The American Revolution

d_sbrown- I 100% agree. Thank you for understanding my sarcasm. What you said is pretty much where I was going- yes there is an obiously leftward media bias, lets acknowledge it and move on, take the news with a grain of salt, and get on with our lives.

I listen to and watch Glenn Beck also. He has been amazingly correct over the past several years. I find it ironic that FDJake would call him a moron when a lot of what he says is exactly what FDJake and I have been saying for the past several years.


Whats he said that makes him a liar?
Gee…I don’t know???

Maybe I’m just slow…but watching a guy TRYING…let me repeat this…T R Y I N G his hardest, OVER and OVER, to literally CRY so people THINK he’s not bullsh*tting them qualifies him as a LIAR in my book. But I’m funny like that!


This guy is a complete JOKE.

Just because he has some of the same opinions as you do doesn’t make him SMART.

The numbers don’t lie…


FOXNEWS BECK 2,233,000
FOXNEWS SHEP 1,979,000
CNN COOPER 1,277,000
CNN KING 1,260,000
CNNHN GRACE 1,172,000
MSNBC MADDOW 1,052,000

I am admittedly a news junkie, and I watch them all at some point throughout the week, although I avoid Olberman as he is a hack. I used to watch Chris Mathews (Hardball) until a few years ago when his show changed to a Dem propoganda arm. If you are going to criticize Beck for crying and getting emotional, then you should be gafawing at Mathews with his “thrill running up my leg” emotional display about Obama.

Personally, I think the reason Fox News consistently gets the numbers they do and literally crushes the other cable shows is that they actually DO present both sides, but more importantly, they don’t bash their own country in the process.

What literally disgusted me was the coverage of the other networks of the Tea Parties all across the country, which brought out a million+ people PEACEFULLY protesting their governments theft of their money. It was literally historic and it was treated to insults, such as them being racists, the vulgar term “teabaggers” and the like…

What I found laughable in the media’s reacion, is that these were real people, with kids in tow, with mostly hand-made signs with mutliple messages, and the media tried to portray it as a corporate (i.e. - the rich) event to try and minimize it.

There were no unions bussed in, people paid to show up, etc. to boost attendance numbers, as is usually the case with protests the media WANTS to cover.

The fact that these people were treated to such disdain by “reporters” should give everyone pause. How can we expect the media to hold elected leaders accountable to the Consitution, if the PEOPLE who are trying to do exactly that during this protest are ridiculed by the reporters who are supposed to be holding politicians accountable? What hope does that give our country?

“Just because he has some of the same opinions as you do doesn’t make him SMART.”

No offense FDJake, but just because YOU think he isn’t smart, doesn’t make it so either… it’s just your opnion after all, not based on any fact that we’ve seen you present thus far to make your argument…

In fact, the arguement could be more accurately made that he is indeed “smart” being that he has worked himself into both a radio show AND a TV show, with MILLIONS of listeners and viewers. Stupid people don’t usually accomplish such a task… Time will tell whether or not he has staying power.

Just something to ponder…

Those numbers prove ONE THING…and ONLY one thing…

YOU and a lot of other people are BUYING THE BS…Hook, line, and sinker!!

I’ve learned a few things over the years. I have yet to see ANY of these things proven WRONG.

  1. The guy jumping up and down, CRYING, tellling you he LOVES his Country is full of SHT. (but he IS getting ratings from it, and that’s the ONLY reason it’s being done) The guy who comes home from Iraq and NEVER says a word about what happened there…Saw more sht than Glenn Beck could ever dream of. Funny…I don’t see REAL Americans like our soldiers crying like teen aged GIRLS about how much they LOVE this country. They PROVED it…They don’t have to CRY about it in order to BS watchers of their TV shows. I know who the REAL patriot is…Do you?

  2. Anyone who tells you how RICH they are, how SMART they are, or how many “connections” they have…Has NONE of the above.

  3. Anyone who thinks getting millions of people to watch you, listen to you, or believe you, means your smart…Needs to look no further than the number one, highest rated TV show of ALL TIME…ON THE PLANET…

B A Y W A T C H :banghead :banghead :banghead

Beck is an insult to my intelligence… That’s MY opinion…He is completely FULL OF SH*T.

As far as O’Reilly…

That just proves my theory that the overwhelming majority of Americans JUST DON’T GET IT!!

