SS confusion

I debated posting this because I feel so dumb but here goes…

I have bought and studied courses and attended seminars on how to do short sales as an investor. I thought I understood most everything.

I have recently gotten my realtor license and partnered up with another agent in my office who has done a few SS as an agent and wants to learn from the investor angle. Suddenly, I am so confused! How do we pursue SS as agents and investors at the same time? How do they fit together but not cross any ethical or legal lines? We received a lead but when I watched her prepare for it as an agent my wires somehow got crossed and I lost all understanding of what I should do, how to prepare and how to present myself to the homeowner. I know I don’t want to go into it as an agent only and lose out on the opportunity to make a lot more money but I’ve lost my understanding on how to to work both angles.
Please help!