Can someone tell me the process of getting a tenan’s unregistered vehicle towed in Round Rock, TX.
Can someone tell me the process of getting a tenan’s unregistered vehicle towed in Round Rock, TX.
Call a tow truck? LOL joking, but before you can get a real answer why is it that you want the car towed? That will determine if you legally have the right to tow it.
The tenant has a vehicle that has expired tags and needs new inspection. She has had several months to get this taken care of and now she is in violation of city code.
I am no expert, but I’d think long and hard before you tow someone’s property. If it’s a city code, then the city should tow it.
Free advice. Worth twice what you paid.
Call the authorities and report that an unlicensed vehicle is parked on your block and that it has just been sitting. They will send someone out to put a ticket on it and they’ll give the owner so many days to respond or they’ll tow it.
Da Wiz
What does your lease say about this? My lease says that all vehicles have to be in working order, properly licensed/inspected/insured, and cannot be leaking any fluids onto the property…
I still don’t see why YOU want it towed. How is it affecting you or your property? If it is not it seems kind of malicous, after all the city has people to take care of things like that, and that is actually apart of the cities income with fees. I guess I just don’t see why it concerns you (unless it is an eye sore or something, leaking fluids, totally trashed or something), maybe you can clarify.
In many states/regions, it is illegal to store an unlicensed, uninspected, uninsured motor vehicle on your property. It is Denise’s property that has the vehicle stored on it…she might be liable…
True, but I guess that is my thing with some laws. Let’s think real life situation instead theoretically. When was the ;ast time you have heard of law enforcement just skipping along making note of unlicensed, un inspected, uninsured motor vehicles? I live in New Orleans (in Gentilly), we have the National Guard Patrolling all day and all night, had a quintuple murder, mixed in with a few others lately; and it still doesn’t get that serious. It is her property but she can do what she will , but like I said,what really matters is the REAL reason for it, not things that can be named as reasons out of the air, but the true reason that kicked all of this off.
I probably wouldn’t worry so much about it but there is a City ordinance regarding unlicensed vehicles and in our HOA rules and regs. They have gone through with getting an Atty to get the vehicle from public view. I told the tenant she could store it in the garage but the garage was too full. So no other choice but to get the vehicle off the premises.