They buy their homes at FULL PRICE.
They send their kids to College and BURY themselves in debt doing it because …“It’s the thing to do.” even though Junior spends his time getting a degree in “ancient textiles”
They actually BELIEVE the entire MUTUAL FUND BS scam.
They actually believe SOCIAL SECURITY will BE THERE for them???
They buy their stocks at the top and sell them at the bottom.

If your idea was to convince me that BIG NUMBERS means these guys are RIGHT…It ain’t working!!


It’s all there to simply KEEP YOU WATCHING. The very numbers you quote stoke the fire of this machine. They watch those numbers on a DAILY BASIS…LITERALLY DAILY…When they see a spike…they throw MORE of THAT Fuel on the fire.

NEWS IS BUSINESS…BIG, BIG, Multi BILLION DOLLAR Business. You admit you watch it ALL…That’s great…I give you credit for having an open mind.

You should have quoted the numbers for the NANCY GRACE show…Now here’s a REAL GEM…Apparently…there are literally MILLIONS of people in this country that want to know what kind of toilet paper the “TOT MOM KILLER” uses. This troll (Nancy Grace) has made a LIVING off the tragic death of a little girl. I guess she’s BRILLANT because she’s making a pile of money and millions of losers watch her too!!!

But it does not change the fact that it’s ALL…ALL of it…

Just…E N T E R T A I N M E N T…It’s designed to keep you in that CHAIR for as long as possible while you are sold drugs, soap, insurance, and SHAM WOW’s!

O’Reilly…The M A R R I E D Moral compass of FOX news…Got caugth with his pants down a few years ago leaving RECORDED (BRILLANT) MESSAGES on the ANSWERING MACHINE of a female producer. So much for a moral compass???

Like I said…I get very concerned when some DOPE is CRYING like a little girl telling me how much he LOVES HIS COUNTRY. I don’t buy ANY OF IT for a second. If you do… that’s YOUR decision.

Ok, so the entire universe is running an evil conspiracy out to get us, and all of us lemmings are just following Fox news over the cliff.

fdjake, I say that with obvious sarcasm, but clearly you’re a well learned individual, so i have to ask, whats the answer in your opinion, if there is an answer at all?

Instead of harping on the obvious problems, lets discuss some solutions/alternatives.

I’m not a conspiracy theorist AT ALL…I find that garbage as funny as Glen Beck’s BS.

All I’m saying is this…


When I see a grown man CRYING uncontrollably and telling me he loves his country???

DUDE…The giant IDIOT warning light in my head LIGHTS UP!!!

The answer is to do just what YOU ARE DOING…Spread out the sources of news and even seek out the obscure.

But in all honesty…It’s right there in front of YOU…Everyday.
The best news source in the WORLD IS YOU!!

In 2006 when I saw people FIGHTING over houses that could not even be lived in because they needed so much work… The IDIOT LIGHT went off.

When I saw banks loaning money to guys who CUT MY GRASS for $400,000 homes…The idiot light went off.

When I see Auto sales at rates that are SO LOW the SCRAP rates are higher, that’s TELLING us something(the scrap rate is the monthly number of cars crushed for scrap in this country.) In plain english MORE cars are getting crushed than getting purchased…MY idiot light goes off and warns me that at some point this will NOT be sustainable. Cars are not luxury items for most people. If they WORK they MUST have a car. If your CRUSHING MORE THAN YOUR MAKING…There’s only ONE END RESULT!!!
When that spring lets go…Cars are going to FLY off dealers lots. It will be exactly the INVERSE reaction to what we now have. I didn’t learn that on CNBC…I learned that from over 20 years investing and actually OWNING a car dealership.

None of this was learned by watching ANY news source. I posted warnings about this mess YEARS before it happened and actually had some knock down drag out arguements with people here who refused to believe it would get at bad as it got.

Keep YOUR eyes open…Don’t depend on someone who has a MONETARY interest in SELLING you something to tell you the TRUTH.

All those VIEWER numbers you posted are a score card for ADVERTISING RATES…Why on God’s earth do you think they keep them updated DAILEY. Those numbers are… M O N E Y…If they can say or do something (like CRYING) that INCREASES those numbers…


That’s not exactly UNBIASED in my book. It applies to ALL the news outlets not just dopeys.

Hey…I almost forgot what a GREAT JOB the HIGHEST RATED Show on CNBC has done for the MILLIONS who watch it…If RATINGS means your right or your smart…Then…

J I M C R A M E R…is Einsteins long lost brother!!!

