Hi all!
I have SOME sympathy for tenants whose lives start moving in different directions. I’ve been there once.
I college I rented a duplex for 7 years straight with a couple other guys. Those seven years include two years after I graduated and worked in the same city (to prevent any of you from thinking I’m a doctor from going to school for 7 years).
My roommates and I were never late once during that 7 years, not even a day. The landlord never raised rent a penny during those seven years (which is crazy in my opinion, but hey, his loss). We always took care of the place.
However, about halfway through our last year, my roommates got relocated, I was going to get married, and I bought a house in another city where I was being moved to. I absolutely HAD to break the lease.
I talked to the landlord, and initially he was a bit stingy about it, but I finally negotiated a deal with him to find new tenants for his duplex, and I did. Not only for the remainder of the current lease, but the new girl even signed an additional lease for another year.
I guess my point is, peoples lives change directions quite often. As a landlord, make sure you’re not keeping your tenants from bettering themselves (through new jobs, new houses, marriage, etc) by holding them to their leases. Especially if they’ve been with you for a long time, never missed a payment, and taken good care of the place.
That being said, you have every right to collect on the full term of the lease.
I guess it’s a matter of picking your battles, and meeting the other party in the middle and wishing them good luck in life.
In this situation, I’d go to this person with a certified letter (which I believe you’ve already done) and be clear to them that they are responsible for the full term of the lease. However if they wish to go out and find new tenants (that meet your approval) you may be able to work out a deal.
Just my opinion.