We Have Got to Do Better

We are going to collapse under or own success. We are so fat that we can’t keep a baby for the complete term. There was this guy from Africa that said he wanted to come to America. When they asked him why, he said because in America even the poor people are fat. We have got to do better.


Arent you a Liberal/Obama supporter? Dont you support killing babies because they are a “punishment” for young girls?

If not, then nevermind (you disagree with Obama on something), but if you are, then why do you care if babies die?

I care that people don’t do stupid stuff. We are becoming a nation that has through our bad habits can’t even do something as basic as having babies. That is like breathing. Animals have babies through instinct. But we have eaten, and smoked, and medicated ourselves to the point that we can’t even carry babies to term. We wonder why the majority to minority ratio is changing so much so fast.

And you know my motto “Kill those babies don’t just let them die”

Just joking, but seriously there is one thing about Democrats and Republicans is that there is a difference between being a liberal and being a Democrat. If you go into the Democrat party there are people who are prochoice and those prolife, those pro gay rights and those anti gay rights, pro second ammendment and pro gun control really liberal people and people really conservative. But the Republican party has changed to the point that there is no difference between being Republican and being conservative. They even have a term for it RHINO Republican I Name Only. That implies that a Republican that is not conservative is not really a Republican. The Democrat philosophy is called a BIG TENT philosophy. You can fit more people into you tent. The more people you get in your tent the more votes you can get.

I am not black or white. The world is complicated. That is why I am a liberal conservative Marxist socialist Fascist capitalist with a hint of Nazi. I say that because there is at least 1 and most of the time more than 1 thing from each of these philosophies that I believe is good and that we need to follow.


" They even have a term for it RHINO Republican I Name Only. That implies that a Republican that is not conservative is not really a Republican."

Dem’s have a similar term - DINO’s (although “Blue Dog” is the latest flavor, probably because Dino sounds wierd)… There have been many examples of this…

"The Democrat philosophy is called a BIG TENT philosophy. "

Republicans also have a “big tent” philiosophy… Reagan made it a bit more famous (and was very effective with two landslide victories) with his “somebody who agrees with you 80% of the time is an 80% friend not a 20% enemy” theme of “big tent”

but the candidates from either party who get voted in are NOT the ones who actually SAY, I am going to RAISE your taxes, government will get BIGGER under me, I am pro-abortion, I want government to take MORE of your freedoms because YOU can’t handle it yourself, etc…

“That is why I am a liberal conservative Marxist socialist Fascist capitalist with a hint of Nazi. I say that because there is at least 1 and most of the time more than 1 thing from each of these philosophies that I believe is good and that we need to follow.”

When I hear soemthing like this, it makes me think of someone who doesn’t know where they really stand, and can be blown in any direction…

Pick your most evil character on the world stage (i.e. - Hitler, Stalin, Mao, etc.)… I am sure you can find SOMETHING that they believe in or one aspect of their philosophy that is “good”… but that in itself, a political philosophy does not make… It is the policies they advocate to the mass as part of a paltform they want to enact, that identifies where they are politically… but mostly, you have them saying one thing to get elected, and doing another thing once they are in office…

For example, many times a politician will run on something they SAY they will do, that sounds good to the masses, but their RECORD indicates that they will do otherwise… This was my main problem with Obama in last years election… the media did not CALL HIM OUT on his record versus his rhetoric… they simply didn’t do their job, or WORSE, ingnored their journalistic obligation to promote an outcome they wanted…

Most “journalists” nowadays are more interested in being “opnionators” than actual journalists and SHAPING news rather than reporting it…

[[[…Pick your most evil character on the world stage (i.e. - Hitler, Stalin, Mao, etc.)… I am sure you can find SOMETHING that they believe in or one aspect of their philosophy that is “good”…]]]]

Well, (thinking)… Hitler liked dogs. A man who likes dogs can’t be all bad. But, sorry, can’t think of anything else.

No it is a little more complicated than that. I know where I stand, but I can be blown in any direction just like any thinking person. For exampled you believe in the pro-life. But you also believe in the death penalty. Those seem like you are blowing in the wind, but it is not…it is situational. It is based on innocence. The unborn versus a criminal.

I am a Christian, but as I learned about the other religions I found they had some good things also. The seven pillars of Islam are really good. Jihad as I learned it is very good but taken literally as of late is bad.

I didn’t say I was a Hitlerist, Stalinist or Maoist, I said that I was socialist etc. For example there are things that should be socialized, like the interstate highway system air traffic control etc. The Nazis believed in uniformity of the culture. God even told Saul to kill (cleanse) the Amalek. God knew that if you leave other cultures intact inside your country that their influence will erode your culture. This is like our opposition to illegal aliens. The Fascists believe that people are not smart enough to make run the country (democratic). They assigned the representative we elect ours (except mine…he was appointed to me by Tom Delay). We believe the same thing (republic). I believe as is obvious that we should have private ownership of the means of production should be private, etc. One thing to remember is that all these philosophies are designed to solve a problem. They do a very good job at solving that problem but none of them are an end all be all to every situation.