FDJake, you’re just making my point, it’s YOUR opinion that he is not “smart”, but the only way you can come to that opinion (i.e. - idiot light going off), is if you’ve WATCHED Glenn Beck. If so, you are joining the lemmings you decry (and the numbers they produce), if not, you are basing your opinion off a YoutTube screening.

I am not a huge Glenn Beck fan, in fact I can’t think of anyone I agree with all the time, all I am pointing out is that your assertion that he is not “smart” is in fact, just your opinion, and no more weighty than the person with the opposite POV because you have not provided evidence that he is not “smart”.

As far as O’Reilly goes, if you are going to argue that because he made the mistake you cited, he is not afforded the same humanity as everyone else, the world is indeed riddled wih hypocrites, and if I am honest… among whom I will have to count myself. Most people don’t believe in lying, but at one point or another HAVE lied. Does that mean you don’t entertain what ANYONE has to say? Or are you saying that you yourself live a life of perfection with regards to the principles you espouse… be careful of those glass houses…

I am certainly not defending what O’Reilly did, but while you could arguably avoid his opinion on that particular subject, it certainly doesn’t invalidate everything else he says… wouldn’t you agree?

We ALL make mistakes in our lives, whether or not we learn from them (some take longer than others) is the more weighty issue…

Being that I do watch aot of the news programs, internet, paper, etc. one thing I will have to say is that Fox News, and to a certain extent CNN (although a much smaller extent) are willing to criticize their ideological 'partners" rather than parrot the line of the day…

As far as the whole “The best news source in the WORLD IS YOU!!” bit is concerned, that is only effective if your are indeed informed, which is hard to do if you don’t entertain both sides, hypocrites or not…

“I posted warnings about this mess YEARS before it happened and actually had some knock down drag out arguements with people here who refused to believe it would get at bad as it got.”

You called the current extent of the country’s economic problem’s? That’s quite prescient of you, considering we did not know who would be in office, the extent to which they would put us in debt (Obama is spending MORE than ALL OTHER PREVIOUS PRESIDENTS COMBINED), which is compounding our current and future problems… Maybe you meant the housing crisis or the auto issue… but it is hard to believe that FDJake had all the answers BEFORE everyone else…

One thing is for sure, you do have a high “opinion” of yourself, you remind us all the time… :rolleyes

Not that you are not “smart”, mind you… I happen to think you are… but it’s just my “opinion”… and that’s sincere…

I mostly agree with FDJAKE.
I enjoy many of the conservative talk show hosts. However, the media/news outlets in this country are essentially run by the entertainment industry. Higher ratings translates into money. Talk show hosts are primarily paid entertainers. They are paid by a network to maintain and grow an audience. The networks sell advertising to businesses who cater to audience demographics.
If you are interested in the truth, know that it will not come to you via the current media/news outlets. You must think for yourself and use your common sense, if it hasn’t atrophied from non-use.
As far as talk radio goes, I think Michael Savage is closest to providing the truth. His delivery of his ideas is exaggerated, but his premise and historical support for his views are spot on.
For anyone who wants to get a perspective for cutting through the BS on a wide range of topics, I highly recommend reading “Economic Facts and Fallacies” by Thomas Sowell. It’s a very easy read with many short chapters. His other books are great as well.

Yeah, I agree with the premise about the entertainers… BUT, they would not continue to thrive if the “meat” were not there… people only chew on the aroma for so long, after long, if they don’t get the meat, they move on, and another entertainer bites the dust…

The reason the networks have held on so long, is that they were there before the internet, but both papers and the networks are losing ground every year to the internet, cable and talk radio. Paper is taking a huge beating…

Liberals recognize this, which is why they are trying to force the come-back of the Fairness Doctrine, whether it’s called that or not… Interesting that they only want to apply it to talk radio and not network or paper, where as we can see from last week’s coverage of the Tea Parties, they still reign supreme…

Liberals took advantage of the internet early on to their credit, but they lag behind and can’t seem to develop a strong audience in cable and talk radio…

One thing that would hold ALL media’s feet to the fire is when they get something wrong, intentional or not, it should be reported in the same format as the original inaccurate reporting. Whether it’s on the front page, top of the website, top of the broadcast, it will make them think twice about inaccurate reporting…

Either way… FDJake is right in that it is all about the money…

This all comes down to how MUCH information you REALLY want.

