Even the extreme wackos on the left are starting to realize that the Fed (along with the big Wall Street Banks) are destroying the country. Here’s an article in the left-wing Puffington Post about the Treasury fighting an audit of the Fed.
As I said months ago, this audit will NOT go forward. There is NO WAY that all the crimes perpetrated by the Fed (and the banks that own it) against the people of the United States will be allowed to be exposed! NO WAY!
Asked whether he supports the House-passed measure to open the Fed to an audit, which was cosponsored by Reps. Alan Grayson (D-Fla.) and Ron Paul (R-Texas), a senior Treasury official said he is intensely opposed to it.
The official said the measure would undermine the independence of monetary policy and could restrict the ability of the Fed to act in times of crisis.
Translation: if the Amercan people knew what the Fed was doing, they would revolt!
I beg to differ, the rising public awareness is hard to argue. I think some form of audit will come of this. Look at the unexpected CPAC presidential poll, Ron Paul! People are waking up, yes even the neo-cons. There is no question a republican will win in 2012, If only he can make the primaries.
I don’t disagree with that. There could very easy be a sham audit of some parts of the Fed CONTROLLED BY THE FED or their surrogates - Geithner, etc. What there will never be is a full, complete audit that details the complicity of the Fed with the Big Wall Street Banks to steal TRILLIONS of dollars from the middle class.
There is no question a republican will win in 2012, If only he can make the primaries.
I wouldn’t bet on that. There is no way to overestimate the ignorance and stupidity of the American people. Offer them a handout and they’ll give up their freedom. That’s what The Chosen One is counting on and I’m not at all sure that he isn’t right. Even if Republicans win the White House and both houses of Congress, would they act any differently? Romney is probably the Republitard establishment front runner and is a socialist-lite (like George Bush was). Which new Republican congressman would actually do what’s right for the country? We’re past the point of no-return on this 2 party democratic (socialist) system. At this point, we are headed for a complete collapse of the system which will allow for a resetting of our system based on the constitution (or a descent into dictatorship).
Although Im a huge fan of ENDING the Fed, I dont think anything will come of this. Sorry John, but I believe your buying way to much into the tea-party thing. I fully support some of the concerns that they represent, but I believe at the end of the day… we will get a REPUBLICAN congress and President that represents… NOT tea-party priniples, but big government.
Who says the next president will have to be a republican? Perhaps the American people will be ready for an Independent… The only way to get elected is to promise the masses what they WANT. Then, after the election, turn around and give them what they NEED!
I wish we could get away from the two party system phlem, but we ALL know that isnt going to happen any time soon. You MIGHT see a few Independents (hopefully with Libertarian views) get in Congress or something, but I dont believe youll see one get to be president anytime soon. Im a firm believer in the ignorance of the American people, and they believe “change” is all relative to Democrat vs Republican instead of Big GOV vs Small Gov.
Not all Americans are stupid, just alot… enough to get Obama elected atleast.
I dont even really care what they (the Gov) do from here on out, i dont have enough energy to care about anything except myself for now.
I beleive by then it really won’t matter to much who runs against Oblah ma.It’s gonna be like the movie your wife made you watch.about 10 minutes into it you’re sick of it,but have to sit through the other hour and a half.People are so sick of the lies,and not to say the next won’t be a box full of more BS.
But Kermit the frog could take down Obama in 2012,if the DNC is stupid enough(or still exist as a party) to nominate him.
Actually having such a hard leftist has united the conservative base and since the repubs are closest to conservative++==game over in 2010!!And not a minute too soon.I think Romney will come out on top,and lord knows we NEED a businessman who’s ACTUALLY proven his success to step up.
Good video.I don’t see where it’s enough to write off him though.I like the way he confronted him afterwords without just duck and run and leave it to the “handlers” that most politicians do.I don’t fully endorse the guy,but anyone,anyone is better than the communist we have now.I like Ron Paul also,but he has had some crazy streak rants that will come up.
I read an article written by a person from this town where Romney came. A storm came through this town and he came to help. A reporter took pictures of him with his shirt off cutting down trees.He caught the guy and paid him for the pictures and said he was’nt there for a photo opt.A total difference from the ego maniac we have now,huh? :cool
Well bama, I do agree that almost ANYBODY is better than Obama, however, I dont see how you can watch that video and think that Romney is a crook. Hell, Im FAR from being a big Palin fan, but Ide take her in a heartbeat over Romney for the simple fact I dont get the feeling that she is a liar. You can tell by the look on his face that he knows he got caught in a semi-lie. Chris Mattews (I think thats him, I dont watch anything but Fox anymore) confronting the reporter was classic corruption. HOW DARE YOU EXPOSE A LIE TO A BIG NAME POLITICIAN!!!
Ron Paul is clearly the best pick, no doubt, and will get my vote. Unless somebody with really close views to his comes from nowhere (you never know) and gets a serious look at winning.