RE WRITTING OF HISTORY that’s going on here!!!

Our GOVERMENT did EXACTLY what it was DESIGNED to do…When a CRISIS started that was BIGGER than any institution or company and that CRISIS in all likelyhood was about to send our economy back to 1930???..The GOVERMENT used it’s resources and STOPPED the utter collapse of 250 years of economic progress. That is EXACTLY why this country has been and ALWAYS WILL BE a HAVEN for INVESTMENT!!! In other Countries a COLLAPSE would have occurred and utter CHAOS would have ensued…THAT did not happen here…Yea, we got one hell of a big TAB to pay for that…But the ALTERNATIVE would have COST MORE!!!
What people don;t remember about the DEPRESSION was the LOST TIME…Those people lost MORE than a DECADE of their LIVES to to that event…It was as if TIME itself stood still…Entire FUTURES were effected by the complete COLLAPSE of the economy…People who had INVESTED…Never did again…For the rest of their lives…Do you still have your 401K or mutual funds??? Things ARE different because of Goverments intervention…But our citizens are MORONS and are BLIND to it.

And watching these same MORONS that can’t SPELL the word “Socialism” on the banners they wave at these marches…DOESN’T HELP THEIR CAUSE!!!

Would I like to see a MUCH SMALLER Goverment…HELL YES…But I doubt we get there by calling the President the ANTI CHRIST or offering to “SPIT IN HIS FACE” as another SWINGING GENIUS here stated!!

Come on…Sometimes it’s like listening to audience interviews at a WORLD WIDE WRESTLING EVENT!!! I sometimes wonder after reading some of the “brilliant” commentary here…how many TEETH a few of the authors have???


I’m glad we’re cool.I’m guessing you have’nt been to a tea party,only seen then hand picked signs and drama by the mainstream media.Had you talked to these “tea baggers”(another slander term the mainstream has tought)you would see they are just regular people.Business owners,women,men,blacks,whites,etc.

You are smarter than to fall for the labeling and classifying the left always tries to do.The thing is,these are just regular people,and they can’t stand it that they can’t profile them.It’s about the gigantic spending,like healthcare.I have’nt talked to one person who regrets the big bailout,or is stupid enough to blame Obama(he was’nt president).

On that note,they do know Obama’s history and his radical/vowed communists ties and it IS A CONCERN WE ALL SHOULD HAVE!Research this guy FD,it’ll scare the piss out of you that he’s in power.

If for no other reason,I know you love to make money(as all of us on this site),sooooo here’s a big FACT====Obama is a big,big anti-capitalist.And to relate him and Clinton to the whole housing crash is’nt hard either.He was pushing Acorn hard during those years for the -let anyone be approved- BS that caused this crash.Remember the housing boom starting in 90’s??

I’m not trying to anti Obama you,but there is PLENTY of reasons to be concerned for our country’s future with this ego maniac.All the other trash will be taken out in November,I beleive,and thank god.If nothing else,we need checks/balances the way the founders intended. It actually works well when there’s open debate instead of one party rule.

Is’nt the definition of communism -a one party rule who promises social justice??Sound familiar?
“We are just five days away from FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORMING the U.S”-Barack Obama

I would define a “stupid” person as one who does’nt ask what that means,or who chants “change” without knowing what it defines,or just resently the crowd that claps(like zombies) when he says he wants to put a man on an asteroid.

It’s a dangerous race baited time we’re in.And it has NOTHING to do with the tea parties.Most of these people are really good informed people,sure there are idiots in every crowd(mainstream media finds them).

It’s kinda like when your small town is on the national news and they find the biggest moron they can to interview.ANyhow,I would recomend you personally talk to some tea partyers and I think you’ll be surprised at how the media has twisted this up. :cool

I have talked to, and actually walked around the crowd at a local Tea Party event just to make my own judgement…

From the people I heard speaking and the questions I asked others…
I’d say 90% had absolutely NO CLUE why events occured the way the did in 2008/early 09…Not understanding what was going on during THAT TIME is the REAL REASON you even have a Tea Party movement now.

