Targeting People Transferring Jobs?

Hey Guys,

I am looking to market to people who are moving because of job transfer situations, probably then trying to pick up the property “subject to”.

Anyone know of a way to consistently (or at all for that matter) generate leads among this market segment?

No idea is too far fetched to suggest, I’m willing to hear out all comers! :wink:


Most companies who transfer employees in the corporate world, use a RELO company, which is a package deal, which covers all aspects of moving, from the packers/movers all the way to selling the house, and assisting them purchase their new home.

The government on the other hand, such as Military doesn’t provide any such service as far as dispositioning the house. That’s where you can swoop in and save the day, by allowing them to live there to the last day, and you’d come in, take over, clean it, bring it back up to selling standards, and flip it, or rent it out.

Those doing self directed transfers, because of market trends, who are relocating on their own, you could do the same thing, but to obtain that type of information, you might have to work with the on-line job boards, and get the leads for people who are willing to relocate to obtain a new position/career. Market to them, using email, and direct marketing get your name out there in front of their faces.

No, it looks like an affiliate program, where they pay you for click thrus, contracts, and other stuff too I guess, but when someone clicks on the link, and orders the service, you get paid a commission for the referral.

It’s 100% legal, and if you’re generating income from it, you’re one of the lucky ones Congrats!

Guys if you want target a specific market segment IMHO the internet is the absolute best way to reach the masses! Either use an Organic website (6mo to a year or longer) sign up with a PPC company(Quick Results within 5-7 days)! ;D

Hey, thanks for your input San Diego, I just can’t seem to comprehend it…hehehe. IMHO? An organic website? a PPC company? If you could just expand on those a LITTLE more, I would appreciate it a lot more I’m sure.

Oh newbies. Thanks!

HuskyInvestor06…IMHO in my humble opinion…Organic is Natural Listing…PPC is pay per click!

Hope that helps! ;D

I would have to agree the internet is the best way to advertise to people moving to a certain area. When people have to move to a certain area there is good chance that the don’t know anybody there. And where do you think they will start their search.

One of the easiest ways to target people who are looking to transfer or relocate is (as suggested earlier) to have them find you through a search engine Marketing campaign.

Organic listings refers to non-paid/non sponsored listings that appear when you conduct a search on Google, MSN, Yahoo, etc. In most search engines, sponsored listings appear above organic listings. Basically by paying for a spot, you can bid (like an auction) for where your site will show up in results when prospects conduct a search. The “pro” to this is that your site can be found in search results within days, the “con” is that this can be very expensive since you actually pay for each click to your web site. Bids usually start at 10 cents and can go into the $10 to $20 range for highly competitive keywords/phrases, since most advertisers fight to get the top 3 positions.

You can get the same results with free Organic listings: i.e. rapid inclusion, top positions, high visibility, etc… if you know how to optimize your site to target the people you want.

The secret is in your web page title and desciption tags. You have to put the right keywords and info in them so that the right people can find you.

By learning how to properly place keywords like “relocation”, “transferring job” and other related words in your tags, you can assist people looking for such services to find your site. It also helps to add useful related content to your site, perhaps an article on “relocation” or one on “making a smooth transition”… or by offering an “online relocation guide”. Anything that will give your visitor useful info and give the search engines something to chew on when they look for sites to index.

There’s a lot more to it, but the important thing is to be sure to include your contact info everywhere and invite the visitor to contact you.

Hope this helps,
