Shutters all around???

Quick question…On my rehab do I put shutters on just the front of the house or do I install them all around? I was thinking just the front but then I thought if that would look weird?


Nate, don’t worry about the sides and back. I’ve done it front only lots of times. You notice a lot but others won’t. The real impact comes when they walk up from the front and see the color etc.


Ok that saves me mucho casho. I just priced them at Home Depot and for four of them it was 50 bucks. Problem is that I want to match the front door color with the shutters. I grabbed a bunch of paint schemes and will try to see if I can get close to the same color. I wonder if they custom paint them versus what they have on the shelf.


You’re better off matching the door paint to the shutters and sticking with the stock colors of plastic shutters as these will last forever without peeling, cracking, etc. Also the door is typically more protected by porch roof or overhand. We haven’t painted our front door for over fifteen years and it still looks good. Don’t paint the shutters or you’ll be doing it forever ever few years.


problem is my door paint is a real faint yellow and I didn’t see any yellow shutters on the shelf. I wonder if they can paint custom ones. I don’t want to get carried away in price though either.


they have yellow shutters. repaint the door to match them.

I put shutters on the sides, too, if they are easily visible from the street.

Shutters are under $20 a set – buy the ones that say paintable and paint them…or do what I do and get my partner (wife) to paint them…great ‘rainy day’ garage project!



What paint do you recommend? I would have to paint the shutters and the front door? Use a sprayer? Just brush it on? Sorry for dumb questions.


No, the whole idea is to avoid painting the shutters. Buy the shutters in yellow and take one into the paint store and have them match it. This way you will be painting the door which is hopefully protected by an overhang at least. The color in the plastic shutters lasts forever or at least until the hosue burns down.

I only use Benjamin Moore exterior latex low lustre. It has a 25 year guarantee…

I have no phobia of shutter painting but I have painted professionally in another life. If you have a sprayer, you can spray them in about 4-5 minutes…if you brush them about 15 minutes each.

The only color that I have seen plastic shutters in is primer gray, white, black, maroon, and dark green. I guess some home stores must have other colors, hey, this is Louisiana!


Where do you end up buying your “paintable” shutters? Any sotre imparticular?


Lowes or Home Depot…they’re about all we’ve got here.


If you bring in a chip of paint from the door…Home Depot can analize and match it exact…just take a little chip from the bottom of the door…