Stop Stealing My Copper!!!

I’m am having a hard time keeping the copper on my HVAC unit. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!! I bought a small 2 bedroom house :banghead to flip. Well I guess it will turn out to be a rental because it has been on the market now for several months.

Search the internet for A/C unit cages. You can put a steel cage around them which makes it at least a bit more difficult for dirtbags to mess w/.

I 2nd that idea. I have got a welder who makes those for me here in Dallas - they are awesome! Look on Craigslist or another resource online, but search for welders in your area, and call around until you find one that makes them at a reasonable price. Reasonable … is $350 or less, installed.

Talk to an engineer if there’s any way you can put the A/C unit or heat pump on the roof or a second floor balcony if it’s a two-story. I’ve seen single family houses converted to offices that have put them on the roof.

Thanks, I will check into the cages!!

I had a welder put one on the new condensor for $295. No problems so far.

check out or you can youtube thier video

reasonable price and you can remove the cage to service the unit easliy