If your happy to sit in a chair and take in all the major media outlets and you buy into what their selling GREAT!!! But…your’re not getting ANYTHING close to the real story.

This is an interesting topic.


In my experience you get it from looking DEEPER into things than the 60 seconds FOX or CNN gives you. This applies to anything you do.

Case in point…

A few years ago I decided to build a Shelby 427 Cobra Replica. I wanted a car I could drive and not worry about if it got a scratch on it.
Believe it or not there are DOZENS of companies out there producing these cars. Magazines (Mass Media) are even devoted to this hobby.

At first glance looking at the advertisements I narrowed my choices down to 2 companies and started looking into them.
In the end what I found was this…
Those two companies spent their money on ADVERTISING…Not on their cars…They had sales teams, nice offices, colorful brochures, but not alot beyond that.

I kept hearing about another company while looking at finished cars. This company didn;t have fancy brochures, big ads, or sales teams. They actaully spent their time and money on THE CARS!! I learned this from TALKING WITH PEOPLE WHO BUILT THEIR OWN CARS. Not from editorials, or articles in glossy magazines. The PEOPLE who knew, all said the same thing. Go with the company in New Britian Conn. They build a great quality car that holds it’s value, drives great, and is closer to a real Shelby than anything out there.

Long story short…They were right…I bought a car from that very small company, they do a third of the business the big 2 do…But their cars are EXACTLY what they say they are. But…the MASSES…buy from the Big 2…year after year.

There’s no better example of this than REAL ESTATE…

The HERD couldn’t buy houses fast enough during the BOOM…Isn’t it interesting that when prices were at there HIGHEST…The HERD was buying all the way UP…But now with prices and mortgage rates are at HISTORIC lows…The HERD IS GONE!!! they actually WON’T buy houses now.
At EXACTLY the time when they should be BUYING, and BUYING, and BUYING…They won’t go near Real estate!!

That’s just human nature folks. The key to making money…The REAL KEY???

Just learn to recognize this simple human trait.

You may also find this interesting…

Studies have been done on crowds that experience a panic. I’m talking about a catastrophic emergency sitiuation where people DIE. The studies found that the people who did the OPPOSITE of what the CROWD was doing … S U R V I V E D.
As investors this is a powerful insight into people. How they react to information, news, ect. You can USE this.


Yesterday…I met with a woman who owns a 100+year old home that basically needs to be demo’d. It is beyond saving. BUT…The neighborhood is great and the lot would have value. I’d do a teardown and build a new home in it’s place. She didn;t seem like she was in a big rush to sell…The I asked her one simple question…

Was the house insured???

Oh yes she said…

I asked…Does the insurance company know no one has lived in the home for 2 years??

No…she said.

I explained that if something happened to this house the insurance company would most likely deny any claim because the home had been vacant and she hadn’t informed them of this.

She asked …How would they know???

That’s when it hit me…This woman had given NO THOUGHT to this…NONE…

I explained that they use water and utility bills, since they’ve been shut off for 2 years it wouldn’t take Dick Tracy to figure this out. An investigator will also talk with neighbors, THEY WILL FIND OUT. These people are not going to cut you a check for 6 figures before looking into things.

She called this morning…I bought the house.

The point is…How many people do you see on a monthly basis that have homes like this that have NO CLUE what happens if something BAD happens.



Oh…one last thing…I DO NOT know it all…far from it…but I have NO PROBLEM admitting when I get something right. Especially if it saves me, and others BIG MONEY. I know for a FACT (emails from members) that some of my advice has literally saved some people here $$$$$.

As far as having a high opinion of myself…Show me someone who built up a fairly decent sized real estate business from nothing that doesn’t have confidence in themselves. I’ll take that comment as just a swipe.

You have to admit…


That my friend, is what it’s all about. We each bring something to this forum. We don’t all have to agree…In fact…It’s in those very disagreements that the REAL GOLD is found!!!

Have a great weekend PositveOutlook…and everyone else too!

