Tax lien properties

I read that all Tax lien information is Free and public through government. With so many states and counties where would one find such properties? Any online sources?


Any county / any state - tax assessor's office! Most have a link to information about tax deed or tax certificate auctions!


You can view listings on public records at county courthouses, or research online of information from dozens of other local, state, and government sources.

I found the county websites just prior to their sales to be the best resource. Some of the material on the web is a bit old.

You can check to see if your county is online…

I agree with Mdhaas, check first if your county is listed online for there are county that does not provide information over the web.

I found using “[Name of the county] Tax Collector” of the counties near me works really well in Google. I only Google those areas I am willing to visit. I like to see the property before I bid. I know of some counties who wouldn’t hesitate selling tax deeds to 10 feet by 50 feet properties; whacha going go build on that? A billboard, maybe.


Can’t disagree with what’s been said. Either physically going to the county or type in state + tax collector on google. The second works for tax assessment as well