You’re kidding, right? Are you talking about one of the Wall Street Fatcats that packaged these CDO’s KNOWING that they were going to fail; sold them to ignorant investors; and then shorted the same. Hardly anything to be RIGHT about except that the scam they were perpetrating would succeed.
Isn’t this EXACTLY what the Goldman Sachs SEC investigation is about?
I’ll let YOU dole out the NEW WORLD ORDER/POST COLLAPSE PUNISHMENTS for these guys…
I’ll spend my time paying attention to people who have CONSISTANTLY MADE MONEY by being on the right side of the investment.
Paulson’s PROFITABLE CALLS include…
The housing BOOM
The housing BUST
The run up in GOLD
Shorting stocks PRIOR to the RECESSION
And he NOW is apparently BULLISH on the economy and HOUSING…But I’m sure YOU know what’s REALLY going to happen. :bs
Your problem is as each day does by the WHACK JOB predictions you’ve made about COPS stealing from CITIZENS to feed their families, FOOD SHORTAGES, REVOLUTION, RIOTS, Needing a ARSENAL to protect your family from roving hoards of marauders…Have ALL been WRONG…
NOT ONE has even REMOTELY come to pass…
Instead… more and more people are realizing that the economy will do what the economy HAS DONE for over 250 years…
Big UPS followed by BIG DOWNS
Small ups followed by smaller downs…
And POLITICS is what it always has been and always will be…
Packaged CDO’s when OUR GOVERMENT wanted the HERD to be able to BUY HOUSES…REGARDLESS OF CREDIT!!!
Our BUDDY…Barney FRANK (IDIOT) thought it would be a SWEET IDEA to let any MORON with a PULSE buy a home…Repaying those pesky mortgages wasn’t important…This was about The AMERICAN DREAM!!! :flush
Paulson and company looked at those LAWS and built a PRODUCT that would make that happen…and they MADE MONEY…Which is what a BANK is suppose to do.
When HOUSING TOOK off and the market decided that NO ONE could ever LOSE a dime in REAL ESTATE…PAULSON stopped and looked at that SCENERIO…He REALIZED that not only could you LOSE money in REAL ESTATE…But A LOT of people were about to do just that…
So he moved money around to take advantage of this scenerio IF it occured…He PROTECTED his INVESTMENT!!
NOW… this same person see’s GROWTH for the ECONOMY and see’s VALUE in a BEAT TO DEATH HOUSING MARKET. Gee…WHO else here has been saying EXACTLY the same thing???
Yea…Sorry Mike…I know you have a GREAT track record predicting ECONOMIC COLLAPSES and REVOLUTION…But I’'ll stick to LISTENING to people that have made BILLIONS being on the RIGHT SIDE of the TREND!!!
C’mon FDJake. Let’s tell the truth. The truth is that these Wall Street Fatcats packaged mortgages that they KNEW were crap in to CDO; sold them to ignorant investors; and shorted the products that THEY created.
I think PRISON should be in the cards for these people!
I agree with you Mike…Honestly…Some of them should be in prison…
BUT…If the guy that created BILLIONS by being ahead of the trend see’s VALUE in the very business we’re all in…During the biggest SALE in Real Estate history…
I agree with you that all these Billionaires should be carefully listened to. Unfortunately, it is difficult to determine if they’re telling the truth when they say something. For example, I’m sure that the people who bought those CDOs believed the billionaires when they said that CDOs were a fantastic investment (while at the same time the billionaires were shorting those very same investments). UGH!