I couldn’t agree more about digging for the whole story… that being said, there are drop-off points to start your search…

Scary thing is that ALOT of people rely on the internet for their information thinking it is infallable. It is being implemented right now what you read, and search for online will be directed. I am not talking targeted ads; it’s much more deeper than that… it is opinion shaping at it’s worst… which is why if you don’t entertain different sources under different venues, including IRL relationships you’ll be stuck like the average kid who attends a public school… pigeon-holed…

1984 in gory fruition…

BTW, FDJake, I am sure despite O’Reilly being wrong in the incident you cited, it could also be argued that people have benefited from him, just like you… of course, to an atheist, O’Reilly wouldn’t be wrong, as the individual is the ultimate arbitor of who’s right or wrong…

Will the Tea Party movement continue forward? We’ll see… but if we can’t get our own government under control, and stop them from spending us into oblivion (which I believe we are at that point where we will NEVER be able to retire the national debt no matter who is in office), the only course is evetual totalitarianism control or complete implosion.

Our sovereignty is slowing being taken from us… The last G20 conference added the latest round…

The “rich” can only be taxed so much before the politicians come after the middle class…

FDJake, as far as having “confidence” in yourself, there’s nothing wrong with having confidence, especially if you’ve earned it, but it’s quite another thing to continually remind others of your own perceived confidence… one could say that’s either called insecurity or arrogance… But, in your case, we’ll make an exception to the rule and just call it confident as we recognize it as part of your personality… :biggrin

That would also mean that you would need to recognize that other’s may hold that same trait… some more gold, yes?..

I like that!


You can label me whatever you feel confortable with. It makes no difference to me.

As far as any FREEDOM being stolen from us…That worry left my mind the day George Dubya…left Washington. You had more freedom stolen from you under that idiot than at any time in U.S. history.

And O’Reilly…give me a freakin break…I have NO PROBLEM with someone making mistakes…I DO have a problem though, when that same person is making a LIVING pointing out other peoples mistakes and continually bashing them for something far LESS than what this LOSER was doing behind his wife and his devoted viewers backs. And the whole time CASHING in by SELLING HIMSELF as a MORAL COMPASS!! I can’t believe I have to actually EXPLAIN THIS???
He’s a LIAR…If you’re a married man and your calling another woman and leaving messages about how you want to soap her down in a shower then bang her…THAT’S a complete LOSER in my book. He goes home at night and plays the Ward Cleaver role. It turns my stomach. BUT…the MINIONS, SHEEP, CATTLE whatever you want to call them…JUST KEEP FOLLOWING.

But hey… he’s got MILLIONS of viewers…He MUST be right. :shocked

People watch this guy because they THOUGHT he WALKED THE WALK…They BELIEVED he was a decent person who really cared about seeing the right thing done…But IT was just for SHOW…He found something that SOLD and he FED IT to the MILLIONS who couldn’t get enough of it.
Hey… he got YOU to defend him… Do you think movie stars are all great people too because they SEEM to be on the big screen??? OPEN YOUR EYES. Want to know what someone is REALLY LIKE??? Watch what they do when they THINK no one is WATCHING THEM. O’Reilly showed me what he’s made of.

Defend anyone you want…but come on… Are you really gonna pick this TURD to throw your support behind???

FOX news is the republican political version of ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT…The only difference is… the people watching Fox (and BUYING the BS) THINK their smarter than the folks watching ET…They’re NOT!!!

In my book he (and liars like him) are the very definition of a FRAUD.
Making a MISTAKE is an ACCIDENT…Sneaking around and cheating on someone your married to IS NO ACCIDENT. But Fox fans can cut him all the slack they want…He is what he is. If some people want to buy their daily dose of BS from Mr. OReilly…Go right ahead…I’ll pass…But I’m funny like that…I have a hard time taking advice from people who LIE and CHEAT…Especially when the people they’re lying to and cheating on are their own F A M I L Y!!! But hey…I’m sure he’s telling his viewers the whole TRUTH!!!

Oh…and the G 20 didn’t “take our sovereignty”…It was SOLD to the Chinese at an ever increasing pace over DECADES by your own Goverment. The Chinese paid for it…IN FULL. We NEED them and they NEED us. That’s known as MUTUALLY ASSURED DESTRUCTION. If WE go…they go with us!! It kept the PLANET from blowing it’s self up for DECADES…My guess is it will keep us from economic armageddon for the same reasons. If ONE goes…They ALL go. Do you really think these countries WANTED to work together on this economic BUST??? Most of them can’t stand one another. They’re doing it for ONE REASON…


It’s ALL connected…Commerce is GLOBAL…There is NO MORE…US vs THEM…We ARE them. If China stopped buying our debt tommorow, you could not IMAGINE how quickly this entire show would shut down. The very people crying about the G 20 would be bitching about how much we need each other.