For sample capitalism taken to the extreme will put toxic dumps inside our daycares etc. But that doesn’t make it all bad. It will enable me to get rich but that doesn’t make it all good.


“For exampled you believe in the pro-life. But you also believe in the death penalty. Those seem like you are blowing in the wind, but it is not…it is situational. It is based on innocence. The unborn versus a criminal”

I don’t see the two as analagous… abortion is murder of an innocent, the death penalty is a judicial response to the unlawful murder of another under our legal system… For example, you cannot be currently put on death row for performing an abortion… My problem with the death penalty is the innocents that get mixed in with the guilty… in contrast, the MILLIONS of aborted babies however, are ALL innocent… and yet, no protection provided to the most innocent and fragile amongst us…

“I am a Christian, but as I learned about the other religions I found they had some good things also. The seven pillars of Islam are really good. Jihad as I learned it is very good but taken literally as of late is bad.”

To be a Christian, you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior… that has nothing to do with appreciating another religion… practicing another religion in direct contrast to being to a Christian, while professing to be a Christian, is a whole other matter…

“I didn’t say I was a Hitlerist, Stalinist or Maoist, I said that I was socialist etc”

I exptrapolated that from the “Marxist”, “Fascist” and “hint of Nazi”… no matter… expound it to socialism, fascism, naziism, etc… - it was the same point as these were the political philosophies/systems under those listed…

"For example there are things that should be socialized, like the interstate highway system air traffic control etc. "

That would be federalized, NOT socialized… both the interstate highways and air traffic control were originally developed as a military arhitectural systems in the protection of our country (a federal role)… just because we expande it to the States and the private sector does not negate this necessity… MANY military applications have been expanded to the private sector… ARPANET was expanded to the private sector in the private industry of the internet… just because we tranfer power of the internet to the other countries (as we did recently) does not mean we ALSO transferred ARPANET along with it…

“One thing to remember is that all these philosophies are designed to solve a problem.”

As we can see from the healthcare debate, when government is defining the problem, they are usually knee-deep in the origin of the problem…

“They do a very good job at solving that problem but none of them are an end all be all to every situation.”

I disagree… While there is no perfect man-made system, history has shown us the results of socialism, communism, fascism, etc… the enslavement and destruction of its people under the governments that FORCED these systems on their people… which is why so many in this country laid down their lives in defense against them… people who had MUCH LESS than we’ve been able to accumulate through the system they were protecting… no other country in the history of man-kind has come so far, so fast, while at the same time sacrificing so much of it’s blood and treasure to protect others around the world and freely bring those who want to legally join us along for the ride… one of the advantages of the God-given rights of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness…

“For sample capitalism taken to the extreme will put toxic dumps inside our daycares etc. But that doesn’t make it all bad. It will enable me to get rich but that doesn’t make it all good.”

Actually no… the advantage of capitalism is that it has the greatest incentives built in to AVOID this senario… The extreme version of capitalism is people deciding for themselves… the extreme of all the others is government deciding FOR you, while financially enslaving you to support them…

Interesting discussion though… :biggrin

I am a creature of my experiences. You are too although you may not realize it. You are a Christian because your parents are Christians and you live where you live. I say that because I grew up in the church. I was not just there whenever the doors of the church opened…I had a key to the church. When I was a freshman in college you know that the engineering school had a bunch of exchange students. I happened to befriend Muhammad Raza an exchange student from Iran studing Civil Engineering. He asked me if I was a Christian. I told him yes. He asked me if I chose to be a Christian or was I a Christian because my parents were Christians. I told him I chose to be Christian. He asked me you chose Christianity versus what? I realized that I didn’t analyze all the religions and pick the one for me. I was either going to be a Christian or nothing. I may choose Baptist, catholic, or Methodist, but I did not choose Jewish, Christian or Muslim. If I grew up in Iran I would be a Muslim.

With that said I decided that I was not going to be one of those pinheaded religious type believing their pastor until they sound like Stepford Christians. I looked into each of those 3 plus Buddhism. I was going to choose my religion and once I chosen one I would then take the requisite steps to be a part of that religion. I did not find Buddhism to be credible to me so I don’t do much of what I learned there. But Judaism, Christianity, and Islam worship the same God (the God of Abraham). Those 3 religions are actually only 2. They are Judaism and Islam. Started by the 2 brothers. Since Islam organized so late I didn’t really trust that it was vetted enough so I chose to be Jewish.

