The Millionaire Real Estate Investor

Anyone read the Millionaire Real Estate Investor by Gary Keller? I know that he started Keller Williams realty and has a book for real estate agents. Is this one worth reading? I flipped through the book for a while, but did not buy it. I wanted more motivational type information from the book. I was looking for something that was a bit more concrete in how to analyze deals, find properties, etc. The book is a bit too much theory. Has any one know of any other Tutorials, sites, books, etc. with good solid info on real state investing?

I read through about 75% of it as well as half of his other book the Millionaire Real Estate Agent and the first half of both books is near identical; it’s the motivational information the previous poster hit upon. However I’ve recently been turned on to a great site. I was invited on a telecall by a friend a while back that was hosted by some gal by the name of Charrissa Cawley . Her website is REO Conferences dot com. I’m pretty sure. I have been listening in on her Tuesday night call every week now for some time-they are full of great info and I love them because she give out real names and numbers and websites, etc. not just a bunch of garbage lie many of the sharks in the industry…I was really impressed by her story. Two million dollars her first year in business. Pretty inspiring stuff.
I am somewhat of a seasoned investor now and I still find it to be informative and yes, motivating… We all need to be continually motivated to do what we do. One other thing I really like about her is she works on getting people out of the consumer mindset and into an investor mindset. Nothing like her out there that I have ever seen…

Get the book. It’s a must have for any RE investor.

I’ve read over 15 different re books and this one, I think, is the most motivational that i read.