What you WANT…


What you NEED.

FDJake… I am not labeling you at all, just observing what you are saying and applying what you espouse… your apparent level of discomfort is self-generated…

“take our sovereignty” &“G20” - Dig a little “deeper” and read up on the FSF/FSB and it’s proposed new control over American regulatory agencies and US Companies… it’s all flying under the radar; the media certainly isn’t reporting it…

“any FREEDOM being stolen from us…That worry left my mind the day George Dubya…left Washington” - I don’t know how you can possibly back this up. Obama is keeping in place and defending in the courts the same Bush policies, and expanding others. Never mind that they have given UNPRECEDENTED POWERS to the Fed et al with NO ACCOUNTABILITY. Obama is spending more than all other previous presidents COMBINED! Why do you think the Tea Parties exist?!

“O’Reilly” - I am not defending O’Reilly, but rather applying the standards you are espousing for everyone else, and seeing how it sticks to someone you have opposition to… BTW, a mistake is more than a mere accident, it also involves lack of judgement (check the definitions for more clarity and your misapplication), and the point I was making was that we ALL are guilty of it… From your responses, you just seem to think it applies differently to you somehow…

“Global” & “…all connected” - I don’t have a problem with global trade that DOESN"T affect our sovereignty, but I have a very real problem with anyone, Dem, Rep, whomever that gives our sovereignty away… If I want to live as a socialist, communist, fascist, I’ll pick up and move there… I CHOOSE to live free, as outlined in the Declaration of Indepedance, and provided under our Constitution/Bill of Right’s…

Point is, Americans don’t expatriate to other country’s in mass, like immigrants who live under these oppressive systems do to America…

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe FREE. - Engrved on Statue of Liberty"

…why would we want to change the opportunity for all the “huddled masses” to achieve their freedom by enjoining them under the same oppressive systems of government they are trying to escape and that we went to war for to establish our country?..

I have no discomfort…But when you write that O’Reilly just made a “MISTAKE” then try to BS your way out of it…IT STANDS OUT!!! Just admit it…YOU WATCH THIS DOPE and agree with a lot of what he says!!! It’s OK…You picked YOUR role models. I’ll pick mine. (apparently a little better than YOU do) As far as Mr. O’Reilly’s “ACCIDENT or MISTAKE” or whatever YOU want to call it in your next response…Funny…I’ve never “ACCIDENTALLY” CHEATED ON MY WIFE…Or Made the “MISTAKE” of calling a woman I’m not MARRIED TO, and telling her I want to soap her up and bang her. But hey…I’m WACKY like that!!! I can ASSURE you… WE… are NOT all GUILTY of this. DUDE…You lost this one…Just MOVE ON. O’REILLY is a LIAR…He lied to his AUDIENCE and OBVIOUSLY LIED to his own WIFE…That’s a TURD in my book.

Where’s this “oppressive system” your talking about???

I’ve made over $150,000 NET in the last 5 months on 4 real estate deals.
I did it by FINDING properties BEFORE they went on the market and buying them DIRECTLY from the owners AS IS.

No GOVERMENT stood in my way.

The G 20 didn’t hinder my profits.

Believe it or not…I did it by USING MY OWN CASH to buy these homes. See…a few years ago…I started SELLING Multi family homes that I owned. I’ve told this story here before…But for “new guys” I’ll repeat it…I had a motorcycle that I wanted to sell. I kept it in a garage at one of these homes. I rolled it out on the front lawn and banged a FOR SALE sign into the ground in front of it…Later that day…It started to rain, so I put the bike away but FORGOT the sign…That night I received over 30 calls for the “HOUSE FOR SALE” The bids kept going higher and higher (this was 2004) That weekend I knew this was NOT going to end well…NOT one of the offers would have seen that property CASH FLOW…Within the next 13 months I sold every rental I owned…And here’s the WACKY part…I actually SAVED THAT MONEY…I have CASH to buy homes at a time when there IS NO CASH…I’m not the smartest guy here…I’ll guarantee that…But it doesn’t take GENIUS to MAKE MONEY when people are GIVING HOUSES AWAY and your sitting on a pile of GREEN!!!

