Times Square Bomb Suspect Caught.

They caught the guy at the very last second. He was on a plane tp Pakistan and the jetway had already been pulled back. Welcome back to the US as an enemy combatant. See you in 50 years.

This guy was a naturalized citizen. This is a prime example of why we need to be careful of who we call an immigrant. An immigrant comes to this country to become an American. This guy still sees himself as a Pakistani even though he lives here and even studied and passed a test to become a citizen. Being a citizen is not enough you need to love it or leave it.

If I come over to your house and don’t like how you do things I should leave. I shouldn’t throw my coffee on your floor and then leave.

My wifes firm is within the expected blast distance if this device went off…Here is my point about being on the offensive when it comes to fighting terrorism…These liberals will see when they have friends or loved ones injured in a terrorist event how they want revenge…We cant sit around and sing kumbayah and hope for a peaceful resolution…Racial profiling is something that these people are bringing on themselves and the POS ACLU will argue how its unconstitutional…We arent looking for Willie Nelson planting bombs for christs sake…

If you are from the Middle East you have to go. Sorry that all your buddies ruined it for you but as of right now you are not welcome in this country anymore. If an american went to Pakistan and start blowing stuff up the entire country would freak out and start killing ALL of the americans in sight.

Although I do disagree that we should make all Middle Easterns go, I think we can agree that THIS GUY should have a bullet in his head instead of wastin tax dollars for 50 years.

Any guy who would try to kill innocent people like this isnt worth tax dollars. Just my opinion…

Do any of you guys think this could be related to the PAKISTANI drone bombings killing civilians that have been going on recently??? You know, those bombs paid for by OUR tax money???

No no defiantly not, we better bomb them some more and throw out any Pakistanis in this country right, cause that will fix everything. And we better vote republican to get this done in November.

They don’t hate us because we bomb their civilians. They hate us because we are us.

I dont believe that for a second… OPEN YOUR EYES!! They dont hate us for killing THEIR CITIZENS?

Ive heard that growing up my whole life, all these people hate us BECAUSE were FREE. Im sure theres a few people out there that are like that, but come on now…

Us being the World Police, trying to TELL PEOPLE how to live, is the biggest reason for the hate in our country. Im sick and tired of Americans acting like America is perfect, were not, were REALLY MESSING UP by being the World Police.

Imagine this… Imagine RUSSIA or CHINA had a BASE in YOUR CITY(non-agressive, it doesnt matter), how would you feel about that? I for one would be FURIOUS, get the HECK OUT OF MY AREA. Well guess what? People in other countries ARE NO DIFFERENT. They have PRIDE for their country, and when they see big bad AMERICANS in THEIR AREA, it MAKES THEM MAD.

We are CREATING the VAST MAJORITY of the ENEMYS. Im not saying we shouldnt have gotten into this war in the beginning, since there were terrorists planning to destroy us. However, we are NAIVE to think that we havent caused a NEW GENERATION of HATE against us for the reasons I said above. Its way past time that we should GET OUT. (Not to mention the fact we cant afford being the World Police anymore)

Were doing more harm than good, and NOBODY is to blame except for America. This is one issue where I will disagree with the majority of the Republicans. Ron Paul is the only anti- neo-con. We have like what… 300 bases ALL OVER THE WORLD? That is STUPID to say the least.

Please tell me you are sarcastic?

Ditto with John.

They hate us because we consume large sums of resources per person. They hate us because we allow our women to go out in public being immodest, they hate us because we support Israel. In other words they hate us because we are us.

And they also hate america because of the patriotic arrogance some have. Many people here haven’t even left the country but think their thinking and way of life is superior to everyone else’s.

Wow, you guys are serious? Well I’m not gonna get into an argument here, but can I suggest some reading material? I’ll start with the Koran. Learn the difference between a offensive and defensive jihad. Then look at history. Why has attacks against westerners only go back about 40 to 50 years, when the same ideology of middle easterners has been around since the 7th century? You have to understand the problem to see the solution. But it’s ok, most Americans have no clue about this stuff either. Google bin ladens open letter to America. It’s an explanation of the 9/11 attacks from the source. Of course war is profitable, so you gotta dig for the truth.

Wow, you guys are serious? Well I'm not gonna get into an argument here, but can I suggest some reading material? I'll start with the Koran. Learn the difference between a offensive and defensive jihad. Then look at history. Why has attacks against westerners only go back about 40 to 50 years, when the same ideology of middle easterners has been around since the 7th century? You have to understand the problem to see the solution. But it's ok, most Americans have no clue about this stuff either. Google bin ladens open letter to America. It's an explanation of the 9/11 attacks from the source. Of course war is profitable, so you gotta dig for the truth.

Nice John!! :beer

You’re trying to sound worldly by denouncing the country and the freedom it represents while having a mere tourists perspective of the world.
Where would you like to live? You can live anywhere in the world you want if you have the right skill set. Even the closed European nations will take you if you have something to offer. Do you have anything to offer?

Shoot the messenger much???
How do you read “And THEY” and interpret it to me saying “AND I”??? Pay attention to what you read and stop jumping to conclusions.

Shoot the messenger? It’s your message!!!

The sentence “Many people here haven’t even left the country but think their thinking and way of life is superior to everyone else’s” was you’re writing, not the ubiquitous, vague “They”!!!

Pay attention to what you write!

Because I said “Many people here haven’t even left the country but think their thinking and way of life is superior to everyone else’s”, you translate that to mean I’m “denouncing the country and the freedom it represents while having a mere tourists perspective of the world”.

YOU need to pay attention to what I write and stop jumping to conclusions. How is that denouncing the country and the freedom we enjoy here?

Here is an example of what I’m talking about.
Two guys get into a conversation about shopping malls and how nice they are in other countries. American guy says the best most impressive shopping malls are HERE, because well, its america and we have the best of everything. First guy says, have you ever travelled outside the country to see other impressive malls in places like dubai and south africa? Second guy says “No”.

That’s what I’m talking about guy, stop reading so hard and stop looking for politics in everything I write.

So you are saying that they hate us because we are over there?
