Sit on the sidelines.......Or grow a pair and INVEST???

This section of REICLUB has apparently been taken over by propertymanager…We know he DOESN’T ACTUALLY BUY REAL ESTATE anymore…He’s big on GREEN BEANS these days and posting DOZENS of Apocolyptic WARNINGS of the coming COLLAPSE. So what’s a NEW INVESTOR to do???

GO OUT and I N V E S T!!!

Invest in our WAY OF LIFE…Our ECONOMY…Our INGENIUTY…Invest in all the things that make this Country GREAT!!!

Sounds great Jake…But HOW???

Find yourself a REAL BARGAIN of a property…They’re EVERYWHERE now that the “HERD” is out buying GUNS and GREEN BEANS…


You should be BUYING what THE HERD IS SELLING…and that is PROPERTY!!!

I’ve been doing this for over 22 years now…I’ve invested through the S&L crisis of the 1980’s…The Northeast Bank failures of the 1990’s…The BOOM of the 2000’s… And RIGHT NOW…At THIS VERY MOMENT…I have NEVER seen better deals IN MY LIFE!!!

People are GIVING AWAY property for prices that are LOWER than the LUMBER COSTS to build just the STRUCTURE!!!


When someone wants to SELL YOU a HOME that can be LIVED IN for LESS than the cost of just the LUMBER it took to build it…

BUY IT!!! and buy as MANY as you can at those prices…

You have to DIG for these deals…Build a NETWORK…NOT OF REAL ESTATE AGENTS… But of EVERYDAY people that interact with other everyday people…EVERYDAY!!!



These guys are GOLD…PURE GOLD!!

They get in these houses FIRST because they are there to buy all the CRAP granny collected for 75 years…They ALL have my cards…They give them to the family member who contacted them and IF I buy that house???

That antique dealer gets a check for up to $5000…

These guys are all PREP’D by ME as to how they should STEER the conversation…Most of these homes are filled with WORTHLESS JUNK…These antiques dealers don’t buy that stuff, so it’s LEFT for the family to dispose of at THEIR COST…This is what I have them say to the owners…

“I have a very nice guy that I think you should talk to…He LOVES these old RUN DOWN HOUSES…He’ll buy this home from you with all the JUNK in it…and he pays CASH!!!..He won’t mind the clutter…As a matter of fact he say’s the same thing all the time…I can get dumpsters a lot cheaper than these folks can!”

At that point the SEED has been planted…All I have to do is HARVEST!!!

Want to see an antique dealer CRY???

Hand them a check for $5000 because they gave out your PHONE NUMBER!!! Think that guy might call you AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN??? HE WILL!!!

These guy’s LOVE IT!!! and they CALL…EVERY MONTH… with GOLD…PURE GOLD.

I just purchased a beautiful Cape Cod style home on 20 acres of land from an estate. The owners son never even BOTHERED to see if the town would let him subdivide the property…WELL…Not only did they LET ME sub-divide it…THEY ACTUALLY HELPED me get it done…IMAGINE…A local Town Goverment that actually WORKS!!!

I paid $100K for everything…the house needs $30K and is worth $230,000 ARV all day long…I’ll be left with 8, one acre lots that I should clear $150,000 per on after builing new homes on each. I love these projects…It’s something I can chip away at…I owe NOTHING on this developement and will build it out at MY pace and on my schedule!


Get out of SAM’s CLUB and STOP BUYING GREEN BEANS while waiting for the COLLPASE.

INSTEAD load up on SOAP…Maybe if you get up a nice LATHER, you can FINALLY pull your head out of your @SS!!!

With the exception of your childish personal attacks, I agree with most of this post. Of course, it would be more appropriate in one of the real estate forums, instead of the Random Ramblings forum. The Random Ramblings forum is for non-real estate related stuff. Having said that, I agree with your advice to get out there and build a business. Furthermore, your suggestion to build a network of ordinary people to find you leads is right on the money.

If you could just stop the childish personal attacks, you might be able to post a good message. However, I doubt that you can do it - after all, the personal attacks are your forte and that’s exactly why you got banned before. Again, I suggest that you keep hustling until you can afford to quit your job. Take it from me, life is a lot more enjoyable when you don’t have to punch that clock!

I bought 700 shares of SORL $9.48 today. Its a small cap Chinese company that makes air brake valves for commercial trucks and buses… It recently beat the analysts estimates but it hasn’t shown up in the PPS. Many of the China stocks have beaten down after reaching new highs… If I waited a little longer, I could’ve bout in at $9.22… Bit that’s hindsight… :biggrin I realize its “smalltime” compared to some of the bigger players on this board, but I’m happy to be in the game and learning as I go… :beer

FD, I think you need to take in a REALLY deep breath and calm down man. You’re starting to sound like old Pete, when you had saliva flying out your mouth and talking in a mad rage.

I really like the new you man, let’s not go backwards.

I personally don’t see anything wrong with FDJake’s posts and agree 100% with what he states here. I usually read everything he posts and I usually pay special attention when he gives investing advice.

Jake, im looking forward to your wisdom after I save 30K. Thank you Godfather. (kneels)

Check out this girl:

Cool story.

I just purchased a beautiful Cape Cod style home on 20 acres of land from an estate. The owners son never even BOTHERED to see if the town would let him subdivide the property....WELL....Not only did they LET ME sub-divide it.....THEY ACTUALLY HELPED me get it done....IMAGINE...A local Town Goverment that actually WORKS!!!!

I paid $100K for everything…the house needs $30K and is worth $230,000 ARV all day long…I’ll be left with 8, one acre lots that I should clear $150,000 per on after builing new homes on each. I love these projects…It’s something I can chip away at…I owe NOTHING on this developement and will build it out at MY pace and on my schedule!

Great work fdjake!

Let me see…


Who’s buying lunch:

What type of homes/development are you envisioning to build?
