The Tyrants did it..

Hitler’s healthcare plan!! Action T4- Lives unworthy of Living - Useless eaters! It started by killing the retarded and handicapped, Look it up. You are not as crazy as fdjake makes you out to be!

Thanks. I’ll look it up. We all know that Obama has already said that he’s starting with the elderly. No surgery for them - send them home with an aspirin and let them die. After that, we can move on to the handicapped, retarded, and anyone who is not a good little comrade!

Here’s a description of the T4 Program: (from Wikipedia)

Action T4 (German: Aktion T4) was a program, also called Euthanasia Program, in Nazi Germany spanning October 1939 until August 1941, during which physicians killed 70,273 people[1] specified in Hitler's secret memo of September 1, 1939 as suffering patients "judged incurably sick, by critical medical examination",[2] but described in a denunciation of the program by Cardinal Galen as long-term inmates of mental asylums "who may appear incurable".[3]

The Nuremberg Trials found evidence that German physicians continued the extermination of patients after October 1941 and evidence that about 275,000 people were killed under T4.[4]

And here’s a description of the Nazi Gun Registration/Confiscation program:

"Over a period of several weeks in October and November 1938, the Nazi government disarmed the German Jewish population. The process was carried out both by following a combination of legal reforms enacted by the Weimar Republic and by sheer lawless violence. The Nazi hierarchy could now more comfortably deal with the Jewish question without fear of armed resistance by the victims....

“One wonders what thoughts may have occurred to Alfred Flatow in 1942 when he was dying of starvation at the Theresienstadt concentration camp. Perhaps memories of the 1896 Olympics and of a better Germany flashed before his eyes. Did he have second thoughts, maybe repeated many times before, on whether he should have registered his revolver and two pocket pistols in 1932 as decreed by the Weimar Republic? Or whether he should have obediently surrendered them at a Berlin police station in 1938 as ordered by Nazi decree, only to be taken into Gestapo custody? We will never know, but it is difficult to imagine that he had no regrets.”

Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it.

Im not nearly as politically versed as anyone here…But I have made an observation after speaking/listening to a multitude of different categories of people about this administration and have come to a simple conclusion…Many of you know what I do for a living and that I work with %99 white males with egos the size of a mountain…I’m also fortunate to have many friends that arent well to do and may not exactly classify as a white male…One of my close friends is a school teacher from a prestigious NYC school,he is Jamaican (American)…This is a highly educated man,I get lost in direct conversation with him at times…My point is he doesnt make all that much as a teacher ( maybe 100k a year etc) but he is so supportive of BO (the administration and all that comes with it) and this healthcare bill…I was with him last night and I showed him the article from CNBC from the fund manager and asked for his opinion…And for the first time this highly educated man gave me the dumbest answer I have ever heard…He said look at the unemployment rate,how do we send people back to work if they arent healthy and expect to build a better society after this recession if our people are struggling to get well…Im no genius politically but WTH does unemployment have to do with healthcare…I always try to keep race relations and social status out of my mind because Im always with both kinds of people and try to remain as grounded as I can but for the first time I felt I wanted to say something…This administration and those who support it are the have nots of the world…Those who feel slighted,short changed,deserving something for free IMHO…And spare me the celebrities or the billionaire who supported this presidency…Fact is with this administration you are now penalized for being a hard worker,an over achiever…This administration is nothing more than affirmitive action on a grand scale…There I said it…

Exactly right,and they are taking over the colleges too.I guess we can make xtra $$ documenting what is really happening for future generations before the liberals erase their tracks.

I feel your frustration with some of the supporters.It’s gonna be an uphill battle,Obama is a master of deception.He also has a research team that spends hours on what words work and what people are talking about.Very dangerous to be toying with “racism” for an agenda(that does’nt include fellow democrats).Check this book out written by Kevin Jackson -The black lie-,or type his name in youtube and findout who the real racists have been since 1960.

Adolf Hitler belonged to the German National SOCIALIST Party. To those of you who have problem with us voicing our disgust and outrage over what Obama and the majority of Democrats in the congress did, just remember this. The majority of the country feels the same way WE DO.

In the just released rasmussen poll, 55% of likely voters want Obamacare repealed.

In the Bloomberg poll, 60% oppose Obamacare

In the CBS News poll released yesterday., 62% of voters want the Republicans to keep on fighting to kill Obamacare.

As Democrat Congress Dingel put it, this law is about CONTROL OF THE PEOPLE.

Comparing Obama to Hitler?! What are you all smoking??

Oh my Lord, the paranoia is just festering and festering. I really can’t believe what I’m hearing from you folks.
This fear mongering is gone to a whole nother level.

I hear A LOT of name calling and accusations, but not seeing ANY PROOF to back up the claims I’m hearing.

Maybe you guys need to watch the history channel and the military channel more, so you know what Hitler was REALLY like.

Already you are seeing views soften about Hitler. Wait till Oliver Stone comes out with his documnentary about the 20th century. He has stated he will show Hitler in a more sympathic light. What??? I love the guy as a filmmaker but are you kidding me? It’s all about perspective. Look at the love some of our citizens have for Chavez, Stalin, Mao and others. Vader, although some things written here could be viewed as extreme but some are a little too close at mimicking the underlying truth which is quite frigthening to me.

Comparing Obama to Hitler?! What are you all smoking??

Oh my Lord, the paranoia is just festering and festering. I really can’t believe what I’m hearing from you folks.
This fear mongering is gone to a whole nother level.

Paranoia? Open your eyes and study a little history. Better yet, study what’s going on right NOW! Who has The Chosen One surrounded himself with? ADMITTED SOCIALISTS, COMMUNISTS, MARXISTS!!! Have you studied the Cloward and Piven Strategy? If you spend a little time to do so, you’ll find that this is the ONLY EXPLANATION for the course Osama is on. He’s INTENTIONALLY trying to destroy the country. Study the strategy and the people surrounding the president and see for yourself.

You are like most Americans. You are a good, hardworking, compassionate person. That is good. Because Americans have had it easy (in comparison to other countries) , they have never experienced evil, neither first hand nor as an observer. You are most likely educated. But educated incompletely. If you truly want to understand the relative history to seemingly preposterous assertions, read this article:

Understand that the article contains facts and informed opinion, but opinion just the same. If you are inextricably tied to your viewpoint, it will make you uncomfortable, as it did me. You owe it to yourself to make an attempt to see it through the eyes of another.


JP you know that John Birch, Lyndon LaRouche and the like are nuts. They are just to the other side of space aliens reading our thoughts.

They are just to the other side of space aliens reading our thoughts.

I thought that they were space aliens. :lol

They may be nuts. What did you think of the article? Was there anything you found historically incorrect?