I’ve said it before and you didn’t answer the question…

What did you want the Goverment to do???

Let it ALL collapse???

Or save it???

It’s very straight forward…A decision had to be made THEN…That decision WAS MADE and now we have a BILL to pay for it…It wasn’t due to ACORN :banghead…It was due to COMPLETELY UNREGULATED GREED!!! Greed by EVERYONE…

Investors who purchased 5 Florida condos with LIAR LOANS.

Wall St bankers that sold CDO’s to institutions that were graded much higher than they REALLY were.

Mortgage Brokers making 6 or 7 figures PER YEAR that put people into loans they KNEW could never be paid off.

Idiots who purchased homes with INTEREST ONLY LOANS!!

A President that sat back and WATCHED it all because he believed in FREE MARKET FORCES…Well here’s your FREE MARKET FORCES at work…GIANT BUBBLE followed by GIANY BUST…

And it’s ALL Obama’s fault??? And he’s a COMMUNIST??? Or is it a “SOCILIST” as the mis-spelled banners read…

This is why the TEA BAGGERS deserve their NICK NAME…When the COMMUNIST tags start getting thrown around or the SHOW US THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE lines start flying…THEY SOUND LIKE the WHACK JOBS the media portrays them to be. And having SARAH PALIN as the ROCK STAR leader ain’t helping your cause pal…She’s gonna get her @SS handed to her in any debate come election time…She is NOT the leader this party needs to cultivate if they have ANY intention of LASTING!!

This country had a BIG, LONG PARTY…IDIOTS drank a lot…NOW they have a HANG OVER and they have to blame someone for it…It was the BEER’s fault…Yea, that’s it…We need SMALLER beer bottles because it’s BUD’s fault I drank too much! :beer :beer :beer If the BOTTLES were SMALLER, we wouldn’t have had this mess!!! :flush :flush :flush

The CONSERVATIVES in this COUNTRY paved the way for the election of Barack Obama…They DID IT for one very simple reason…Because they elected GEORGE BUSH TWICE and HIS policies DEVASTATED THIS COUNTRY…Financially, morally, and militarily!!! Yea he made the right call to SAVE the economy…But it should have NEVER gotten to that point…N E V E R!!!

GEORGE BUSH was a DISASTER…And the country DID NOT want THAT group (the REPUBLICANS) in charge, so they CHANGED the balance of power.

It’s about to CHANGE again…

That’s why I don’t get all WHACKED OUT over this stuff…It’s and EBB and FLOW…One side gets too heavy and they SINK…The other side RISES. The USA SURVIVES because of it.

Hmmm,I did’nt mention Sara Palin.I’ll answer your question(even though it has NOTHING to do w/ tea parties)…yes the Govt did have to try to prevent a collapse of the economy.I love it when the govt is small and works as it should,THIS IS WHAT THE TEA PARTIES ARE ABOUT.Smaller govt,keeping freedom(such as private healthcare) and keeping states rights.

Like I said,I have’nt heard one "tea partier"say anything about the govt preventing the collapse.I agree totally with you on almost everyone being against Bush.As I remeber “pal”,as you say,I did’nt cheerlead Bush either.Nor have I ever said I’m a Republican.Feels like de ja vue,I’VE SAID ALL THIS BEFORE,AND I BELEIVE IT WAS TO YOU.

Kinda frustrating not being able to label or classify me is’nt it FD??I’m just a regular guy,just want the constitution to be upheld and for govt to not cripple the capitalist system I love.Man,I thought we cool after your last post I see I was totally wrong.Tune away from the Lefty media man,it’s got you waaaaaay to mislead on REGULAR PEOPLE LIKE US,BUSINESS PEOPLE!!!

