And will continue to be attacked. Watch this video before it gets banned again on youtube.
“I am for peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none, and little or no diplomatic establishment. And I am not for linking ourselves by new treaties with the quarrels of Europe, entering that field of slaughter to preserve their balance, or joining in the confederacy of Kings to war against the principles of liberty.” --Thomas Jefferson to Elbridge Gerry, 1799. ME 10:77
“I have ever deemed it fundamental for the United States never to take active part in the quarrels of Europe. Their political interests are entirely distinct from ours. Their mutual jealousies, their balance of power, their complicated alliances, their forms and principles of government, are all foreign to us. They are nations of eternal war. All their energies are expended in the destruction of the labor, property and lives of their people.” --Thomas Jefferson to James Monroe, 1823. ME: 15:436
“I sincerely join… in abjuring all political connection with every foreign power; and though I cordially wish well to the progress of liberty in all nations, and would forever give it the weight of our countenance, yet they are not to be touched without contamination from their other bad principles. Commerce with all nations, alliance with none, should be our motto.” --Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Lomax, 1799. ME 10:124
“Commerce with all nations, alliance with none, should be our motto.” --Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Lomax, 1799. ME 10:124