The best one!?

Does anybody know where to order Subject to course by David Alexander?


David can be reached at His site,, is experiencing technical difficulties today, but his email’s working.

Thank you, Tim!


have put in alot of time in it…

Want it to be the best out there…

Although, I used to buy Just Subject to… My New Mantra is… if your only Buying Subject to then your missing the best deals…

Gotta learn and apply all the techniques to take deals down…

It’ll kill your business if the market changes and you only know how to buy one way…

Gotta know how to Zig when the market Zags…

I’m finding out to be a real investor… means learning to survive both types of markets…

BanditSigns.Com should be back up by the end of today(crossing our fingers) or so… The company we had our server with couldnt get there act together… we switched and have hopefully worked out any bugs for the future.
