Unofficial Guide to picking your best side for your Real Estate Photo

Unofficial Guide to picking your best side for your Real Estate Photo

We see photos of Realtors everywhere. For the most part, the Real Estate industry is a pretty attractive group of people. Some Realtor photos are boring while others are striking and memorable. Of course the last one is ideal as hopefully it’ll cause someone to remember you and possibly contact you when they’d like to buy or sell a home. My question is: Why don’t more Realtors seem to have high quality photos?
Spend time in line at the grocery store and you can see pictures of celebrities airbrushed and perfect next to pictures of them in person. I am a tom boy at heart and wearing make-up was not something I started doing until late in my Junior year of High School. That’s late folks and left me at a serious disadvantage. Thanks Dad! In any event, I love make-up on men and women especially for photo shoots. Do we need so much it will take a putty knife to scrape it all off while still waking up with a brown pillow that was initially white? No, yet I’ve compiled a top ten list of simple tips. A lot of what science and humans define as beauty has to do with symmetry. Most of us don’t have symmetrical faces like Megan Fox, yet keeping in mind, what you do on one side, you try to mirror that on the other side. I believe in gently enhancing our natural features versus trying to look like a particular person. To me, everyone is beautiful without makeup, yet makeup can be fun and keep us looking fresh and energetic so our customers will sense we keep ourselves up so we must keep our business skills up, our cars clean and desks organized. Ok, so maybe not so perfectly put together, yet we all know a disheveled looking picture, a messy office, and wrinkly clothes doesn’t send me a message that my realtor is going to work hard for me and get the job done. Enough! On with the list!

  1. Foundation: This is important for men and women. It helps even out the skin and reflect a little of the light that will be bouncing everywhere during your photo shoot. Hopefully you’re having a real photo shoot and by real I mean a photographer who can use their $2,500 camera, not just afford it. Pictures speak volumes and even if you don’t believe in make up, a quality picture is a must. Choose a foundation with a primer to help cover up any blemishes or variations in skin color. Let it dry a little. Then put on a shade a little darker to provide more of an even appearance. Note: The amount of make up you put on for your photo should be fairly thick, making sure to blend into your neck. One shouldn’t really wear this much makeup in public but helps to absorb some of the light from the camera.
  2. Eyebrows: If one eyebrow is a little different shape then the other eyebrow or doesn’t have quite as much hair, one can use a pencil close to the color of your hair (for those that dye your hair), and fill in a little as well as trying to make each side look similar. Just don’t go too overboard that you look surprised all day!
  3. Highlighting: Use white eye shadow to highlight under outer edge of eyebrows. Helps brighten eyes.
  4. Eye Liner: Line the waterline of your upper eye to create a bolder look without the thick and heaviness of eyeliner on top of your eyelid. Also looks more natural for men.
  5. Eye Shadow: Use a more natural, earth tone for your inner eye like a light pink or light brown, then using a color that is a shade or two darker, pat the outer edge of your eye with color. You can blend with your pointer finger or a brush gently just to smear the edges a little bit. Don’t go past the end of your outer eye or any higher then your eyelid.
  6. Blush: Try a cream blush for a more youthful look as cream has moisture and it makes your skin look brighter and healthier. Use “x” strokes to apply your brush so you don’t make an abrupt looking line.
  7. Bronzer: Use a darker color to gently dab color around the outer edge of your entire face, then smooth in circular motions blending upward toward your hairline. Don’ t forget to use a bigger brush to apply some to your neck area and blend in circular motion down your neck toward your collar bone. Can also apply a little more to each collar bone to enhance definition and contrast.
  8. Blow Drying: Don’t over dry. Get hair to where it’s mostly dry, then air dry while you apply some foundation. While foundation sets, start to curl hair or apply some gel for the men. Just a little on your finger tips and run it through your hair. No need to be Pauley from Jersey Shore!
  9. Curling: Curl in one inch sections and alternate the direction of the curl as you move through the hair. Curl one piece back, then the next piece forward, and so on. This prevents the curls from sticking together and allows them to last longer!
  10. Smile! Smile! Smile! I know it sounds silly, but just like anything, it requires practice. We all have bathrooms and a camera phone. No, it’s not what you’re thinking, or maybe, ok, I’ll leave that alone. Take a few photos of yourself close up. Practice smiling in a mirror. Close up headshots are personally my favorite. Notice how you look slouching versus standing up straight, arms by your side, almost like you’re trying to touch your two shoulder bones together. Come on guys and gals, P90X style! I love those Dvd’s but only on mute…Most pictures are best straight on or if you have something you don’t wish to be in the camera, a straight on shot turned just slightly to one side or another is still my favorite. Think of something silly, happy, picture yourself somewhere warm and content, and smile!

Make it a great day friends!

Thanks for sharing.At least i have an idea how to look great, it is one of my weak points.