
I have a few opinions and questions about Donald Trump…

First, did Trump really go bankrupt or not? I keep hearing that he did and he didn’t. Can someone explain what really happened?

Second, I saw one of his interviews regarding his dispute with Rosie and he states that he’s worth “many billions of dollars”, apparently, 2 = many to Donald Trump…!!!

Third, all my business profs and most business moguls for that matter, stress that good business is ethical business and the fact that no one wants to do business with unethical people. So I ask, why do people continue to do business with him even though he’s a liar and goes rants personally attacking people constantly on TV or where ever? I know that it’s good for publicity, but it just doesn’t seem very ethical how he conducts himself.

Trump has never been bankrupt, (personaly), some of his company’s has filed …
As for the thing between Trump and Rosie, from what i understand, Rosie started the atack on Trump for some reason, but, i think they are both childish…
The reason people continue to do business with Trump is that he is a financial powerhouse,
business is business and the money is still green…

He’d be the only one able to vouch for going bankrupt or not without an extensive amount of research. He says he didn’t and wants to sue the “Fat Slob” for saying he did. If he truly never went bankrupt, Rosie’s going to pay.

I don’t know my net worth. It’s not an easy thing to calculate without many appraisals on all your businesses, personal junk, etc. I presume if I had billions of dollars of crap to add up, I would be much further from actually knowing.

I like Trump. I think he tells it how it is, doesn’t take no for an answer and most of all is a ruthless business person. I really appreciate that he has a lawsuit against the City of Tampa for attempting to make him take down an American flag and will take the damages recovered to donate to the GWOT vets.

Trump and his brand are one in the same. The business represents wealth, luxury, quality, etc. If someone says you went bankrupt on national TV, that’s damaging to the company’s identity and if it was a false remark, it’s slanderous.

I don’t see anything unprofessional or unethical about retaliating against someone in these circumstances. If it was me, I wouldn’t let up the attacks until Rosie went bankrupt. Professionalism has absolutely nothing to do with being kind and gentle to everyone. I don’t know what your talking about when you said he is a liar and is constantly attacking people, please elaborate.


What I mean is that every time his net worth is stated in Forbes or where ever it’s approx. $2B. Don’t get me wrong, I’m no one to say that it isn’t higher, but I think if it was it would have been stated by at least one other person besides himself.

Also, Trump is suppose to be a very refined person and when he’s sitting there saying that “Rosie’s fat and ugly” that’s very childish and it brings him down to her level which is not exactly held high. I mean lets be honest, “Rosie’s fat and ugly”, I used those lines in grade school.

What I would do is drop statements like this; I’m flattered that Rosie O’D is so concerned with my life and will be happy to make her acquaintance in court for her false statements. THE END

Why give Rosie O’D more publicity and her show more viewers. I totally agree with retaliating but in a classy way. There are ways to make the other person look and feel stupid without you looking the part also.

Look up Trump on Wikepedia and you’ll find a large section devoted to bankruptcy. A number of his businesses filed for bankruptcy protection in the early '90’s but it seems he only flirted with personal bankruptcy. As arrogant and annoying as many people find him he has proven to be a survivor.

Although Mr. Trump seems to have a hair trigger, and say things that sometimes dont make sense (dont we all); his and anyone who is in the public eye will get mis-quoted from time to time.

I dont know the guy, ive never broke bread with him, nor do I frankly ever expect too, but from what I have seen, he does not strike me as either un-ethical or dishonest.

As arrogant as this may sound of me, I think many peoples perception of his “arrogance” or people feeling he is “unethical or dishonest” is rooted in thier own close mindedness.

Forbes is not exactly a refined science, an uneducated guess would better describe it. Every net worth they list is always approximate because it would be impossible to know without having appraisers go into the peoples houses and add up their furniture, paintings, vehicles, collections, wines, furs, then their business holdings, etc. It’s a bigger deal for Trump because his business requires him to be rich.

In my opinion, I think a character assassination of Rosie is required. I’d think of something a little more intelligent sounding than “fat and ugly” but that still works. You could sue her for all her money and she’d still be back on TV running her mouth, making more money. The point is to damage her as a personality. To do everything in your power to cut off her ability to have a nationally heard voice and the resources ($) to contest it. If I were Trump, the only reason I’d take the higher ground is to conduct a better ambush, but that’s just me.