Nonsense byFDJake. Unfortunately I don’t have time to write an entire page to respond. I’m in Virginia getting ready to drive to the Metro station to ride into DC for the 2nd Amendment march. I’ll leave my gun in Virginia because the 2nd Amendment is dead in the Capitol.

I agree that I think the bailouts were necessary. I just dont understand why the Government felt the need to control these corporations and telling some but not all CEOs to step down. Why were the CEO’s of AIG who tried to use bailout money to bonus themselves allowed to keep thier positions when Rick Wagoneer who helped turn around GM’s product lineup was told to step down???

Obama’s administration is known for wasteful spending - something he said he was against when he was running. The cash for clunkers program was a good idea, but trashing perfectly good cars that the taxpayers paid for, not a good idea. I definitely dont see how this new healthcare bill is going to stay under budget and not raise taxes for everyone. I also see it making it harder for businesses to hire and maintain new employees. I know there are signs of recovery and more jobs out right now. I don’t see it, unless you want a temp gov’t position or a $10-14 dollar an hour job.

Disregarding his top military official in Afghanistan while traveling to Copenhagen to bring the olympics to Chicago really shows where his priorities lay. And after shoving the healthcare bill so forcefully I have a lot less trust for this administration in general.


First off I NEVER said you mentioned Sarah Palin…But your BUDDIES in the Tea Party movement keep INVITING her to THEIR PARTIES…You seem to think the VAST MAJORITY of Tea Baggers are right about everything, so one could easily conclude they must LOVE Sarah if they keep having her SPEAK at their rallies.

As far as “classifying” you…I could care less…It makes no difference to me what you think, or who you support. You are completely entitled to your opinions…As am I.

You are actively supporting the Tea Party Movement…AS I said previously (which apparently you forgot) I give you credit for that, and for taking TIME out of your LIFE to do so.

The PROBLEM in this country is the PEOPLE in this country…They CONTINUALLY do STUPID things and then BLAME the GOVERMENT for their problems. PEOPLE caused our current situation…People on EVERY LEVEL.

Mike…Sorry to hear you had to leave your GUN…Hope you remembered the CANNED FOOD!!! What happens if the COLLAPSE HITS while you’re away without your GUN and that CANNED FOOD STASH…All at the same time??? :flush :flush :flush

I agree with you Jake about Sarah. People have their expectations for president very low, its sad. Sometimes I agree with what Sarah stands for, BUT THEN, she turns around and stands next to John Mccain saying hes a Tea-Party supporter too… give me a break. John Mccain is NOT a small government guy, and for Sarah to stand next to him supporting him makes me think shes just a typical BS politician. She probably wont get my vote if she runs.

Ive only been to one semi-tea party gig, and I can tell you, from what ive seen, only about 1/4 of the tea-party people actually really want ‘real change’ instead of kicking the can down the road. I personally support the Tea Party principles, however, I feel they dont go far enough (dont touch medicade/medicare/social security seems to be the mindset right now for many tea-party goers, however, I want to END these programs somehow. We gotta lean ourselves off the entitlements.)

The Republicans are going to clean house in the 2010 and 2012 elections probably, they will oppose Obama because its politically correct right now and will get votes, but when they get in power… they will continue the spending BS that got the Republicans in this trouble to begin with. Then… the Dems will get elected just like in 2008, and the cycle begind over again. Unless we can get some real AMERICANS instead of DEMS/REPUBS.

Either way, I dont have enough energy to worry about the BS anymore. If people want to vote for more entitlements and ruin this country, its whatever. Im just going to worry about myself (sounds sad, i know…)

I agree with EVERYTHING you just said Hoosier…

Excellent points…

I also agree in PRINCIPLE with Bama…We DO need smaller Goverment. BUT…as I’ve said here DOZENS of times…

When the PEOPLE in POWER make the LAWS…Don’t expect them to CUT THEIR OWN JOBS!!!

