As we witness the unfolding ramifications of Climategate, does it make any of you who still believe in MAN-MADE global warming skeptical of what you were sold under the guise of “science”? Does it even cause you to question it?
What I find interesting, and more specifically nefarious, about this whole issue, is the “solutions” put forth. Basically it all comes down to CONTROL and MONEY.
They want to tell you what car to drive, how big a house to have, how high or low to set your thermostat (updating the new grids to have your thermostats under the control of the electric company, like water), how many kids to have, etc., etc., etc… I mean this list goes on and on, and it is ALL about someone in government DICTATING and having CONTROL over all aspects of your life…
The EPA, who are NOT subject to the voters/citizens, wants to call CO2 a “pollutant”… This will ALLOW them to put into place CONTROLS over EVERY facet of your life, as CO2 touches every facet of your life.
Why would you want to SUBMIT yourself to such conditions of control based on an UNTESTED theory? Did you get that, UNTESTED, that’s right, a key part of science is REPRODUCIBLE results based on your theory and underlying Data… they have NOT done this yet, but Al Gore continues to say the “science is settled” (he said that going back to 1992 BTW). It was WARMER in the Medieval Warming Period than it was now and the world didn’t end, but in direct contrast PROSPERED… THINK about that… it was WARMER and we PROSPERED? Not something you hear much about is it?.. WHY?
As usual, the answer according to governments who promote this is MONEY…
Now, we are seeing the FRAUD that “carbon offsets/credits” are in the EU, but THINK about what carbon offsets are… they do NOT remove one bit of CO2 from the atmosphere which is SUPPOSED to be what this is about. All carbon offsets are is one person or company being given FREE-Reign to produce as much CO2 they want IF they “offset” it by PAYING the government. Now, the absolutely ludicrous thing is that companies then PASS THIS COST down to their customer-base through INCREASED costs (carbon offsets and the administration of it). So individuals get to pay TWICE… In the meantime, the CO2 is STILL in the air…
Now, of course the government will also have to RAISE TAXES in order to administer the program. Someone has to track compliance, and of course, MORE money will be extracted in the form of fees, fines, etc… to do so…
The more and more this goes on, the more you realize you are WITNESSING government take more and more CONTROL of your life… They are DESTROYING the basis of our founding - Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness… These are UNALIENABLE RIGHTS…
You ARE becoming LESS free… so WHY are your so READY to give up SO MUCH for yourself, your fellow citizens, and future generations, on a THEORY of man-made global warming?.. It is STILL an UNPROVEN theory…