The New Economy

I have not read the book yet, but the promo sounds about right.

Almost everybody in the U.S. is mentally stuck in the 1990’s. Tens of millions of Americans are waiting for the resumption of our financial leadership, dominance, and economic growth. In fact, they’re betting everything on it. We’re talking countless trillions of dollars. This is money people have been counting on to keep them comfortable when they’re too old to work, money they’re planning to use to educate their children and grandchildren, money they hope to use to start or build a business.

They think they’re being conservative and prudent, but the life savings they’ve invested in companies, funds and assets are really just bets on the normally powerful growth of the U.S. economy. It sounds like a good bet, right? They’re making it because it’s always worked - or so they think! The bet produced timely results in the eighties and nineties, and for Investor 1.0, that means it always has and it always will.

But the bet has not always worked for people who need results within ten or twenty years. Frankly, my work shows the U.S. recovering a little for the near future, which will feel pretty good, but then I see our economy and stock market stagnating for a long, long time – maybe the rest of my life. So, if you’re an amateur, you’re asking yourself, “Is Dan right about this?” And that is exactly the wrong question. You aren’t going to make yourself rich by seeking a fortune teller. If you or I could really tell the future, don’t you think we’d both be trillionaires by now?

The real questions you should be asking – the questions Investor 2.0 asks - are these:

“What are the chances that some other countries, whose leaders were educated in the best U.S. universities, will change their rules to be more business-friendly and attract the capital and resources that used to flow into the U.S. ten years ago? Fifty-fifty maybe?
“What about taxing risk-takers and rewarding poorly performing, less efficient businesses? What are the chances that those policies could contribute to some stagnation? Fifty-fifty?
“What are the chances that the decisions our country is making right now, combined with the aging baby boom population, will limit growth in the U.S.?” Fifty-fifty, do you think?
“And what about the fact that baby boomers, who were the engine of progress for the past generation, are getting older and considering moving themselves out to pasture? Does it matter that the baby boomers are now being replaced by a much smaller and less hungry population of their children, while other countries are now demonstrating the courage, creativity and ingenuity that we showed when we were hungry? What are the chances of this demographic change impacting growth in the U.S. economy, compared to other economies over the next decade? Fifty-fifty?”
So now let me ask you this: Are you in the habit of calculating the risks and likely rewards when you bet your life savings on something… or do you think you should just act on some easy combination of habit, emotion, wishful thinking and impulse? If you take the mindless route, it is because you are (or up to now you have been), Investor 1.0. It’s time for a change.

*Excerpts from “A World without Borders” by Dan Frishberg

Almost everybody in the U.S. is mentally stuck in the 1990’s. Tens of millions of Americans are waiting for the resumption of our financial leadership, dominance, and economic growth

Truer words were never spoken! What we’ve seen is a series of bubbles and people now think that the good times during the bubbles are the norm. This is EXACTLY why we’ve had people arguing that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to buy real estate, WHICH IT IS NOT! They say that because they believe that the normal prices we have now are an abberation and that the runaway growth will soon resume. I would argue that the prices we have now are more toward the norm (although still too high) and that prices will generally drop or, at best, stay where they are now.

I just don’t agree with MIKE that we’ll all be living in BOMB SHELTERS and eating CANNED FOOD while we CLEAN OUR GUN’S for entertainment.

What we have NOW is the POLAR OPPOSITE of what we had THEN…

NOW we have guy’s like MIKE…RUNNING AWAY FROM REAL ESTATE because he thinks the USA is gonna go…PLANET OF THE APES!!!

THEN we had people CAMPING OUT in front of Florida CONDO sales offices to get their “limit 4 per customer” pre-construction condos.

Mike hasn’t purchased a SINGLE HOME in 2009…He’s say’s he’s happy with the number of rentals he now has, and his 12 hour work week.

MIKE…Did the idea of BUYING & SELLING say 4 or 5 houses a year for say $100K++ plus in profits ever enter the equation???..Then maybe taking that $100,000 and building a SELF STORAGE WAREHOUSE!!!

CRIPES…Mike…You can build yours UNDER GROUND and have people CAMPING OUT in front of your new BOMB SHELTER CONDO’s when the DAY OF RECKONING COMES!!! Pre-construction sale…Limit ONE per family…Must own GUNS and have 6 months of canned food at closing.

Here’s the BILLBOARD…Picture Mike standing in front of his newly built underground, self storage/bunker condos with a quote right from Charlton Heston in a banner…


Get 'em while they last…Pre-construction prices subject to change and markets conditions…NO WE DON’T SELL AMMO…WE RE-LOAD OUR OWN!!!

loosen up Mike…it’s all in good fun:


It is…It’s just some b@ll breakin…

Have some FUN…

Mike, think of it like this…

It ain’t over till the FAT LADY sings, right???

Well…Based on my last trip to WALMART…If the FAT LADIES there started singing NOW…Your kids GRANDCHILDREN still won’t have anything to worry about…

Mike, I think ALL your TENANTS are pictured here!!!

Is it that Rookie and FDJake JUST CAN’T READ? If not, what is their problem?

I just don't agree with MIKE that we'll all be living in BOMB SHELTERS and eating CANNED FOOD while we CLEAN OUR GUN'S for entertainment.

Show me where I ever said ANYTHING about bomb shelters or cleaning our guns for entertainment! Can you show even one quote where I said anything of the kind. You’re just making that stuff up!

NOW we have guy's like MIKE......RUNNING AWAY FROM REAL ESTATE because he thinks the USA is gonna go.........PLANET OF THE APES!!!

More ignorant comments. I am NOT running away from real estate. Seriously, spend some time with a tutor and work on your reading skills.