It’s a great concept, smaller Goverment, and I TRUELY hope we get there some day…But NONE of these PROFESSIONAL POLITICIANS is going to cut THEIR cushy 6 figure/year GOVERMENT JOB!!!


We need STRICT TERM LIMITS for ALL politicians in this country…But try getting those PIGS to pass up their meal ticket…NOT HAPPENING!!

I agree with you FD,we desparetly need term limits.The system was never meant to be a lifetime job as a politician.I think most americans are waiting on November to deliver their message.According to a recent pole,80% don’t trust govt,they took this pole 3 times because they could’nt beleive the results.

Get ready for a record turnout in November. :cool

If we have term limits we end up with the country being run by amateurs. I think the country is too important to be at the mercy of the judgment of the prior county clerk of Mercer county. It is not like anybody that can breathe can do the job of congressman. There is not an infinite supply of smart people to be congress people. An example of the problem with term limits is look at Virginia. The governor can’t succeed himself. What you end up with is every politician basically gets a chance to be governor. Then you have a huge pool of ex-governors with nowhere to go. Governor, Senator, President, and that is about it for a politician at that level. So the governorship of Virginia becomes a parade of politicians in a 4 year interview for their next job. Since 1990 they have had Doug Wilder, George Allen, Jim Gilmore, Mark Warner, Tim Kaine and now Bob McDonnell. Were these guys not required to leave office after their first terms they all could have done great things for Virginia but almost all of them ended up crashing and burning trying to make the next move.

What would be better is to put guidelines on congress. For example make congress people place their assets into a blind trust just like the president. They would have no idea what they are invested in so they won’t know where to steer projects. Just like in the military make them live in a dormitory in Washington and be bussed to and from the congress. That way they will always be there for votes and committee meetings etc. Subject them to a scorecard based on their performance each year and just before they stand for re-election.

This will require them to live to work and work to live while they are in office.

One downfall is that we may end up with some really geeky congress people using this method.

I’m back from the 2nd Amendment March in Washington D.C! I’ll write about my experience and observations in other posts. As for the bailouts discussed by FDJake earlier - all I can say is NONSENSE! ALL of the problems we had with the recent bust and with the coming collapse of our entire economy are the result of interference by the government with the free market!!! If the free market were allowed to work, companies wouldn’t take wild risks knowing that they would most likely fail and be driven out of business. The problem is that the free market has been destroyed by the socialists over a period of decades. Big banks, big autos, and others KNOW that they can not fail because they are “too big to fail”. Therefore, they are free to make RIDICULOUS bets and even engage in criminal activity (like selling CDO’s to “investors” at the same time they were effectively shorting the same product). They should be in jail for this activity, but the criminal activity goes so high that it will never happen).

The bailouts by the socialist Bush and the socialist Obama didn’t prevent a collapse! All that has been accomplished is to delay the inevitable and greatly intensify the coming collapse!!!

I actually agree with Mike on these scumbags doing jail time…They should!!!

But Wall St. fat cats and big business leaders have been going to jail for financial crimes for as long as jails have been around. It doesn’t change behavior because these arrogant b@stards never think they’ll get caught!

Now Bush is a “socialist”?

I have officially heard it all.

Who’s the one that promoted and signed the biggest entitlement program in years (medicare prescription drugs)? BUSH!

Who’s the one that signed the original socialist bailout? BUSH!

Who’s the one who talked repeatedly about a “new world order”? BUSH!

Who’s the one who never met a spending program he didn’t like? BUSH!

Socialist? YOU BET! He’s a disgrace and a traitor to the country!

I remember when I called Bush a Socialist a while back and I got a backlash for it.

Yes, Bush is indeed a Socialist.

The most socialistic president of all time easily goes to Woodrow Wilson. I wish we hated him more than Bush or Obama. I guess that is way too long for short memories. But you want to trace the departure of the free market, and path to socialism to any one president, it’s him. Well technically it was Edward House pulling the strings of Wilson. At least he apologized for it before death.