I came across a vacant property a couple days ago and tracked down what I thought was the owner. Come to find out that the house is an estate that was left to a dozen people. The lady who owned it died three years ago. The property is in PA, but only a couple owners are local, while the rest are scattered across the country. Is there any way to buy the property without faxing the contract from person to person, all across the country? It seems like just no one wants to deal with it, so they just pretend the house doesn’t exist.
have you tried a quick claim and pay them for there portion of ownership?
send relatives #1 through 11 a power of atty form giving POA to relative #12 for this property. Then negotiate the deal with #12.
You may get by with a quitclaim from #1 through #11 to #12, but #12 is going to have to give you a warranty deed to transfer title to you. a quitclaim doesn’t transfer title.
There is only one person that matters on the whole thing is the beneficiary of the estate everyone else goes through them anyway. ;D