MIKE.....Did the idea of BUYING & SELLING say 4 or 5 houses a year for say $100K++ plus in profits ever enter the equation?????.....Then maybe taking that $100,000 and building a SELF STORAGE WAREHOUSE!!!

Nope! I could certainly do that, but I already have enough money to do everything I want. So, what would be the point of giving up the free time that I have worked so hard to EARN? Yesterday, I went hiking. Tomorrow, I’m going snowboarding. Today, I worked a total of about 1 1/2 hour (changed 2 gas lines and cleaned out a rental). No, I don’t want to work any harder than I already am.

I noticed that you didn’t answer my question regarding what would be enough for you. Will you ever get to the point that you can say you’ve succeeded and won’t have to keep flipping houses?

First off…I’m glad that Mike has hit a point were he’s just HAPPY…And I mean that…It’s smart…He’s got a lifestyle he loves and see’s no reason to add more properties…


Asking me when ENOUGH is ENOUGH is ridiculus…

I guess enough is enough when I no longer ENJOY making $80,000 for 3 weeks of SUPERVISING A MINOR REHAB PROJECT at a rate of about 10 hours per week!!!

I guess enough is enough when I no longer ENJOY finding that DIAMOND in the ROUGH and bringing it back to life as a better, more VALUABLE PROPERTY…All while doing it with OTHER PEOPLES LABOR and MY VISION!!!

I guess enough is enough when I no longer ENJOY putting DEALS TOGETHER, mentally sparring with the potential seller, or seeing a plan start out as a potential deal and building it to a 5 or 6 figure DEPOSIT in my BANK ACCOUNT.

The other point I’d like to make is simple…

Mike is a BABY SITTER…He baby sits MORONS that LIVE IN HIS HOUSES…He deals with their BULLSH*T constantly…Read his posts…These are HIS opinions not MINE…It’s tempered his thinking…My father was a COP…He trusted NO ONE because he saw the absolute WORST SOCIETY had to offer EVERYDAY…MIKE houses these PEOPLE…THEY LIVE IN HIS PROPERTY…DEAD BEATS that don’t WORK…Have mulitple children with multiple people and the STATE pays for it all…They trash his houses, they break his balls…READ HIS BOOK…The stories are ENDLESS…CRIPES…The guy CARRIES A GUN ON HIM!!! This ain’t MR. ROGERS NEIGHBORHOOD.

I KNOW why he doesn’t want MORE RENTALS!!! There’s only so much aggrevation one person can stand.

BUT…Don’t ask ME when enough is enough…Because MY business model is VASTLY different than Mikes…The BEAUTY of SELLING rehab property is SIMPLE…If you’re an @-hole…I DON’T HAVE TO DEAL WITH YOU!!! You can come into my property, make a comment I don’t like and you’ll end up out in the DRIVEWAY faster than you can imagine.

That NEVER get’s old to me…I RUN MY SHOW…NO ONE ELSE…ME!!!

That level of CONTROL is a beautiful thing!!! Then lay 6 figures a year on top and…

WHY IN GOD’S NAME WOULD I STOP!!! I can and DO all the stuff Mike talks about and MORE…SKIING, FISHING, TRAVEL, SPORTS CAR RACING…The DIFFERENCE is…I don’t get home and have 15 messages from IDIOTS that LIVE in my houses!!!

I agree fdjake…I HATE THE REAL ESTATE/LANDLORD business…I had upwards of 20 units and made pi$$…Its a joke and the aggravation is immense…Thankfully I sold most…Waiting on my last 4 family to go to contract now and be done with that pig business…I made more in 2009 in the Hard Money business than all of my rentals were worth !!!..Tenants and the cashflow business are overrated and aggravating…You couldnt give me a rental property for free…I went as far to hold the mortgage (hard money rates ofcourse) on one of my properties because the buyer had %35 down but the bank turned him away…I make more holding the mortgage than I did being a landlord…I will never go back…


Your making money on the juice…AND they have a BIG down payment they HANDED you at the close…They decide they don’t want to pay??? GREAT…You keep all the JUICE…PLUS their 35% downpayment…In THAT business model you make MORE on the property IF THEY DON’T PAY!!! It’s BRILLIANT!!!

You also don’t deal with…

The maintenance expenses
The Water bills
The SEWER taxes
The tenants relations
The evictions
The trashed property
The gas and electric shut offs and turn ons

What you’ve basically designed is almost a COMMERCIAL TRIPLE NET LEASE of a residential property!!

The “tenant” or “buyer” in this case is responsible for EVERYTHING…

You guys got it right. I’ve had my share of aggravations with them and I’m not going back. One roof replacement or one furnace will kill most of the profit you made for the year. Dealing with tenants that can’t make basic decisions ( I’m not referring to low income tenenats here either), breaking things that where in perfectly good working order when they moved in and having the guts to call me and ask me to replace the the stuff and on and on.

No thanks, the rental business is truly not what it’s cracked up to be. I’ll leave it to people that can take much more abuse than I can handle.


[i][b]"You also don’t deal with…

The maintenance expenses
The Water bills
The SEWER taxes
The tenants relations
The evictions
The trashed property
The gas and electric shut offs and turn ons"[/b][/i]

That’s quite a convincing argument… but then again, if renting was easy, everybody would be doing it, right?

From what I’ve read of Propertymanager, not only has he achieved his goal over the years, but did so to the point where he semi-retired… That’s success in my book… When I have the kind of cash in the bank that some of you more experienced investors talk about having, I can see how you keep after it, no matter the strategy, whether flipping, buy-and-hold, storage units, etc…

Speaking of storage units, you have a total hands-off setup on this? That would be interesting to hear about…