Hi. we’re rehabbing our Mom’s house now that she has passed. Looking for opinions. Cost/Profit is not an issue (everything is profit) but sisters want to maximize returns. I’m more concerned with getting it sold quickly to cut ongoing maint and taxes.
Built in 1950’s and is in a “mid range” part of a “low end” town.
Bath #A has “rose” almost orange tile. There is no shower, so the tile only goes up ~4 ft.
Question #1: we’re considering adding a shower to this bath. In addition to the plumbing, it will also require tile work (no access to the wall from the rear). Is it worth the extra ~$700 to have a second shower?
If we elect to not add the shower, we still have to deal with that awful pink/orange tile.
Sis #1 says “leave it, why spend the money.”
sis #2 says “patch the holes, extend the height of the tile and miracle bath over it.” I think this is a waste of money when the same cost gets a completely new tile job.
sis #3 says “put in an acrylic surround. no mold. easier to clean” While cheaper, it also looks cheaper.
Mark (me) says: if we have new carpet/paint/floors/everything else, then prospective buyers will only remember “the nice house with the orange tile.” It will immediately shrink the buyer pool because people won’t have money, time, or interest in doing it themselves.
Question #2: what would YOU do?
Bath #B has almost the same problem: pink and gray tile. Differences are that this bath already has a shower and it also has tile on 3 walls. One wall has a 2 x 2 hole where a heater was installed.
I say we remove ALL the tile and just start over. This is about a $1,000 decision.
Sis #1 wants to remove all the wall tile to the tub line, and have the tile guy put on a new edge and miracle bath the shower. Probably a $600 fix.
Sis #2 wants have the tile guy patch the hole and miracle bath the tile on all 3 walls. Cost is about the same a a whole new tile job.
Sis #3 wants to salvage tile from wall “A” to use the patch the hole in wall “B” and leave the pink and gray tile. Probably a $200 fix.
Question #3: what would YOU do?
I think that with a completely remodeled house, leaving ugly tile will only hurt the value and/or time on the market. It’s not a lot of cash in the big scheme of things.
Thanks for your thoughts.