the tax club

I am getting ready to set up LLCs, land trusts, find a good accountant, etc. and I was contacted by the Tax Club. Basically you pay an upfront fee of between $1-$2K and then a flat monthly fee and you are assigned a team of specialists to work with who are recruited from the top firms, etc. It appears that what they are offering is a pretty good deal. Does anyone have any experience with them? I want to make sure that they check out to be as great as what they claim. I would really appreciate any info on this.


What do they do for you?

These service structures are usually more expensive than what you would pay for advisors as you need them. They would not be in business unless they made money off you. They are banking on you not using them as much as you think you would and thereby making more money under this structure than a tradional tax advisory model. You will find that you have a difficult time reaching the same people as well. The “team” approach sounds great, but usually does not work out in reality. I do not know this particular firm, but I have seen numerous versions of these around. In my opinion, you would do better to retain your own experts directly.

Thanks for the posts! The Tax Club (from what the sales consultant said) makes sure that you get all of the deductions (which he claimed to be above 100) that you are eligible for. I asked him what qualifications they have for accountants that they hire and he said that they hire the best accountants in the nations. They will advise you throughout the year as your situation changes, help you set up LLCs/land trusts, and file your tax returns for you. I am willing to spend money for quality advisors, but a lot of people are willing to talk big to get an account. I wanted to contact investors who have used this service before. Any posts are welcome!


“The best accountants in the nation” working at the tax club? I’m skeptical. Have you checked this firm out beyond the sales pitch? A quick google search revealed…!&q5=tax+club&submit=Search

After I finished my Masters in Taxation and got my CPA license, I really wanted to get a job with the tax club, but I just wasn’t good enough. ::slight_smile:

In all seriousness, it is VERY important to have advisors that are accessible and that you can trust and I think for that you should try to build a relationship with someone in your area. Good Luck.

They are great for preparing your personal/business returns, but f*** them for any other service they offer which is a complete rip off. I learned from first hand experience. A huge disappointment the way they ripped me off.

$2 grand? ouch. I gotta raise my fees.