Video from Iran.. must see.

checkout …oh and I’m real sure that the 5 and 10 year old kids wearing their obama shirts are real up on his policies :rolleyes

–Black Entertainment Television (BET) - I propose WET… Sorry, would that be racist?
–United Negro College fund (only for blacks) - I propose a United Honkey College Fund only for whites.

–Mrs. Black America (blacks only allowed) - I propose a Mrs White America where only white women are allowed to participate.

–Black History Month - I would like to have a month specifically focused on White only history or Spanish only history since they are the REAL majority minority.

–National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) - So what is the white only group that is the opposite of this? Or would that be a bad thing if White people were proud of their heritage?

–Is it politically incorrect to even think that white people may want to have “white pride day” as blacks have “black pride day”? White pride = racist, doesn’t it?

–There are over 60 openly proclaimed Black Colleges in the US , yet if were a “White college” THAT would be a racist college.

–The Million Man March was a march for black race and rights. If whites marched for their race and rights you would call them racists.

OHHH my, Did I just say a racist comment because I propose fair and equal treatment of white people?

I’m tired of the double standard.

I’m tired of Affirmative Action. I don’t like when my company loses government contracts and being specifically told that they were very happy with our services but SWAM, the Virginia Department of Minority Business Enterprise decided that they want it to go to a minority company.

Whites Need Not Apply…

I guess I must be a racist because of all of this.

I just wish we could treat all people equally under the law. I agree, the reverse discrimination makes me very uncomfortable/mad as a while person.

Just because somebody is Black or Hispanic, doesnt mean they should get a college grant or something over me, just because of their minority status. Completley ridiculous.