Starting in Commercial Real Estate Investing

Apprehension and procrastination were my only barriers, right now I’m looking for opportunities with another investor. I’d like to enjoy some of the benefits of owning commercial real estate investments. I understand that it will not be all great times, I’d be foolish to think that. I’d like to get started as soon as possible. Any advice will be greatly appreciated. I own two SFH as investment properties right now with very little equity. I think that I have a pretty good grasp of the SFH market, now I’d like to learn more about the commercial side - office buildings preferrably.


You’re going to have a hard time finding another investor if all you are bringing to the table are apprehension and procrastination.

Nobody is going to carry you through a deal. You have to be bringing something valuable to the table that makes it worth dealing with you.

I suggest that you figure out what kind of deal that you want to do, study how it works, and then start looking for the property that you are going to try to buy.

If you want commercial and you don’t want to make any decisions, then you can invest in some of those real estate based funds, where you put in your cash, buy shares, and you are not allowed to have any input.

You know, other people can do it, and some of them aren’t even all that bright. There is no reason that you can’t do it. You have to put in the effort to study and learn, and then just do it.