I then decided to see who gets into heaven. In Revelations when John saw everybody lined up prepared to enter heaven. He explained what each group did in order to be allowed to enter heaven. There was a small group lined up in the front. These were the Jews. They get in anyway. The only prerequisite they need is to be born of one of the 12 tribes. I was not born of one of those tribes so I could not be a Jew that way. The only way I can be a Jew was to wash my robe in the blood of the lamb (become a Christian). That is why I am a Christian. I actually chose to be a Christian and in the research I found a lot of things in the other religions that are really good things…things that God would really be happy if we all did. That is why I practice a lot of things from other religions.

My politics are the same. I rarely find 1 political philosophy that is the only way. I pick and chose. Conservatives don’t allow you to pick issues. You have to take it all or you are not a conservative that being said I have to be a liberal. You guys won’t let me in. I do however have a lot of conservative views, law and order, gun ownership, etc.

Bluemoon, good post. But I want to comment on your politics part.

You can be a Conservative and have different views. An example would be Ron Paul. I would consider Ron Paul one the most Conservative people out there, and he disagrees with other real Conservatives on alot of issues like Beck, Rush, Huckabee. (War, Drugs, Gay Marriage)

I think it really depends on what your deffinition of the word Conservative is.

Does a Conservative mean … one who favors less Government?


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–adjective 1. disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc., or to restore traditional ones, and to limit change

I am a Conservative on both deffinitons that I stated above, IF, the “traditional views, and limiting change” are following what our Founding Fatheres established.

What I mean is… Ron Paul, and I, and most Liberals, support Gay Marriage

( Me and Ron Paul support Gay Marriage because we support less Government, and I believe the Founding Fathers would be opposed to a oppressive Government dictating what people do in their personal lifes).

(Were actually Libertarians. Fiscal Conservatives, Socially Tolerant.) I personally find Gays/Lezbos discusting, HOWEVER, that does not make me “against” gay marriage because I am against a Government that is oppressing people from being happy.

However, many “Conservatives” dont support gay marriage. But were both still Conservatives.

Conservatives can have a difference in opinions.

I mean conservative as in Rush Limbaugh. Your views on the major issues make you conservative. I don’t know if you need to agree with more than half of the issues, 70% percent 100% or just some critical issue like abortion that allow you to be considered to be conservative.


" You are a Christian because your parents are Christians and you live where you live. "

That’s very presumptive of you… I get your point though…

“There was a small group lined up in the front. These were the Jews. They get in anyway. The only prerequisite they need is to be born of one of the 12 tribes. I was not born of one of those tribes so I could not be a Jew that way. The only way I can be a Jew was to wash my robe in the blood of the lamb (become a Christian). That is why I am a Christian.”

You know the Jews don’t believe that’s how it works, and also do not view Jesus as the Savior, right? So, you need to think through you thought process on this… It does not say in the Old Testament that you cannot become a Jew… There is specific processes to become a Jew…

Something to consider… The Old Testament convenant is based on works, the New Testament with the new convenant is based on Grace… so in your thinking that you became a Jew by bathing in the Blood of the Lamb, this is actually error… Salvation is open to both Jew and Gentile…

" I actually chose to be a Christian and in the research I found a lot of things in the other religions that are really good things…things that God would really be happy if we all did. That is why I practice a lot of things from other religions."

That is not what I am referring to… if a Jew follows Jesus’ commandment of loving thy neighbor as thyself, that is practicing another religion, but it is not a problem as it is not contrary to Judaism… what I am referring to is practicing those things form other religions that are CONTRARY to your religion…

"My politics are the same. I rarely find 1 political philosophy that is the only way. I pick and chose. "

Some refer to this as a moderate…

“Conservatives don’t allow you to pick issues. You have to take it all or you are not a conservative that being said I have to be a liberal.”

Conservatives have beliefs, just like anyone else… They want those beliefs to prevail, so OF COURSE they will focus on those, just as a liberal does… A liberal rejects MANY things (i.e. - abolition of abortion, small government, etc,), so I don’t know how you call yourself a liberal…

“You guys won’t let me in.”

No, you can’t do whatever you want in ANY party… noone stops you… However, in the arena of ideas, expect to be challenged…

If you read Revelation 7 it talks about who gets into heaven. It does not say that these Jews followed the rules and that is why they are getting in, they just said they were from the 12 tribes…that is it. The great multitude had to wash our robes in the blood of the lamb. That is us.

There is no Christian religion it is the Jew’s religion. We have to use Christ to get into their religion. It is like getting into a person’s party that you don’t know because you came with one of his friends. We get into the Jew’s religion by showing up with Jesus.


Very thoughtful writing on how you came by your religious beliefs–the idea that “were you born to the religion or did you choose it?”

I knew a church where the middle-school Sunday school students visited a different church once a month as part of a broader religious education.

Every local religion was studied–Mormon, Jewish, various Christian, Sikh, and even the Wiccans. Those students were able to form educated opinions on who they were, and their personal beliefs. Like you did.