As far as the FEDs “UNPRECEDENTED POWERS” (given to them during an UNPRECEDENTED FINANCIAL CRISIS I might add) Didn’t keep me from buying and selling Houses. IF FACT…Those crazy people at the FEDERAL RESERVE are ACTUALLY getting mortgage money FLOWING again. I have 4 SOLD HOMES as proof. Will I pay more in taxes next year??? ABSOLUTELY…Will it CRUSH ME to pay a few points more than I did last year…NOT IN A MILLION YEARS!!!

You WORRY TOO MUCH from what I can see. You seem like the CLASSIC FOX news viewer. “Keep 'em scared and WATCHING” is Ruperts favorite saying. Did you know that???

As far as new REGULATORY POLICY and control over agencies and our companies…Yea…I’m losing sleep at night worrying about this…I guess when you have 8 YEARS of NO REGULATION under DOOFUS…Getting a bit more REGULATION is probably NOT A BAD THING. Especially when that COMPLETE LACK of oversight lead directly to the UNWINDING of the GLOBAL ECONOMY. Face it…The USA has done a SH*T JOB of keeping it’s books and business. We’re a GLOBAL JOKE because of the “BUSH Doctrine”. Does it really SURPRISE YOU that other countries WHO HOLD OUR DEBT…might want to make sure we’re not running things like a drunken teenager with daddy’s credit card???

Anyone in this Country willing to get OFF their @SS, SAVE SOME MONEY, and GET TO WORK, can STILL make BUCKET FULLS of money.
Or…you can sit at home and be a “News Junkie” and worry about the crap that BIG MEDIA OUTLETS are SELLING YOU while they make BILLIONS off it. And it’s all designed to WIND YOU UP and KEEP you WATCHING (It’s obviously working in your case) You even posted the NUMBERS in an attempt to… I guess… PROVE to us that… Hey…Look…all these people are doing the same thing I’M GOING so they must be right!!! In reality you posted a RATE LIST for how much FOX can get from it’s ADVERTISERS…And THAT my friend IS what it’s ALL ABOUT…And you thought you were watching NEWS??? Come on…Are you kidding me???

I’ll leave the WORLD DOMINATION… NATO is the ANTI CHRIST… The G 20 is the 10 headed monster from the book of revelations… and the FEMA Concentration camps THEORIES to you and the other FOX News fans…

I’ll be out buying property and making $$$$$$$.

I posted warnings about this mess YEARS before it happened

So did Glenn Beck!

and actually had some knock down drag out arguements with people here who refused to believe it would get at bad as it got.

If this is as bad as it’s going to get, we certainly have not had enough of a downturn to fix the country. That means that we’ll be in for another and bigger recession (depression) in the near future. However, I’m not at all convinced this thing is over. This is exactly how the great depression progressed - an initial stock market drop, followed by a bear market rally, and then the long grind to the bottom.

Let’s use some of that common sense. NOTHING has changed. Americans are still overleveraged after decades of overspending. Millions of Americans are still upside down on their mortgages and much of their imaginary wealth has disappeared. Americans have lost a huge percentage of their stock market investments and 401K retirement accounts. Social security will soon be (is) broke. Medicare will soon be broke. The government continues to promise more entitlements, even though there is no money to pay for them. Nearly half of Americans don’t pay income tax. We have a shameful percentage of deadbeats in this country who are too lazy to work and are being supported by the taxpayer. More foreclosures are coming and a huge percentage of loans that were modified are once again defaulting. Americans and the American Government have gotten into this trouble due to decades of overspending and the government’s solution to this problem is to SPEND TRILLIONS MORE! We’ve gone straight from a housing bubble to a government bubble and this entire house of cards will soon come down.

That’s common sense!



I can’t disagree with ANY of your statements…

But…I’m starting to see some SMALL glimmers of faint light out there…And believe me…My business is TIED to construction…If it wasn’t loosening at all…I’d be writing about it. I’ve heard some local economists (that are actually GOOD) say that because South Eastern New England ENTERED this recession/depression FIRST, we’ll probably be one of the early ones out. They base this on previous recessions. So…What I may be seeing here is the start of something…I’m not saying it can’t be snuffed out…But my contractors phones ARE ringing again. This after the worst 8 months ANY of them can EVER remember. And these are guy’s with 30+ years in this racket.

Glenn Beck is what he is…He’s an entertainer. arguing about him is a waste of time. Some people love him…some don’t…To each’s own. You know what I think.

Could this economy follow the path of the 1930’s…ABSOLUTELY…

And I’ll give you credit Mike…You’ve stuck by your guns.